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Breaking: Indian foreign minister visits Iran for Chabahar port inauguration

Smart of Indian Govt to make unscheduled visits just like the Quadrilateral security dialogue
I've been on this forum for ages, and talked to you many times before. Surely you would see I'm not a fanboy of anyone or anything, let alone a foreign country.
My apologies. There is fashion in this forum of people opening accounts that 'play' on other member names, For instance there is a Indian here who is going arond as *KapitaanAli*. No guesses what he is playing on.That and my poor memory got the better of me. Do forgive.

Why didn't they? When we got sanctioned in the UNSC, China voted for it.
You know nobody does anything for free. Chinese help Pakistan because of convergence of interests. Has Iran created a convergence with China that would compel it to take on USA for you? No. If Iran had entirely invested in China it would have built a strong "purchase" in Beijing. And that would be protected by Chinese for their own self interest but they had no self interest in this.

Iran must understand that most countries in the world are either with USA, or beholden to USA or can't afford the luxury of US displeasure. That is why India despite singing songs has failed to invest sufficiently in Gwadar. However one country on earth is least, note least influenced by US and that is China. Therefore if Iran invested in it's relationship with China it would then have a far more resilient partner then India ever will be. India has a future and that future is a solid US and Israeli ally. How the hell do you propose Iran will fit in this scape?

Iran can bring far more to the table then Pakistan can. Have you seen your oil/gas resources? This could easily be tied within CPEC as part of the broader OBOR.

I think that is a temporary problem.
No it is not. Let's face it. America was taken over long time ago by the industrial/military complex. The President is just a face of what is behind him. Whichever US President wins you can be sure of two things. They will sing songs about Israel and curse Iran and hug Saudia Arabia. Look at the preceding decades.
You know nobody does anything for free. Chinese help Pakistan because of convergence of interests. Has Iran created a convergence with China that would compel it to take on USA for you? No. If Iran had entirely invested in China it would have built a strong "purchase" in Beijing. And that would be protected by Chinese for their own self interest but they had no self interest in this.

Iran must understand that most countries in the world are either with USA, or beholden to USA or can't afford the luxury of US displeasure. That is why India despite singing songs has failed to invest sufficiently in Gwadar. However one country on earth is least, note least influenced by US and that is China. Therefore if Iran invested in it's relationship with China it would then have a far more resilient partner then India ever will be. India has a future and that future is a solid US and Israeli ally. How the hell do you propose Iran will fit in this scape?

Iran can bring far more to the table then Pakistan can. Have you seen your oil/gas resources? This could easily be tied within CPEC as part of the broader OBOR.

The original question remains - if nobody (not even China) is willing to invest in Chabahar, apart from India, why should Iran stop them? Iran cannot leave all of Balochistan province to be so poor. When there is a strong strategic and economic opportunity like Chabahar, Iran will seize it. China is more than welcome to invest in Chabahar. So why hasn't it?

What sort of convergence is Iran supposed to create with China? Not India, which we export a load of oil to. Not the US - we're already the most anti-US country in the region. Iran is already in OBOR.

Let's face it, it is the bigger power that takes the first step. Iran can't just create a convergence out of nothing. China has to want a convergence on something. It is up to China to create the convergence. We don't have geopolitical interests in East Asia, and we have enough problems to deal with in our own region without adding countries from South/East Asia like India, which seems to be what you are implying we have to do.

The major current convergence between Iran and China is OBOR, and Chabahar, as an Iranian port, is fully compatible with OBOR.

Whichever US President wins you can be sure of two things. They will sing songs about Israel and curse Iran and hug Saudia Arabia.

But some presidents sing louder than others.
How the hell do you propose Iran will fit in this scape?
Iran is a big power on its own and they will chart their own independent path. They wont kowtow to china or any other country. They will deal with russia,china or India on its own merits. Even in middleast they are charting their own path while collaborating with russia.
They wont kowtow to china or any other country.
So, they are not like India. It taught us meaning of "kowtow" when it dumped Iran and voted for sanctions at the UN all because American pressure. 1,3 billion of you combined had no spine against US pressure.

The previous occasions when India voted against Iran were in September 2005 and February 2006 causing a minor political tornado in the country. The Left parties, who had propped up the UPA regime, accused the government of a “sellout” to the US because the nuclear deal was being negotiated then.

Three countries -- Venezuela, Malaysia and Cuba -- voted against the resolution while six countries -- Afghanistan, Brazil, Egypt, Pakistan, South Africa and Turkey -- abstained.


Even Pakistan abstained but Indians voted for to kowtow to Americans.



By now we are just used to trade partners, strategic allies, countries with convergent views with us selling us out :D ( :cry: )

Russia, China, India, Europe etc. have all done it. It is up to navigate this myriad of loyalties to carve out our influence in the region and our economy. So I think you can understand why we will accept an investment like this.

I think the world is definitely moving to a bipolar world, and if China can create an economic system that cannot be disrupted by unilateral US sanctions, Iran will jump on that opportunity. Being able to do business in a normal way without the uncertainty of sanctions is a huge attraction.

Until then, we have to work with whoever we can.
By now we are just used to trade partners, strategic allies, countries with convergent views with us selling us out :D ( :cry: )

Russia, China, India, Europe etc. have all done it. It is up to navigate this myriad of loyalties to carve out our influence in the region and our economy. So I think you can understand why we will accept an investment like this.

I think the world is definitely moving to a bipolar world, and if China can create an economic system that cannot be disrupted by unilateral US sanctions, Iran will jump on that opportunity. Being able to do business in a normal way without the uncertainty of sanctions is a huge attraction.

Until then, we have to work with whoever we can.

Yep its no longer zero sum game (as much as some emotional quarters want to make it seem so). Everyone has to hedge as best they possibly can.

Chahbahar should be quite successful project in long run if you connect logistics well to Russia+ Europe through Azerbaijan + Turkey etc. You will get many more interested parties....because it offers good harbour to deep sea unlike the Gulf itself which is somewhat congested and narrow etc.

Iran has ample resources now to also sustain a good momentum on the larger economic front of how it wants to move long term in region and world.
So, they are not like India. It taught us meaning of "kowtow" when it dumped Iran and voted for sanctions at the UN all because American pressure. 1,3 billion of you combined had no spine against US pressure.

The previous occasions when India voted against Iran were in September 2005 and February 2006 causing a minor political tornado in the country. The Left parties, who had propped up the UPA regime, accused the government of a “sellout” to the US because the nuclear deal was being negotiated then.

Three countries -- Venezuela, Malaysia and Cuba -- voted against the resolution while six countries -- Afghanistan, Brazil, Egypt, Pakistan, South Africa and Turkey -- abstained.


Even Pakistan abstained but Indians voted for to kowtow to Americans.


lol you gave only half the truth. India is actually second after countries like cuba voting against USA.


"In recent years, India’s voting record at the world body has often been closer to those of countries that have serious policy differences with the U.S., than it has been to those of close allies."

It seems that you also want to willfully ignore the fact India was one of the few countries which traded with Iran during sanctions.

Pakistan-Iran gas pipeline went now where. If pakistan was Iran's friend why dint it complete the pipeline? Given that Raheel sharif is now heading the Saudi led anti-Iran coalition we all know where pakistan's loyalty lies.
@Kaptaan has cleverly derailed the subject matter, congratulations to mafia.
I dont agree with many things you say but this is true. I like kaptaans indus posts but thats a very observable thing when ever there is a news about iran chumming up to india kaptaan jumps im and throws some flamebait and derails the thread or would make a pokey comment on pakistanis as how they are so far behind in development or bla bla. I would say people should not assume posters are dumb to not notice these things.
The original question remains - if nobody (not even China) is willing to invest in Chabahar, apart from India, why should Iran stop them? Iran cannot leave all of Balochistan province to be so poor. When there is a strong strategic and economic opportunity like Chabahar, Iran will seize it. China is more than welcome to invest in Chabahar. So why hasn't it?

What sort of convergence is Iran supposed to create with China? Not India, which we export a load of oil to. Not the US - we're already the most anti-US country in the region. Iran is already in OBOR.

Let's face it, it is the bigger power that takes the first step. Iran can't just create a convergence out of nothing. China has to want a convergence on something. It is up to China to create the convergence. We don't have geopolitical interests in East Asia, and we have enough problems to deal with in our own region without adding countries from South/East Asia like India, which seems to be what you are implying we have to do.

The major current convergence between Iran and China is OBOR, and Chabahar, as an Iranian port, is fully compatible with OBOR.

But some presidents sing louder than others.

And again, your anlysis is correct...Pakistan posters are agian viewing all the geopolitical scenarios with the prism of their rivallary with India...Out of $1 Billion USD in Chahbar, India will invest 500 mn USD...Now, no one is stopping China to be part of the investment opportunity....I am very sure, Iran must have reached out to China before engaging India for this port. Now, why can not China and India together work and invest in a project to get economic benifit...

Now, the convergence that was referred by Kaptaan may not be entirely feasible by Iran..It is not because Iran can not match its interest with China. Rather, if you see the relationship of China with any of its trusted alles, it is very much scaled in favor of China where China literally dominates the nation in all aspect of descion making...So technically, in order to be in a sitution what Pakistan is getting Gwadar, you have to be like Pakistan, or other East Asian countries, that allign everything what China want to do, rather than other way around....

A play on part of my own name and these great men.

The word Kapitaan was adopted into my local language as an additional word for Captain. Around 15th century.

Are you really trying to justify yourself..Come on mate..move on...
Congratulations to the good people of Iran and India.

Looking forward to closer cooperation, security and prosperity.

Cheers, Doc

I dont agree with many things you say but this is true. I like kaptaans indus posts but thats a very observable thing when ever there is a news about iran chumming up to india kaptaan jumps im and throws some flamebait and derails the thread or would make a pokey comment on pakistanis as how they are so far behind in development or bla bla. I would say people should not assume posters are dumb to not notice these things.

No Iranic Pakistani can stomach India Iran friendship.


Based on race, more than shared faith.

Cheers, Doc
Congratulations to the good people of Iran and India.

Looking forward to closer cooperation, security and prosperity.

Cheers, Doc

No Iranic Pakistani can stomach India Iran friendship.


Based on race, more than shared faith.

Cheers, Doc
As far as i know kaptaan says he is a pathan and he is pretty iranic and he seems to be defending iran here
As far as i know kaptaan says he is a pathan and he is pretty iranic and he seems to be defending iran here

Yes. But he does not like Iran cosying up to India.

And is frustrated (disgusted ...) with his Indic Pakistani brethren who are impediments in the way of what he feels is the obvious bro angle by right - Iran-Pakistan.

Its true what they say. You can't choose your brothers and countrymen.

Cheers, Doc
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