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#BREAKING: Jaish al-Adl releases Iranian border guards abducted months ago

فرمانده مرزبانی ناجا:
نهادهای اطلاعاتی، نظامی و انتظامی پاکستان نقشی در آزادسازی گروگان‌ها نداشتند
- See more at: فرمانده مرزبانی ناجا: نهادهای اطلاعاتی، نظامی و انتظامی پاکستان نقشی در آزادسازی گروگان‌ها نداشتند

translation : pakistan had no role whatsoever in releasing the soldiers !!!
also , the soldiers were released in pakistani soil !! mashaallah and kudos to dear brothers in ISI , for being the most pathetic intel. service ever .

NO ! i called YOU an idiot and i stand by it ! cause you did the same thing

Now now,,, you are just acting like your pathetic government I didn't called you Idiot but it was other way round and you had to edit your post and admitted you said it in anger, See persians are habitual liars too. Of course Pakistani government had no role whatsoever, because it was a tribal leader in SISTAN BALOCHISTAN who negotiated a deal with Jasih ul adl in IRAN and then they were released in iran . Now you are just beating the bush for sake of chest thumping

Just to hide the gross incompetence of your own security forces and to hide the fact you had to release their captives, you chose an easy escape goat. Bravo.

But your tiny brain is unable to comprehend this little fact and dragging ISI again and again.
Pakistan's premier intelligence agency - the ISI - claimed to have killed or captured Khalid Sheikh Muhammad in a raid in 2002 but it turned out to be a case of mistaken identity. He was later captured in a joint US-Pakistan Operation in Rawalpindi - If we were hiding him or if we didn't care whether he was on Pakistani territory or not we wouldn't have teamed up with the Americans to capture him....would we ?

Mullah Bradar, like others, was able to come into Pakistan when the US Invasion of Afghanistan started because it is extremely easy to cross the thousands of caves, ravines & gullies that mark that extremely porous Pak-Afghan Border that is more than 2600 km long has sees cross-movement going in the tens of thousands every day ! We never had any problem in the past & the Tribes that exist on the edges of the Pak-Afghan Border joined Pakistan with the understanding that there would be free-movement for them between the two borders because the tribes were neither completely in Pakistan nor completely in Afghanistan.

Had we wanted to keep Mullah Bradar a secret & didn't want to capture him at all then we wouldn't have teamed up with the Americas to capture him in 2010 because that would defeat the very purpose of 'not wanting to capture him' !

As far as both of the two Rigis are concerned if Pakistan wanted to let them continue to conduct terrorist activities against Iran they would not have captured the younger brother when he came to Pakistan from Iran nor would they have cooperated with the Iranians on the capture of Abdulmalik !

So far as Osama is concerned it was Pakistan that gave the number of the Kuwaiti couriers that led to pinpointing the location of Bin Ladin - Had we been hiding him...we wouldn't have given the number that traces back to Osama, to the CIA, would we ? Nor would we be so incompetent on one hand to hide him close to Pakistan's Military Academy & then suddenly become ever so competent that despite the American's taking every shred of evidence that was in the Abbotabad Complex they were not able to link anything with Pakistan....nothing....zilch - You don't become utterly incompetent on one hand & the most competent organization on the planet on the other !

It was an intelligence failure...a huge intelligence failure on our part !

And Pakistan never denied that OBL was on Pakistani Soil.....the then President Musharraf is on record as having said that he maybe in Pakistan just as likely as he maybe in Afghanistan or elsewhere....we've capture the more Al-Qaeeda members than the rest of the world combined & we'd capture OBL too so give us actionable intelligence !

And please let us not talk about the credibility of each other's words...shall we - Certainly not from Iran....you are accused of everything from supporting sectarian proxies to building a nuclear weapon - The world doesn't accept the veracity of your claims either....so spare me the pious sentiments !

Please dont waste yours and my time by attempting to put your own spin on all these issues. You and I both know that what you have attempted to spin above is all bullshit. I am a grown man that you are talking to, not an adolescent or teenager like the majority of people on this website seem to be. I have been witness to all that has since transpired in and out of Afghanistan since civil war broke out over there way back in 1992.

So do not try to deceive me. It wont work.

Ok, Let's analyze your claims. How Mossad Agents penetrated Iran and how they were able to know the exact identities of nuke scientists of yours? Because they slipped through border of Azerbaijaan and MEK helped them along the way.

So your own security lapse proves what? Your own Intel agencies were complicit in the attacks of your nuke scientists?

Likewise Slipping through afghan border is easy and finding local recruits also easy in Pakistan

Get a life and a brain bro. You seriously lack facts,logic and sense to discuss matters like OBL and WoT in Pakistan

This is the most utterly stupid analogy of something that i have read in a long time. And then this person goes on to say:

Get a life and a brain bro. You seriously lack facts,logic and sense to discuss matters like OBL and WoT in Pakistan


Back on topic:

Iran Cautions Pakistan against Recurrence of Border Events
April 07, 2014 - 13:19

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iranian interior minister pledged that Tehran will take firm action in case of repeated terrorist moves by the Pakistani-based groups along the shared borders, saying the country will resort to the conventional methods to clamp down on the culprits next time.

Speaking to reporters on Monday, Interior Minister Abdolreza Rahmani Fazli stressed that Pakistan is held accountable for the security of its shared borders with Iran.
He made the comments a day after four of the five Iranian border guards, who were abducted by the so-called Jaish-ul-Adl terrorist group, were released and returned home after being held hostage for two months.

On February 6, the Jaish-ul-Adl terrorist group kidnapped the five Iranian border guards in Jakigour region in Iran’s southeastern province of Sistan and Balouchestan and took them to Pakistan.

Elsewhere in his remarks, Rahmani Fazli underlined that Iran will not show any more restraint on Pakistan if the eastern neighbor plays the role of a “safe haven” for the outlaws.

He noted that the Islamic Republic will resort to the conventional methods for the crackdown against terrorists if any similar event happens again.

“We did not employ the conventional methods in the world for two reasons, friendly relations (with Paksitan) and the value of lives of our forces,” he said of the abduction of the Iranian border guards.

In relevant remarks on Sunday, following the release of the Iranian soldiers, Rahmani Fazli had announced that Tehran has had a multitude of options to set the kidnapped soldiers free and take firm action against the notorious terrorists, but refrained from “employing the conventional methods” to clamp down on the culprits because of the Islamic Republic’s “religious beliefs”.
Please dont waste yours and my time by attempting to put your own spin on all these issues. You and I both know that what you have attempted to spin above is all bullshit. I am a grown man that you are talking to, not an adolescent or teenager like the majority of people on this website seem to be. I have been witness to all that has since transpired in and out of Afghanistan since civil war broke out over there way back in 1992.

So do not try to deceive me. It wont work.

This is the most utterly stupid analogy of something that i have read in a long time. And then this person goes on to say:


Back on topic:

Iran Cautions Pakistan against Recurrence of Border Events
April 07, 2014 - 13:19

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iranian interior minister pledged that Tehran will take firm action in case of repeated terrorist moves by the Pakistani-based groups along the shared borders, saying the country will resort to the conventional methods to clamp down on the culprits next time.

Speaking to reporters on Monday, Interior Minister Abdolreza Rahmani Fazli stressed that Pakistan is held accountable for the security of its shared borders with Iran.
He made the comments a day after four of the five Iranian border guards, who were abducted by the so-called Jaish-ul-Adl terrorist group, were released and returned home after being held hostage for two months.

On February 6, the Jaish-ul-Adl terrorist group kidnapped the five Iranian border guards in Jakigour region in Iran’s southeastern province of Sistan and Balouchestan and took them to Pakistan.

Elsewhere in his remarks, Rahmani Fazli underlined that Iran will not show any more restraint on Pakistan if the eastern neighbor plays the role of a “safe haven” for the outlaws.

He noted that the Islamic Republic will resort to the conventional methods for the crackdown against terrorists if any similar event happens again.

“We did not employ the conventional methods in the world for two reasons, friendly relations (with Paksitan) and the value of lives of our forces,” he said of the abduction of the Iranian border guards.

In relevant remarks on Sunday, following the release of the Iranian soldiers, Rahmani Fazli had announced that Tehran has had a multitude of options to set the kidnapped soldiers free and take firm action against the notorious terrorists, but refrained from “employing the conventional methods” to clamp down on the culprits because of the Islamic Republic’s “religious beliefs”.

Another idiotic reply from you. Instead of proving yourself an ignorant and stupid again and again. Why not refute what I or Armstrong said with something tangible instead of blowing smoke that you know this and that?

The stupid analogy was that OBL found in Pakistan, Oh ISI is complicit. Jaish ul ADL kidnapped 5 guards oh ISI is complicit . Mullah brader caught in karachi by ISI. ISI is complicit. What the heck, that's how Iranian logic work by spewing idiotic remarks and branding other idiots?
Please dont waste yours and my time by attempting to put your own spin on all these issues. You and I both know that what you have attempted to spin above is all bullshit. I am a grown man that you are talking to, not an adolescent or teenager like the majority of people on this website seem to be. I have been witness to all that has since transpired in and out of Afghanistan since civil war broke out over there way back in 1992.

So do not try to deceive me. It wont work..

And spare us your vaingloriousness; I'm not the one who ever so conveniently left out the mention of 'Pakistan's Security Apparatus' every time any of the aforementioned people were captured so if you want to accuse someone of spinning things, you need only to look into a mirror.

Afghanistan is a long topic & if you wish to broach it...do create a separate thread for it - I'm not as illiterate of whatever transpired in Afghanistan as you assume me to be.

Had I wanted to deceive you or in fact wanted anything to do with influencing you in any manner whatsoever, I would've quoted you to beginwith - I did not....you did !
Like those FC soldiers who prefer to surrender than fight to die when outnumbered by taliban?

That happened during a ceasefire. And we did not negotiate. This tells you something. They killed our men and we killed 4 times as many in return.

Iranians need to learn diplomacy. Any goodwill in this country will evaporate the moment you make the mistake of going through with your words. There is a reason why Iranians are disliked everywhere, not because you people are bad. But you guys lack the sense of diplomacy.

And you guys are rude. My trip to Tehran was amazed by the mountains are the rudeness that accompanied by the normal folk :(
That happened during a ceasefire. And we did not negotiate. This tells you something. They killed our men and we killed 4 times as many in return.

Iranians need to learn diplomacy. Any goodwill in this country will evaporate the moment you make the mistake of going through with your words. There is a reason why Iranians are disliked everywhere, not because you people are bad. But you guys lack the sense of diplomacy.

And you guys are rude. My trip to Tehran was amazed by the mountains are the rudeness that accompanied by the normal folk :(

You have attracted the rude ones to yourself, because almost every single tourist from western or eastern countries go back to their countries amazed at hospitality and kindness of ordinary Iranians.

If we were to judge by individuals, there are rude members from every nationality on this forum, Pakistanis included. So please don't act like you know everything about Iran with a small trip.
Now if lets say if we buy into the fact that the iranian guards were in Pakistan, and were handed over to the iranian consulate in Queta. When did they cross the border? Why are there no videos of them doing so? Why any of those events not videoed to prove that they were in Pakistan? Knowing you iranians you dont leave a stone unturned proving you lie a fact. Why this is missing?
You have attracted the rude ones to yourself, because almost every single tourist from western or eastern countries go back to their countries amazed at hospitality and kindness of ordinary Iranians.

If we were to judge by individuals, there are rude members from every nationality on this forum, Pakistanis included. So please don't act like you know everything about Iran with a small trip.

I've seen foreigners waiting upto 3 hours in an empty ( supposedly busy ) line on the airport. Please the rudeness started from minute 1 for some. People were probably rude because i had a security team with me. Or were they scared no idea. But Iranians are generally very rude on the forums. This haman110 guy is the embodiment of a delusional Iranian believing in the press tv fluff.

I wouldnt say i've tested a small pool, my schoold had a 30% strength of Iranians in dxb. So pretty good idea. I maybe wrong but then again it's an opinion.
That happened during a ceasefire. And we did not negotiate. This tells you something. They killed our men and we killed 4 times as many in return.

Iranians need to learn diplomacy. Any goodwill in this country will evaporate the moment you make the mistake of going through with your words. There is a reason why Iranians are disliked everywhere, not because you people are bad. But you guys lack the sense of diplomacy.

And you guys are rude. My trip to Tehran was amazed by the mountains are the rudeness that accompanied by the normal folk :(
Normal Iranians have much less amount of the shitty Eastern traditions which includes smiling for each other and stabbing in each others backs compared to Arabs or Pakistanis, and ... We don't need these fake gestures, and you can call us rude if you want, and we would call you backwards.
Anyway, why do you visit a country if you hate them in this extent? probably you have inferiority complex issue.
Anyway, you need to know that Iranians do not have a positive view about you at all. They saw your people as bunch of fanatics, with high spread diseases who kill, and bomb others as easy as drinking a glass of water. Actually, that's not only Iranians opinions and to be honest, it is not far fetched from the reality. Just notice your fellow Pakistanis comments in this very thread and you would understand why they see you as such.

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