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Breaking: 7 Palestinians killed, 40 injured, in unprovoked Israeli strikes on Gaza Strip

Israel open a preemptive operation against a terrorist group that threaten to killed Israelis across gaza border with AGTM ,it was accurate Intel. It came after high figure arrests in the west bank (judia and Samaria). Islamic jihad wanted to connect the West bank arrests to gaza so Israel dust 2 Islamic jihad general Back to hell. We will not wait for the terrorist to shoot first. Islamic jihad misfire led to the dead of the civilians and children inside gaza.
Hamas/ I hizbulla/Iran we are ready every day 24/7! And Israel will always prevail 🇮🇱💪 you are next
Then invade the strip big guy
Iam watching

Hizbulla know very well what well happened to poor Lebanon if they will provoke us. Lebanon as a country will be destroyed. If now the economy hardship make Lebanese fell like hell war with us will end Lebanon as a country
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Israelis agreed to a ceasefire after the Palestinian Islamic Jihad lobbied missiles on Ben Gurion airport, with significant losses on the airport including personnel.

The hasty nature of Israel accepting a "ceasefire" clearly point to Israelis being hit hard. It is a well-known fact that Israelis don't have a big stomach to take casualties. And their sudden request of a ceasefire through the Egyptian mediators clearly point to Israelis being given a bloody nose.

'The head of the political department in the Islamic Jihad Movement, Muhammad Al-Hindi, said that 'a formula for the Egyptian declaration of the truce agreement has been reached, and it includes Egypt's commitment to work for the release of the two prisoners, Khalil Awawdeh and Bassam Al-Saadi.'

Israeli media, quoting Israeli political sources, said that the ceasefire will enter into force at 11:30 this evening.

In turn, political and military affairs writer, Ahmed Abdel-Rahman, confirmed to Al Mayadeen that 'the truce was delayed because the enemy renounced implementing the demands,' warning that they should be cautious 'because the Israeli enemy is treacherous.'

Abdel Rahman added that "the rockets that targeted Ben Gurion Airport caused great losses for the enemy that is lying."

He added, 'The Al-Quds Brigades escalated and pushed the enemy to seek a de-escalation'"

Truce to be broken if occupation does not fall in line: PIJ chief

  • By Al Mayadeen English
  • Source: Agencies
  • 8 Aug 00:19
Palestinian Islamic Jihad chief Ziyad Al-Nakhalah says that the Israeli occupation was under immense pressure from the Palestinian resistance to release the hunger-striking Palestinian prisoners.


The Israeli occupation was hard at work toward reaching a ceasefire agreement, Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) Secretary-General Ziyad Al-Nakhalah said on Sunday.

"I salute the Palestinian people who confronted the aggression with steadfastness,"
Al-Nakhalah said. "I bow before the martyrs and hail the Arab and Islamic people that stood with us in solidarity."

"The Palestinian people realized a major achievement in the face of the aggression, especially Al-Quds Brigades," he stressed while underlining that the PIJ was launched to defend the unity of the Palestinian people and the battlefields throughout occupied Palestine.

The PIJ "remained steadfast and strong, stronger than ever. You saw how Al-Quds Brigades made major strides [...] 58 settlements were simultaneously in the crosshairs of Al-Quds Brigades."

"The occupation was pressured by the resistance, and it was imposed upon [Tel Aviv] to release prisoner Khalil Awawdeh and Sheikh Bassam Al-Saadi," the Palestinian resistance leader added. "The occupation was unable to impose any condition on us."

"The enemy is the party that strongly sought to reach a ceasefire agreement, and we are the ones who stipulated the release of Al-Saadi and Awawdeh," Al-Nakhalah revealed. "If the enemy does not abide by our conditions, we will consider the agreement void and we will resume fighting again."

"If the blockaded Gaza Strip subjugated the occupation, what do you think the Islamic Resistance in Lebanon will be able to do with its capabilities?" he said, lauding Hezbollah.

"The resistance in Palestine has peoples and countries that support it, just as the United States supports Israel," the PIJ chief said, thanking "the Iranian people and the state of Iran for their support of the Palestinian people."

"For 50 hours of fighting, we insisted on establishing the equation that the resistance has the upper hand, and the enemy has failed to break the Palestinian Islamic Jihad."

"What has been achieved is a victory for the Palestinian people, and we will protect this achievement," he stressed.

"The slogan 'Unity of the Battlefields', despite its simplicity, is of immense gravity, and we fought to protect it," Al-Nakhalah underlined.

The resistance chief affirmed the unity of the resistance factions. "We, the brothers in Hamas, and the rest of the resistance factions are in a constant agreement, and the enemy will not be able to drive a wedge between us."

"Hamas did not participate in the battle, but it is the backbone of the cradle of resistance, and we will preserve our unity."

Al Mayadeen's source reported that there was a ceasefire agreement reached in the Gaza Strip. The sources noted that the agreement was reached with the Israeli occupation agreeing to the PIJ's demands in full.

The Israeli occupation began on August 5 with aggression on the Gaza Strip on Friday, and Al-Quds Brigades announced that Taiseer Al-Jaabari, a military commander in the northern Gaza Strip, had been martyred.

Consequently, Al-Quds Brigades launched an operation in response to the Israeli occupation's aggression on the Gaza Strip, by launching salvoes of rockets toward the occupied Palestinian territories.

Our correspondent reported that the death toll of the Israeli aggression on the Gaza Strip has reached 31 martyrs and more than 220 wounded since Friday afternoon.

The latest tally, however, shows that 41 Palestinians have been martyred so far, with 311 others wounded.

Source: https://english.almayadeen.net/news...ken-if-occupation-does-not-fall-in-line:-al-n
Most of them are because of internal conflict. And those of which that are not, are being spammed everywhere.

Dude, Palestinian rockets killed more Palestinians than it killed Israelis.

Thankfully it didn't kill any Israelis at all. I don't know what kind of victory you're trying to paint.

The hasty nature of Israel accepting a "ceasefire" clearly point to Israelis being hit hard. It is a well-known fact that Israelis don't have a big stomach to take casualties. And their sudden request of a ceasefire through the Egyptian mediators clearly point to Israelis being given a bloody nose
Lmfao, there literally are 0 Israeli casualties
Islamic Jihad current chief should show some gratitude to Israel.
He is the chief right now thanks to them, who killed the two previous.

Islamic Jihad current chief should show some gratitude to Israel.
He is the chief right now thanks to them, who killed the two previous.


He was always the leader.. Israeli propoganda overhyped killing two commanders not the leader nor leaders but two commanders that is huge difference.. They also arrested another one inside Israel
Islamic Jihad current chief should show some gratitude to Israel.
He is the chief right now thanks to them, who killed the two previous.


Israeli soldiers running away from their positions as soon as they hear the sirens about incoming Palestinian rockets. 👇

"In the video, the Israeli broadcaster asks the officer about the possibility of a ceasefire at 8:00 PM tonight, and the officer answers, 'These are not rumors... Israel has no other goals now than a ceasefire.' "

Israelis are desperate for a ceasefire. 👇

"The state of panic spread among the ranks of the occupation soldiers was also witnessed with the Israeli Knesset member, Nir Barkat, who lay frightened on the ground earlier today after warning sirens sounded while he was in the Gaza envelope."

What you can see below is the butt of an Israeli politician pointing up as soon as the sirens from the Palestinian rockets 👇

The butt of ordinary Israelis goes up as soon as they learn the Palestinian rockets are heading their way in Ashkelon👇

"Other clips showed a mass of settlers fleeing "Sderot" for fear of the resistance's rockets in Gaza."

Source: https://english.almayadeen.net/news/politics/israeli-soldiers-flee-locations-near-gaza:-video
He was always the leader.. Israeli propoganda overhyped killing two commanders not the leader nor leaders but two commanders that is huge difference.. They also arrested another one inside Israel
Lol, he's only alive because he doesn't live in Gaza. PIJs Gaza leadership are all dead.

Israeli soldiers running away from their positions as soon as they hear the sirens about incoming Palestinian rockets. 👇

"In the video, the Israeli broadcaster asks the officer about the possibility of a ceasefire at 8:00 PM tonight, and the officer answers, 'These are not rumors... Israel has no other goals now than a ceasefire.' "

Israelis are desperate for a ceasefire. 👇

"The state of panic spread among the ranks of the occupation soldiers was also witnessed with the Israeli Knesset member, Nir Barkat, who lay frightened on the ground earlier today after warning sirens sounded while he was in the Gaza envelope."

What you can see below is the butt of an Israeli politician pointing up as soon as the sirens from the Palestinian rockets 👇

The butt of ordinary Israelis goes up as soon as they learn the Palestinian rockets are heading their way in Ashkelon👇

"Other clips showed a mass of settlers fleeing "Sderot" for fear of the resistance's rockets in Gaza."

Source: https://english.almayadeen.net/news/politics/israeli-soldiers-flee-locations-near-gaza:-video
Israeli casualties: 0
Palestinian casualties: 50 including 2 top commanders, hundreds injured.
Lol, he's only alive because he doesn't live in Gaza. PIJs Gaza leadership are all dead.

Israeli casualties: 0
Palestinian casualties: 50 including 2 top commanders, hundreds injured.

Israel never admits its true casualties. They call it "denying a propaganda victory for its enemies".

But let us be honest, you had your head down today, your butt pointing upward just like the guy below 👇

I'm not Indian.

Is that a prove of they are enemies of their own people or murder five own civilians is not enough for you?

there is an account that about 160 missiles misfired from Gaza that killed the civilians in Gaza.
Total missiles fired from Gaza 935. 775 crossed into Israel 96% of them interccepted by iron dome.

zero casualty in israel except one & he is a palestinian!!
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Yehh , that worked fine for us last time.

Last time it did worked out for you that's how you managed to stole a land with the help of Europeans and betrayed the Palestinians


but the situation you have created the future dosen't look so bright for you the wall that you built in Palestine is the very wall will become hard for your future generation to climb when they will need to escape

Qur'an 22:47
And they urge you to hasten the punishment. But Allah will never fail in His promise. And indeed, a day with your Lord is like a thousand years of those which you count.

Starting from the year 2000 that was the kick start of the new age wars where Zionists planned wars were launched around the world and I expect more bio weapons will be used in coming years because we know you Jews wouldn't want nukes to be used in the MiddleEast that's where you want to build the temple for your daddy

But the next coming century is not going to be pleasant for you ... so you still have a time stop committing genocide in Palestine and go back to America and Europe Ukraine is your seconed home
It is strange that Hamas did not participate in the fighting..
That is why we did not see heavy rockets being fired into the Israeli rear..
Only Islamic Jihad is the target..!?

This real tour is a clear loss for the Palestinian Islamic Jihad side .. But the evaluation of performance in brief:

Negative aspects of military performance..

The group was in an intelligence breach, and its leaders were easily targeted..

Their missile capabilities in terms of destructive power are bad..

The manufacturing quality is poor and has caused many failures and may hit civilian homes in Gaza..

The numerical density is insufficient against the Iron Dome, meaning that the density of the numbers is still within the control range for the Iron Dome..

The accuracy of missiles is completely random and does not depend on hitting a specific target..

Positive aspects of military performance:

According to informations, this is the first time that another group is leading military operations from Gaza other than Hamas (maybe the members will correct me)..

Continuing operations despite the loss of most of the first-rank leaders (they have ready-made protocols to deal with these situations? Or good second-row leaders)..?

The ability to maintain a constant rate of fire and not affect air strikes on their missile capabilities..?
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