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Brain Drain: India suffers much worse than China

Half of brains? No. That's a misconception or mis-comprehension on your part. A better , more accurate statement would be --- India is in tune with the globalized community. The concept of isolationism is alien to the Indian Brain, which is capable to subsume into any local culture. The Indian Brain is adaptable, malleable, hence their success wherever they go.

In fact, this goes for most South Asian professionals that I have had the pleasure of coming into contact with; Indian, Pakistani, Bangladeshi, Sri Lankan. They adapt easily, and they work hard.

I disagree. Let me share a rather trivial experience but that can act as a window inside sub-continent mind. When I was in UK studying, I saw a lot of south asian families looking to marry their children with someone from south asia, sort of importing people from back home. Why? May be they believe that culturally they are superior, although some might say that is not always the case but yet it is a case in most parts. Now those parents are not the first generation of immigrants more like 2nd or 3rd. Adaptation is not as easy as it may sound.

I find culture nothing but an abstract idea encompassing certain rituals and believes, and as with all human believes some are fundamentally flawed. All cultures have good and bad parts in it, and its one choice to exercise them or not. We are moving towards a more global culture but it might take another millennia to have a unified global culture and still there is no guarantee it would be perfect.

Immigrants always work harder compared with the local populous as the system is inherently rigged against them, but having said that they still make it work for them and some how succeed in reaching close to their dreams.

Well, in the case of the United States, its an immigrant nation, my friend. The United States is composed of immigrants or descendents of immigrants from literally all around the globe; Africa, Europe, Asia, Latin America. The use of the Visa to attract foreign students (like myself and others) is just a natural process, an manifestation of the United States' own soft power, which attracts students to study there; be they from Japan, Taiwan, China, India, Sweden, UK, Germany, Pakistan, Vietnam, Sri Lanka, Nigeria, South Africa et al.

We live in an interesting time, my friend. A time where national borders become mere abstract concepts , and no longer pose impediment to travel, trade, residency.

lol, @TaiShang , we need to discuss more over beer , buddy.

Yes and the biggest advantage they have is the ability of the country to accept immigrants and utilize them. Racism had always been a part of American culture, for that matter Asian countries display more racism in a post WWII world compared to US and Western Europe. But since 9-11, things had taken a turn for the worst. Todays American voting demography is similar to pre American civil war era, we see southern red states and blue states. The only difference is in civil war Democrats were pro slavery while republicans were anti slavery.

Borders are more real today than ever, and you might not realize this because of your passport. The passport you carry makes a huge difference, believe me. With the advent and progress of technology, it is easier than before to track your population, compared to 20 years ago. So for you it might be an abstract idea, for many it is a harsh reality that you can not get rid of no matter what.

@Nihonjin1051 Bro, u are optimistic as ever, I appreciate your comments. However, to reveal truth is better for a country, of course, for some individuals, truth would be poignant. I do enjoy @mike2000 is back 's comments to some extent, although reading his comments sometimes makes me uncomfortable.

Poignant as ever:tup:. I never understand why every each time they are confronted with such issue, their excuses are as usual, quota system, Congress, etc. How about their social structure, their own way of thinking, their own behaviour ? When there is even a tiny achievement, then thanks to Modiji.:hitwall:

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You have to understand the modern Indian mind, that mindset renders them unable to see that others can be better than them, its an inherent believe that they are superior compared to everyone else around them. They will be the first ones to point out failures of others but will completely overlook their own short comings. Of course not all Indians are like this, but quite a lot exhibit this behavior. They hold special hatred for Pakistan and China, and thats a fact.

Indians breed like crazy and over populate the world and Indians use up the world resources and contribute nothing to the world. IMO those resources are wasted by giving it to unproductive Indians. They should be given to West and East Asians that can put it to good use.

Indian cities are more polluted than Chinese cities but India has no industry to speak of. That show what a truly backward country India really is.
India is a grossly overpopulated, disease-filled country. You must be cursed to be born in India and pigeonholed into caste systems from the time you are born and have the world's most corrupt regime ruling over you that can't give its population basic sanitation and education.

It's a truly repulsive and disgusting regime.

This is utter non-sense, please do not try to dehumanize or de-legtitamize the whole country. Chinese haven't exactly reached 1.5 billion by practicing birth control as well, China had its own problems. Corruption is a global problem, the only valid point would be that Indian government needs to pay attention to its out of control population growth, and China's policies in that regard should be avoided.
Whether or not India is able to catch up with China is at this time still an open question. But I think it would be wrong for us to underestimate India. The Americans underestimated us and is now paying the price. We should avoid doing the same.
Whether or not India is able to catch up with China is at this time still an open question. But I think it would be wrong for us to underestimate India. The Americans underestimated us and is now paying the price. We should avoid doing the same.

We don't need to suppress the growth of Indians though. They're suppressing their own growth.
We don't need to suppress the growth of Indians though. They're suppressing their own growth.
The Americans always say that China couldn't do this or the Chinese couldn't do that. In the end we did. Let us not repeat the same mistake with India. Like us with their huge population they have huge potentials. Rather or not they can make them come true remains to be seen. But we should not be coy about it.
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The Americans always say that China couldn't do this or the Chinese couldn't do that. In the end we did. Let us not repeat the same mistake with India. Like us with their huge population they have huge potentials. Rather or not they can make them come true is a different story. But we should not be coy about it.

Indians are South Asians.
Chinese are East Asians.

Travel to India and other South Asian countries and you will see why India will never ever surpass China.
Indians are South Asians.
Chinese are East Asians.

Travel to India and other South Asian countries and you will see why India will never ever surpass China.
Have you?
@mike2000 is back Mickey seems to have traveled a lot in Asia.

How do you know?
You don't have interest in this India-related to thread. But when it comes to China-related to thread, you will have your climax. You are a Chinese in heart, don't believe in your own social system like those caste believers.
Have you?
@mike2000 is back Mickey seems to have traveled a lot in Asia.

You don't have interest in this India-related to thread. But when it comes to China-related to thread, you will have your climax. You are a Chinese in heart, don't believe in your own social system like those caste believers.

He is an operative。
He is an operative。

Hopefully the guy will at least stop repeating the same brain drain line; it happens China holds a healthy standing.

Can we start worrying about India or the Great Kingdom of Britain? That racist British ultranationalist member used to brag how China's students flow into Western schools and how they stay. Looks like Britons use a larger % of brain power to the US despite that the country is a (so called) developed one.

To, for developing countries, going out, seeking opportunities is normal. That's normal for India as it is for China. But for a developed country like the Kingdom, I am not sure.
In all fairness, Indian professionals are overrated based on my working experience with them.

There is not much brainpower to lose for them considering their average is only 82 of you know what.
:rofl: that's why I said they are overrated

Hopefully the guy will at least stop repeating the same brain drain line; it happens China holds a healthy standing.

Can we start worrying about India or the Great Kingdom of Britain? That racist British ultranationalist member used to brag how China's students flow into Western schools and how they stay. Looks like Britons use a larger % of brain power to the US despite that the country is a (so called) developed one.

To, for developing countries, going out, seeking opportunities is normal. That's normal for India as it is for China. But for a developed country like the Kingdom, I am not sure.

I think this Indian guy will go away if Chinese members just ignore the fool. I think Nihonjin is more likely an operative than Brussard Rimjet.The Indian guy is just not that good if he is one just like most indian workers.
Where on earth did you hear that??China's patent filing system has improved and perfected a great deal from 1999 onward and it’s already highly integrated with global IP system with a very strict filtering/examination method in place, maybe you can say its still not on par with the US quality wise but I am afraid there‘s no big gap. It has quite the same standard with pretty much all the other countries out there.

Ofcourse the Chinese make all the rigjt 'noises' when it comes to patents, copyrights...any kind of IP. But IP protection is UNKNOWN in reality. I don't have to 'hear' it from anywhere, I see it in reality everyday. I will give you two personal examples:

* Walk into ANY shopping center in Shanghai and ask for a SIM card. They will first as you for your passport (if you look like a foreigner). You tell them no, I want a local SIM. For $35 you get a phone that looks and works EXACTLY like a Samsung Glalaxy 4, with a local SIM ....It works great btw I have had it for almost 2 years now. The battery is interchangeable with original Samsung - I have tried it. This is not some isolated small shop on the side alley - this is a large electronic store in the main area of Pudong I am talking about. Same story repeats in EVERY city and EVERY shopping mall of China. They simply do not care about IP, patents etc.

* My business gets me to deal with manufacturers. I won't give you the name so he doesn't get killed but in a large (I mean LARGE) company 30 km from Hongquao airport, a factory that has 70+ assembly lines, owned and run by am=n ex-teacher that was recruited 15+ years ago by a party official to try and resurrect a small failing operation that was gonna cost his buddies their livelihood - the SVP tells me openly the two cost structures he can manufacture to. One is the normal patent protected way and the other being 'letting' a second set of assembly line make the same design under a different set of names. The 2nd one will be a 3rd in cost and hit the market weeks before the main one!

PLEASE! do not talk to me about IP protection and China lest I throw up
In all fairness, Indian professionals are overrated based on my working experience with them.

:rofl: that's why I said they are overrated

I think this Indian guy will go away if Chinese members just ignore the fool. I think Nihonjin is more likely an operative than Brussard Rimjet.The Indian guy is just not that good if he is one just like most indian workers.
Anyway, he is Indian in India, from Mumbai I think. Different from most Indians here who reside overseas and are shame to be back to India, dreaming their afterlife being white Brahmins. From this angle, salute!
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