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Breaking: 7 Palestinians killed, 40 injured, in unprovoked Israeli strikes on Gaza Strip

Year after year the same result. Islamic Jihad, Hamas or other groups firing rockets at most killing 3,4 Israelis while the Israelis literally raze parts of Gaza to the ground. Why are Palestinian groups unable to muster some proper resistance? Lack of weapons, funds can be explained but what about war tactics? It seems the Israelis have full superiority over the Gaza strip and their ''qualitative edge'' is going to be around for a very long time to come.
The level of hatred against the Jews is massive, we live in a social media age

And every year new people get access to the internet, and it's important that we support the Palestinians every way we can including swamping the Israeli narrative

Israel is a horrendous apartheid state and this injustice upon the Palestinians can't be allowed to go on

A compare and contrast to the tears about Ukraine and the bullshit about freedom and their response to the murder of Palestinians
Ofcourse they would reject the Oslo Accords why Wouldn't they when they are being operated from Tel Aviv creating an organization with the obvious name like "Islamic Jihad " no shit Sherlock

This entire problem wouldn't exist if Jews stop stealing people's land my suggestion would be to all the Jews go back to Europe and America and enjoy your luxury life live peacefully or return to your God that Chose you

Instead of living in Palestine surrounded by "scary arabs" that wants to "kill" you?


Literally their name, we didn't choose it lmao.

My video, Palestinians really are getting ****ed lol
Year after year the same result. Islamic Jihad, Hamas or other groups firing rockets at most killing 3,4 Israelis while the Israelis literally raze parts of Gaza to the ground. Why are Palestinian groups unable to muster some proper resistance? Lack of weapons, funds can be explained but what about war tactics? It seems the Israelis have full superiority over the Gaza strip and their ''qualitative edge'' is going to be around for a very long time to come.
It's a tiny impoverished strip of land besieged by all sides. Israel controls land, air and sea. And Egyptian side razed down whole cities near Gaza that made it easier to smuggle weapons. Now its long streches of empty desert. And the funding is nowhere near enough. Hezbollah on other hand has a whole country with great terrain for fighting, much much much higher quality weapons and much larger amounts of funding.

Not to mention Israel has US unlimited funding to build Iron Dome factories and interceptors. They have tens of thousands of interceptors. Palestinians don't have jamming capabilities for these weapon systems. They're severely underfunded and underequipped. Just now have some rockets begun hitting Israeli infrastructure.

If Hamas fights Israel will begin massacring Palestinians and no one will help. The so called 'Resisitance' axis is a farce.

Another video of Palestinian rockets hitting themselves

You get the most modern and latest weapons from the entire West. The Palestinians are literally making their weapons in a kitchen. What do you expect?
Lol, Palestinian rockets killed more Palestinian children than Israel. The funny thing is they are blaming us for the deaths their own rocket caused.
PIJ and other mujahideen in gaza are responding but it’s not enough since they aren’t well equipped to fight. Muslim countries should send weapons covertly. I think newer generation manpads are somewhat effective against fighter jets which are flying low or drones. At least they can shoot down Israeli surveillance drones with manpads like Rbs70. Pakistan has many it should give some covertly if it can because they can shoot down drones flying at low to medium altitude.
But yeah countries should also send missiles and good quality rockets to gaza. If west can send weapons to Ukraine why can’t Muslim countries to Palestine?
Also sad seeing Hezbollah or the groups in Syria do nothing. Even last time when Israel was bombing gaza they didn’t do anything. Whenever Israel starts bombing gaza they don’t shoot rockets in retaliation. They’ve always left gazans to fight on their own when fighting starts. They should rain hell on Israelis too.
The reason why we cannot send considerable arms to Palestine is the Arab countries in between surrounding Palestine from north, east and south of the country. Jordanian traitors and Egyptian losers. Egypt has been a loser after Sadat came to power and the purpose of creating fake regime of Jordan was absorbing Palestinians in order to completely destroy and change demography of something called Palestine.

Syria and Lebanon are in deep trouble, barely able to stand on their feet. Thanks to Saudi pressure on Lebanon, the country cannot even form a government. There is a huge pressure on Hezbollah from western supported groups and Arab regimes to be fully disarmed. Lebanese economy is attacked by west and every Lebanese civilian is suffering from western pressure which is aimed at targetting Hezbollah. Western media portrays Hezbollah as the main reason for economic pressure.

Syria on the other hand is suffering from foreign presence on its soil, you have Turks in the North trying to steal their lands, Arabs in the south armed ISIS and other terorists to topple Syrian government. West has sanctioned the oil sector and bank accounts of Syria at same time Americans, French and other NATO countries are stealing Syrian oil esp from Al-Omar oil field. Americans steal hundreds of thousands of oil barrels from this huge oil field Al-Omar where Syrian government has no control over.

In this situation in which you have tens of stabs in our back, how can you expect them to help? It is only Iran that can help Palestinians but we need a border which is blocked by Jordanian regime.
PIJ and other mujahideen in gaza are responding but it’s not enough since they aren’t well equipped to fight. Muslim countries should send weapons covertly. I think newer generation manpads are somewhat effective against fighter jets which are flying low or drones. At least they can shoot down Israeli surveillance drones with manpads like Rbs70. Pakistan has many it should give some covertly if it can because they can shoot down drones flying at low to medium altitude.
But yeah countries should also send missiles and good quality rockets to gaza. If west can send weapons to Ukraine why can’t Muslim countries to Palestine?
Also sad seeing Hezbollah or the groups in Syria do nothing. Even last time when Israel was bombing gaza they didn’t do anything. Whenever Israel starts bombing gaza they don’t shoot rockets in retaliation. They’ve always left gazans to fight on their own when fighting starts. They should rain hell on Israelis too.
Lol. MANPADS? Israeli jets and drones are all equipped with targeting pods and guided munitions, they're flying at high altitudes and remain accurate, they aren't like Russian jets that use dumb bombs and fly low to bomb accurately.

Iran can't send weapons to Lebanon without being bombed, you think anyone can send weapons to the Palestinians?
Give a couple of squadrons of say F-16s to PLO...then let's see how brave are these baby killers.
Even a few Ballistic missiles would do the job or even long range HIMARS. Israel is continuously arming the Indians against Pakistan and transferring all sorts of technologies so Pakistan must do the same by supplying to Palestinians and Hizbos to protect themselves.
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