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BREAKING: JeM Chief Masood Azhar designated as global terrorist in UNSC with Pakistan China consent

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It does not matter under what reason Masood Azhar was listed under.
That's as irrelevant as the letter 'p' in 'pneumonia'.

Only thing that matters is he has been listed.
Even if the reason given is aid to Martians.

Acha :lol:
It does, India is able to drum up more support and more focus on minor incidents like Pulwama and on Pakistanis whose connection is unproven to the alleged Terrorism at Pulwama than we are able to do so about India's much larger and heinous TERRORISM in Kashmir. The world is looking at us more closely then it is looking at India for its atrocities in Kashmir and continue illegal occupation.
It was total failure of past both political 'haram-khor' leaderships. They were involved in 'haram-khori' and were establishing their personal business relation thru Modi with Indian business community, totally ignoring Pakistan's interest. That's why businessmen are bad as political leader at least in the case of Pakistan.
Here world is not to be blamed but USA in the driving seat, while UK after loosing it's world status and France both are touts of US.
The move just further improved Pakistan and China's image I guess India gained **** all from this and we still get to keep masood azhar
It does not matter under what reason Masood Azhar was listed under.
That's as irrelevant as the letter 'p' in 'pneumonia'.

Only thing that matters is he has been listed.
Even if the reason given is aid to Martians.
its good see every indian on pdf ejaculating on this thread like a mass gathering of baboon performing a ritual!

And I take it you love to watch? Lol
So, from 'it is due to indian pressure', now we have come to "It does not matter under what reason Masood Azhar was listed ", lol.

It does not matter under what reason Masood Azhar was listed under..

Masoud Azhar was arrested in India near Anantnag, in IOK in 1994. He was released because Indian Airline Flight 814 from Kathmandu –Nepal to New Delhi was hijacked and flown to Kandahar under the Taliban regime. The hijacking of any airline flight is internationally recognized as a ‘Terrorist’ offense.

Let us not be afraid to call the ‘Spade’ a spade. I don’t care if the extremism supporters like it or not; IMO Masoud Azhar is terrorist and should be treated as such. However, he should not be handed over to India or to any other country but tried in Pakistan.

Finally! More people with practical minds like yours and I’m certain India and Pak can solve their differences.

if only i was an indian! fortunately i am not

Then why be happy about Indian orgasms lol
Makes no sense
Good to see India and its allies against terrorism are able to force Pakistan to give consent for MA to be "designated as global terrorist in UNSC" :-)
Not India but this :

China was the one that blocked our efforts 4 times before .
This time India mobilized its entire geopolitical clout after the permission from Indian PM.
If China again blocks this time ,except them all other nations would have individually blocked his network .

Excellent Job MEA under GoI
What Modi propaganda media is trying to explain to the public through twisted logic is nothing but classic case of 26th Feb claims and unlimited lies coming back to haunt later.

Similarly, as the truths kicks in and reveals the reality by making them back to the senses, it will be too late for the populace to rectify but the damage would have been done. Indian media is currently using the spell of so-called victory which is highly needed for masses already been told to punish Pakistan and has to cover the beating in return.

Pakistan foiled Indian bid to link Masood Azhar with Pulwama Attacks so India clearly lost its credit in this. UNSC has approved only US bid whereas Indians sponsored bid is rejected and India took back his name.


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