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#BREAKING: Jaish al-Adl releases Iranian border guards abducted months ago

The genuinte political opposition that was protesting against Assad, is now standing firmly with the government to crush the terrorist plot. That is what you dont realise.
100% true... many patriot opposition woke up and saw the truth, when the first victims of the conflict were unarmed riot police, something the media ignores when talks about the Syrian conflict.... I have clearly stated here in the forum many times, that Syrians now only back the Syrian army, while members here claim every Syrian patriot is a regime supporter... Syrian really don't care about Alasad, however since he is fighting those terrorists, for now he would be the best leader, thus he has the support of the Syrian army and the Syrian population..

anyways on topic

Thank God for their safe return!
You ever wonder why groups like ISIL, Al-Nusrah, AQ are the dominant force in Syria right now? You ever wonder why the internal infighting among these Salafist groups is RAGING right now?
"FSA" is getting absolutely pounded by ISIL.

Iran sending mercenacies? LMFAO! You gotta be joking here.
Why is it often that we hear news about Tunisians, Libyans, Saudis, Jordanians etc in rebel ranks but not so often Iranian?
If you mean Hezbollah, they only got involved in mid-2013 after the terrorist groups targeted them from Syrian border towns.

Iran only sent a very limited number of IRGC units to train the Syrian Army (which is mainly Sunni, mind you) in this unconventional kind of warfare. And it is warfare.
Its the same scenario that collapsed the Libyan state, by NATO-backed terrorists. Look at Libya now. The state completely disintegrating by different extremist and competing tribal groups. Wake the **** up.

The genuinte political opposition that was protesting against Assad, is now standing firmly with the government to crush the terrorist plot. That is what you dont realise.

You are entitled to your own opinions, but not to your own facts.

These groups started to migrate to Syria after Irani clerics declared jihad against Syrian sunni's and many shia militia groups started to pour in to Syria and started butchering Syrians...Have you read how many Billions dollars have Irani Govt spent in Syria to keep SAA running and when it didn't help,Iran started to send Hizbullah militia to support SAA...Its very easy to put all the dirt on Wahabi's when your own Hand's are stained with the Blood of Innocent Syrians...

P:S...This is not about Syria so i am not gonna discuss it anymore...
Pakistan discloses name of mediator

Frontier Corps (FC) and Balochistan’s Home Department strongly rebutted the Iranian news agency’s report that kidnapped Iranian border guards were freed in Pakistan.

The Iranian news agency claimed that the guards were handed over to officials in Pakistan. However, the Pakistani officials rubbished the claims.

“The border guards were handed over in Sistan-Baluchestan to local tribal elder Taj Mohammad, who played the role of mediator between the kidnappers and Iranian government. Taj belonged to the Iranian tribe Shah Baksh, a well known Baloch tribe in Sistan-Baluchestan,” an FC spokesperson said.

The spokesperson said the Iranian border guards were held hostage and later freed in Iranian territory. “The kidnappers had never entered Pakistan. However, the Iranian border guards resorted to unprovoked firing and shelling several times,” he added.

Published in The Express Tribune, April 6th, 2014.

SOURCE : Pakistan discloses name of mediator – The Express Tribune

This pretty much corroborates what the Foreign Office of Pakistan said as well; @Serpentine Iran is saying something ....Pakistan is saying something else - God knows what really happened ?
These groups started to migrate to Syria after Irani clerics declared jihad against Syrian sunni's and many shia militia groups started to pour in to Syria and started butchering Syrians...Have you read how many Billions dollars have Irani Govt spent in Syria to keep SAA running and when it didn't help,Iran started to send Hizbullah militia to support SAA...Its very easy to put all the dirt on Wahabi's when your own Hand's are stained with the Blood of Innocent Syrians...

P:S...This is not about Syria so i am not gonna discuss it anymore...

You are wrong for all the reasons I have already stated
There is no Iranian "jihad" against Syrian sunnis. You're simply brainwashed.

And indeed its not about Syria, so why did you bring it up in the first place?
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100% true... many patriot opposition woke up and saw the truth, when the first victims of the conflict were unarmed riot police, something the media ignores when talks about the Syrian conflict.... I have clearly stated here in the forum many times, that Syrians now only back the Syrian army, while members here claim every Syrian patriot is a regime supporter... Syrian really don't care about Alasad, however since he is fighting those terrorists, for now he would be the best leader, thus he has the support of the Syrian army and the Syrian population..

anyways on topic

Thank God for their safe return!
Thanks dude, I do also hope for brother nation and country of Syria to rise like a phoenix from this hellish fire, and very soon we see a prosperous land of Syrians.
Here are some photo's of the 4 Iranian hostages on their release after they had been dropped off at the Iran - Pakistan border:

سنی آنلاین, پایگاه اطلاع رسانی اهل سنت ایران - گزارش تصویری از نخستین لحظات ورود مرزبانان آزاد شده به کشور

The Iranian news agency claimed that the guards were handed over to officials in Pakistan. However, the Pakistani officials rubbished the claims.

Of course the Pakistani officials would deny it, they deny everything even when they have been caught red handed. It is no coincidence that some of the most wanted terrorists in the World like Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, Mullah Baradar and Osama Bin Laden have all been found in Pakistan right under the nose of the government there. Even Abdolhamid Rigi, the deputy leader of Jondallah, was extradited from Pakistan to Iran, but only after more than a year passed of Iran having to put pressure on Pakistan to hand him over to us.

In all these instances, the Pakistani 'officials' denied any of these terrorists 'were on their soil' right up until each had been caught there. The Pakistanis even actually claimed that Khalid Sheikh Mohammed had been killed in 2002 until an undercover CIA mission in 2003 exposed that he was living in Rawalpindi.

Same with Bin Laden. For years and years Gen. Musharraf made many public statements that Osama Bin Laden was dead and that Mullah Omar and all the other Taliban leaders were directing their war from within Afghanistan. Mullah Baradar (the number 3 Taliban leader, some say the number 2 after Mullah Omar) was detained in an undercover CIA raid in Karachi in early 2010. A couple of months later Osama Bin Laden was killed by American special forces in Abbottabad.

Such a pathetic track record of duplicity, lies and deception. Nobody can take the statements of these Pakistani 'officials' seriously, least of all the ordinary Pakistani people should not.
Here are some photo's of the 4 Iranian hostages on their release after they had been dropped off at the Iran - Pakistan border:

سنی آنلاین, پایگاه اطلاع رسانی اهل سنت ایران - گزارش تصویری از نخستین لحظات ورود مرزبانان آزاد شده به کشور

Of course the Pakistani officials would deny it, they deny everything even when they have been caught red handed. It is no coincidence that some of the most wanted terrorists in the World like Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, Mullah Baradar and Osama Bin Laden have all been found in Pakistan right under the nose of the government there. Even Abdolhamid Rigi, the deputy leader of Jondallah, was extradited from Pakistan to Iran, but only after more than a year passed of Iran having to put pressure on Pakistan to hand him over to us.

In all these instances, the Pakistani 'officials' denied any of these terrorists 'were on their soil' right up until each had been caught there. The Pakistanis even actually claimed that Khalid Sheikh Mohammed had been killed in 2002 until an undercover CIA mission in 2003 exposed that he was living in Rawalpindi.

Same with Bin Laden. For years and years Gen. Musharraf made many public statements that Osama Bin Laden was dead and that Mullah Omar and all the other Taliban leaders were directing their war from within Afghanistan. Mullah Baradar (the number 3 Taliban leader, some say the number 2 after Mullah Omar) was detained in an undercover CIA raid in Karachi in early 2010. A couple of months later Osama Bin Laden was killed by American special forces in Abbottabad.

Such a pathetic track record of duplicity, lies and deception. Nobody can take the statements of these Pakistani 'officials' seriously, least of all the ordinary Pakistani people should not.
And we are suppose to believe your mullahs, oh phaleazzzzzze, nancy phaleaze give me a brake. I would rather trust my army, and gov, which no matter how retarded at times. Still has a better track record then yours.
Iranian Hostages were kept in Iran and were also released by rebels in Iran

Pakistan kept calm despite Iran’s provocations and firing on boarder in which many Pakistani civilians were injured

Iranian Hostages were kept in Iran and were also released by rebels in Iran

Pakistan kept calm despite Iran’s provocations and firing on boarder in which many Pakistani civilians were injured

If this is true then now the Pakistan gov should grab them by their balls and kick their ***. Not for lying, that habitual. But for injuring our civilians.
Iranian Hostages were kept in Iran and were also released by rebels in Iran
So not true , keep the dreaming ..... they were handed over to iranian consulate in your beloved country ...

Pakistan kept calm despite Iran’s provocations and firing on boarder in which many Pakistani civilians were injured
kept calm ? what could you do ? give more land to terrorists ?
and which firing ? can you gimme a credible source pls ?

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