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BREAKING: JeM Chief Masood Azhar designated as global terrorist in UNSC with Pakistan China consent

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By the way, India removes Masood Azhar name from the list of Pulwama Attackers. Can someone say that how this happened? Indians have lost more into this and their blame is proven to be a lie by their own action. Officially now, Masood Azhar was not involved in Pulwama attack and on other hand, he is banned as per consent of Pakistan and China. Masood was already under sanctions by Pakistan.


Unfortuneately there is no langauge i have learned from my family which addresses a person who is speaking ill of my state machinery in a demented manner,that too in such critical issue and at very critical moment.Military Establishment knows very well what they are doing.Bharat can have more of such victories,while we would like to have more of successful ops.
Better next time you should know what you are saying.These guys have been doing,which people like you should have done,instead of being online and spewing venom against them and calling them terrorists.
@Areesh us puraney ka new bahi check kar.Kahin aik hee tou nahi.

Surprising, you can write what you are feeling without cursing and abusing.

But, you need to learn to take criticism for the wrongs that our Military has done over the decades. They are not devoid of mistakes, they are NOT holy. Speaking against their mistakes does not equal speaking ill of the country. And you are naive to believe that the current actions are justified because you have no idea the **** storm the designation will bring on us. You also have no idea how tough it has been for us because we are unable to place Hafiz Saeed in jail and away from mainstream.

I am beginning to think that the Military establishment has lost the plot and has no idea how to proceed on diplomacy with China and US, amongst other countries. No wonder India is winning on ALL the diplomatic fronts. It is because of the failures of the establishment and because of their support to people like Masood Azhar and Hafiz Saeed that the entire world thinks of average Pakistanis as terrorists! And you know what I have the biggest problem with? My biggest problem is that we have FAILED to defend Hafiz Saeed and Masood Azhar at the UN; if they are our assets then we should not have let them being designated Terrorists at any cost, but we failed there too.

Finally, you should have atleast checked how much longer than you I have been on the forum, before trying to confuse me with someone else.
Example of how indians belive bs without proof...something limited to India :enjoy:

Not to get in the middle of whatever is happening here, but on the same token, aren’t Pakistanis spewing nonsense about a Su 30 being shot down without any proof? Hasn’t that rumor been treated like gospel on this forum at least?
So I ask, how is this limited to Indians?
Pakistanis and Indians are very much alike in these matters, both hypocrites then.
And you’re riding a moral high horse in all this it seems.
Now that azhar has been designated...isnt it a catch 22 situation for pakistan ??

If it dosent jail azhar...FATF...global condemnation and further isolation...

If it does jail.....there will be a back clash from extremist factions within pakistan....

Looks like india..even though a sysmbolic victory has played its diplomatic cards well...
Indeed it seems to be victory but only of cosmetic type. Will this victory able to change the actual situation on ground in Kashmir? Never. Occupational forces always remains to be occupational, whatever Indian could do.

It does, India is able to drum up more support and more focus on minor incidents like Pulwama and on Pakistanis whose connection is unproven to the alleged Terrorism at Pulwama than we are able to do so about India's much larger and heinous TERRORISM in Kashmir. The world is looking at us more closely then it is looking at India for its atrocities in Kashmir and continue illegal occupation.
We will blame whoever does it and get him designated a global terrorist and China will keep their mouth shut from now on.
blame me and designate me. I want to read my name in tommorrow indian newspapers. It won't be a problem for u.
Now that azhar has been designated...isnt it a catch 22 situation for pakistan ??

If it dosent jail azhar...FATF...global condemnation and further isolation...

If it does jail.....there will be a back clash from extremist factions within pakistan....

Looks like india..even though a sysmbolic victory has played its diplomatic cards well...

Exactly; albeit without the jailing because UNSC does NOT enforce jailing, it merely restricts movement, access to financial institutions and weapons.
pull your head outta your arse and start following the real world news, not that tabloid door darshan samachar barf they keep feeding you!
Your choice of words speaks about your character....
I can't stoop low to your level
If you have nothing better to say, stop quoting me
But, you need to learn to take criticism for the wrongs that our Military has done over the decades. They are not devoid of mistakes, they are NOT holy. Speaking against their mistakes does not equal speaking ill of the country. And you are naive to believe that the current actions are justified because you have no idea the **** storm the designation will bring on us. You also have no idea how tough it has been for us because we are unable to place Hafiz Saeed in jail and away from mainstream.
No one is devoid of mistakes.But when you are losing a match,you don't start criticising your team.
I have good idea about it and our sitution right now is very bad,that won't add anything.
I am beginning to think that the Military establishment has lost the plot and has no idea how to proceed on diplomacy with China and US, amongst other countries. No wonder India is winning on ALL the diplomatic fronts. It is because of the failures of the establishment and because of their support to people like Masood Azhar and Hafiz Saeed that the entire world thinks of average Pakistanis as terrorists! And you know what I have the biggest problem with? My biggest problem is that we have FAILED to defend Hafiz Saeed and Masood Azhar at the UN; if they are our assets then we should not have let them being designated Terrorists at any cost, but we failed there too.
You can't fight equally 1.3 billion humans on every front.
Pakistani Govt is not interested in protecting them.
How will this change anything practically speaking? It's just symbolic. Good for bhartis to win brownie points on forums though.

I suppose the downing of an Indian MIG 21 also changed a lot practically didn’t it?
India is now in peace with Pak, Kashmir a free state with the option to join Pak, Pak is a shining beacon of economic activity with a squeaky clean record on terrorism, right?
Certainly the practical change on the ground is the reason Paks have been gloating for a few months now I assume?
This entire forum is built on cheap brownie points and social credit in a tea cup. So not sure why you’re singling Indians out in this phenomenon.

Indians been trying for years..had we didn't allow it wouldn't have happened so title says it all...Pakistan allowed

Do you have a choice?
Are you in the UNSC? Not sure how Paks acceptance or not is of any value here.


That's why I believe we need 5 more years of modi ruling India.

And after that yogi hopefully :)
It does not matter under what reason Masood Azhar was listed under.
That's as irrelevant as the letter 'p' in 'pneumonia'.

Only thing that matters is he has been listed.
Even if the reason given is aid to Martians.
We will blame whoever does it and get him designated a global terrorist and China will keep their mouth shut from now on.
We have no problems... We means business... :enjoy:
So after this diplomatic victory for 'india', indian members just wake up from their hibernation, acha hai.:pop:
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