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Breaking: 7 Palestinians killed, 40 injured, in unprovoked Israeli strikes on Gaza Strip

Yeah, maybe those terrorists should remain in their tunnels and not in apartment buildings

Cope harder loser it's our land

Loser is a term that perfectly fits you and your people that kills little children in Palestine that land is never yours and never will be Jews have all the luxury and freedom in the west yet you went to live on a stolen land surrounded by the Arab that you Jews claim arabs want to "kill" you but in reality you jews are the criminals creating problems in the MiddleEast dont worry the time is near when you wont even find a place to hide
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Seriously , what future does the Islamic Jihad has to offer the Palestinian people ?

They are even worse than Hamas , and that is not saying much.

The Islamic Jihad rejects the Oslo Accords , rejects a two-state solution and promotes the military destruction of Israel.

People should read about this organization before commenting :

Anyone who rises to fight for freedom become enemy of the people, what typical Indian logic. As the Indians rose against the British evil empire so you are all terrorists and enemies of the people.
I'm not Indian.

Palestinian deaths were caused by misfired Jihad rocket
Aug 7, 2022 @ 10:20
The IDF denied conducting the attack in the Gaza town of Jebalya Saturday night that caused five deaths and instead released pictorial evidence attesting to the real cause: a misfired jihadist rocket launch aimed at Israel mistakenly exploded against a nearby apartment building. The PIJ had meanwhile circulated the false charge against the IDF across the media.

Is that a prove of they are enemies of their own people or murder five own civilians is not enough for you?

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Seriously , what future does the Islamic Jihad has to offer the Palestinian people ?

They are even worse than Hamas , and that is not saying much.

The Islamic Jihad rejects the Oslo Accords , rejects a two-state solution and promotes the military destruction of Israel.

People should read about this organization before commenting :

Ofcourse they would reject the Oslo Accords why Wouldn't they when they are being operated from Tel Aviv creating an organization with the obvious name like "Islamic Jihad " no shit Sherlock

This entire problem wouldn't exist if Jews stop stealing people's land my suggestion would be to all the Jews go back to Europe and America and enjoy your luxury life live peacefully or return to your God that Chose you

Instead of living in Palestine surrounded by "scary arabs" that wants to "kill" you?

Ofcourse they would reject the Oslo Accords why Wouldn't they when they are being operated from Tel Aviv creating an organization with the obvious name like "Islamic Jihad " no shit Sherlock

This entire problem wouldn't exist if Jews stop stealing people's land my suggestion would be to all the Jews go back to Europe and America and enjoy your luxury life live peacefully or return to your God that Chose you

Instead of living in Palestine surrounded by "scary arabs" that wants to "kill" you?
America and Europe (inclufing the USSR) didnt want the jews to begin with
"He who fights the monsters, should see to it that he doesn't himself becomes one. And when you look into an abyss, the abyss also looks onto you." [Said by the guy in my profile pic].

Israelis learned well from their erstwhile Nazi tormenters and now back to 'mowing the grass' in their relentless pursuit to make the Palestinians a totally subjugated and 'cheap labor' resource...
Israeli airstrikes still ongoing despite ceasefire talk, and few minutes ago targeted a home in eastern Gaza injuring 8 Palestinians, 5 of them children, from one family.

PIJ targeting Israeli military base in Nahal Oz and striking Ashkelon.
Some country should at least send them manpads. Pakistan if it has some extra should send some covertly.
What good are you if you remain silent when your brothers and sisters are being genocided?
This is a test for the whole ummah

PIJ responds to massacre:

Some country should at least send them manpads. Pakistan if it has some extra should send some covertly.
What good are you if you remain silent when your brothers and sisters are being genocided?
This is a test for the whole ummah
We have a few manpads they do not help except against helicopters. We need cruise missiles, anti-tank weapons and short range ballistic missiles. And quality rockets. Everything being fired is low-quality homemade low grade explosive rockets.

PIJ responds to massacre:

We have a few manpads they do not help except against helicopters. We need cruise missiles, anti-tank weapons and short range ballistic missiles. And quality rockets. Everything being fired is low-quality homemade low grade explosive rockets.
PIJ and other mujahideen in gaza are responding but it’s not enough since they aren’t well equipped to fight. Muslim countries should send weapons covertly. I think newer generation manpads are somewhat effective against fighter jets which are flying low or drones. At least they can shoot down Israeli surveillance drones with manpads like Rbs70. Pakistan has many it should give some covertly if it can because they can shoot down drones flying at low to medium altitude.
But yeah countries should also send missiles and good quality rockets to gaza. If west can send weapons to Ukraine why can’t Muslim countries to Palestine?
Also sad seeing Hezbollah or the groups in Syria do nothing. Even last time when Israel was bombing gaza they didn’t do anything. Whenever Israel starts bombing gaza they don’t shoot rockets in retaliation. They’ve always left gazans to fight on their own when fighting starts. They should rain hell on Israelis too.
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