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Brain Drain: India suffers much worse than China

nice try, no cigar. 'My impression' does not imply witnessing just one transaction and jumping to a conclusion. You guys are getting unnecessarily desperate clutching !

What part of Intellectual Property and patents/copyrights do you not understand? From the looks of it, ALL of it! I have a lot of good things to say for Chinese but honesty and integrity is not one of them.

Chinese have been completely honest - its you that aren't taking Chinese seriously then pay the price later. Literally everything that Chinese do is pre-announced and has no tricks. Korean War: "hey US better step away from the border". MacArthur: "hurr durr if Chinese intervene there'd be the greatest slaughter hurr" - greatest slaughter all right but not of Chinese forces. 1962 - "better gtfo of Tibet, Nehru". "hurr durr I do not believe that the Chinese are gonna attack"
Well said.
Pls leave him alone, his comments are very unconstuctive and meaningless. And forcing him to say a lie like he would go back to India and live there is not humanitarian for him. No matter how brilliant Modiji is, if he is surrounded by people like him, India is still hopeless.:frown:

Yes. He never brings in Pakistan, BD or Sri Lanka. Well, I remember Chinese netizens' comment on Chinese translation of PDF threads, @Bussard Ramjet is exceptional, the rest live in delusion, which, is good news to us.

I think the massive return started around 2008.
The new dean of my college received his higher education and postgraduate research in US/France. He is now running a national key laboratory. It's a national scheme. Not just Chinese, but non-Chinese talents are also coming to China

View attachment 233803

Some of the national-level projects,

For one talent of the Youth Thousand Talents, half a million yuan($161,000) per year for living expenses, at least 1-3million as research funds.

My city also has a talent recruitment plan, called Wuhan Talents, mainly focusing on application of hi-tech. The policies are even better than some national plans. I'm sure cites in East China have much more competitive schemes. Check the details of 2014 plan, all together 260 scientists and technicians from China and abroad, they will be working in research institutes, SOEs and private companies.
  • 1、为入选人员在汉领办、创办企业或研发机构,择优给予创业扶持资金。对入选的领军人才,按项目给予300万元至500万元的资金支持;对入选的高层次人才,按项目给予50万元至100万元的资金支持。
  • 2、设立专项创业投资引导资金,鼓励各类创业风险投资机构或个人对入选人员创业提供融资支持。
  • 3、为入选人员在汉创业活动给予当年度利息额25%的贷款贴息,贴息总额最高可达100万元。
  • 4、支持入选人员获取自主知识产权并给予费用补贴。

One example of Thousand Talents,
a renewed scientist of
protein X-ray crystallography

Shi Yigong
Quoted from Wiki

Shi Yigong received his bachelor's degree from Tsinghua University, Beijing. In 1995 when receiving his PhD degree in Biophysics from Johns Hopkins University, he has determined the crystal structure of several critical apoptotic proteins, including apaf-1, DIAP1, and the BIR3 domain of XIAP. He was the Warner-Lambert/Parke-Davis Professor in the department of Molecular Biology at Princeton University. In June 2008, he was selected as a Howard Hughes Medical Institute investigator.[1] However, he rejected the award upon resigning his position at Princeton University in order to pursue his career at Tsinghua University, Beijing, becoming the dean of life sciences there.[2] In 2003, he was appointed a Chair Professor of Tsinghua's Department of Biological Sciences and Biotechnology. He was appointed Vice Director of Tsinghua's Institute of Biomedicine and Vice Dean of Tsinghua's Department of Biological Sciences and Biotechnology in 2007. He was appointed Dean of Tsinghua's School of Life Sciences (replacing the Department of Biological Sciences and Biotechnology) in 2009.

Shi renounced U.S. citizenship in 2011.


@TaiShang This page introduces numerous provincial and municipal talents recruitment plans, maybe useful for you. 地方引才计划_千人计划网

Shi Yigong has just published a breakthrough in Science.





论文的题目分别为《3.6埃的酵母剪接体结构》(Structure of a Yeast Spliceosome at 3.6 Angstrom Resolution)和《前体信使RNA剪接的结构基础》(Structural Basis of Pre-mRNA Splicing)。第一篇文章报道了“剪接体”近原子分辨率的三维结构,这一结构是通过单颗粒冷冻电子显微技术解析得到的。第二篇文章是在这一3.6埃剪接体结构的基础上,进行详细分析,对剪接体的基本工作机理进行了阐述。1埃等于一百亿分之一米,等于0.1纳米,用于表征原子的半径。


From a Chinese scientist who gave up his US citizenship!:enjoy:
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We don't need to suppress the growth of Indians though. They're suppressing their own growth.
They cook their books like how they cook up the imaginary wars with the PLA.
1967? Chola incident or so.... Lmao....

The Americans always say that China couldn't do this or the Chinese couldn't do that. In the end we did. Let us not repeat the same mistake with India. Like us with their huge population they have huge potentials. Rather or not they can make them come true remains to be seen. But we should not be coy about it.
Bro, there is a difference here. Just that Indians aren't Chinese. :)
Shi Yigong has just published a breakthrough in Science.





论文的题目分别为《3.6埃的酵母剪接体结构》(Structure of a Yeast Spliceosome at 3.6 Angstrom Resolution)和《前体信使RNA剪接的结构基础》(Structural Basis of Pre-mRNA Splicing)。第一篇文章报道了“剪接体”近原子分辨率的三维结构,这一结构是通过单颗粒冷冻电子显微技术解析得到的。第二篇文章是在这一3.6埃剪接体结构的基础上,进行详细分析,对剪接体的基本工作机理进行了阐述。1埃等于一百亿分之一米,等于0.1纳米,用于表征原子的半径。

View attachment 249439

From a Chinese scientist who gave up his US citizenship!:enjoy:

Excellent work by a returnee!

No wonder more and more overseas talent are returning home.

9th Forum on Overseas Chinese Returnees Innovation and Entrepreneurship-Events-CCG

China is embracing a huge influx of returning overseas Chinese talent. In 2013, a total of 3.5 million moved back for career development opportunities through innovation and entrepreneurship, the largest number in a single year in history.
Quota system is shit.My friend got into a prestigious NIT with a fraction of my AIEEE score due to him being of ST(hills) status.
No...quota system is very helpful to backward classes who can't compete with forward classes....as you yourself pointed out your friend got lesser marks than you but was able to get a seat in Nit...if quota wasnt there how would those people who neither have resources nor family culture of educateds compete with you?

I am a forward class person and I am saying this from bottom of my heart.

But quota system can be used by a family for only one generation.we should see to it that if parents had already used it,their children shouldn't be given that facility.
10th Innovation & Entrepreneurship Forum for Chinese Returnees


New Ideas and New Trends for Entrepreneurship in China

On August 16th, Beijing witnessed the opening of the 10th Innovation & Entrepreneurship Forum for Chinese Returnees, which was jointly put on by the Western Returned Scholar Association (WRSA), Chinese Overseas-Educated Scholars Association (COESA), and Center for China & Globalization (CCG). Organized around the theme of “Public Innovation & Entrepreneurship” for this year, the annual conference collects new methodologies and experiences of innovation and entrepreneurship offered by returnee scholars and examined major trends arising from this arena. All the insights and suggestions will be eventually compiled in policy advisory reports to be distributed to relevant government departments and agencies.

In the past decade, the Innovation & Entrepreneurship Forum for Chinese Returnees has emerged as an up-scale platform for elite returnee scholars to build connections and exchange ideas for new opportunities and partnerships. As usual, the conference brought together over 500 returnees, including top-flight scholars, high level business executives, and senior government officials.Chen Zhu, Vice Chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, Liu Limin, the Vice Minister of Education, China, Li Zhuobin, the Vice Chairman of All-China Federation of Returned Overseas Chinese, Liu Yanguo, the Deputy Director of State Administration of Foreign Experts Affairs, Wang Yongqing, Director General of the 6th Bureau of the United Front Work Department of CPC Central Committee, Sun Jianli, Director General, Department of Administration of Professionals of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security (MOHRSS), Wang Huiyao, Vice Chairman of China Western Returned Scholars Association (WRSA), And Zhang Xuejun, General Secretary of WRSA, attended the forum, delivered remarks on the opening ceremony.

New Chapter for Innovation &Entrepreneurship by Returnee Scholars

By the end of 2014, the number of Chinese studying abroad had exceeded 3.5 million. The number of overseas returnees reached 1.8 million, including 364,800 in 2014 alone, over 30 times more than in 2001. This trend has received much attention from the central government and provided the impetus for devising more talent recruitment policies targeting overseas returnees.
Against this backdrop, the 10thForum was focused on the discussion about how overseas returnees can leverage their unique skills and strengths into helping China build an innovation-driven state, implement its “One Belt, One Road” strategy, carry out civil diplomacy activities, and start a new chapter for their own innovation and entrepreneurship.

It was followed by five sub-sessions, focusing on career opportunities for returnees in China, comparative studies on the strengths and competitiveness of returnees, “Internet +” and innovation & entrepreneurship by returnees, public services for returnees, and innovation by new generations of returnees, respectively.

Another highlight of the forum was the release of the Chinese Returnee Employment and Entrepreneurship Report 2015. This report was done jointly by CCG and Zhaopin.com, one of China's most important and respected high-end online talent recruitment platforms.

New Opportunities and Paths for Chinese Returnees’ Innovation and Entrepreneurship


The 1st sub-session was focused on innovation as a driving force for the career development of Chinese returnees and growth of China’s competitiveness. The discussion was moderated by CCG President Dr. Wang Huiyao.

The speakers shared their perspectives on how Chinese returnees can use the skills and advantages gained abroad in working to build a new model of a Chinese state driven by innovation and implementing cutting-edge initiatives like “One Belt, One Road” to boost the soft power of China and its role in global economic governance. Guo Sheng noted the positive developments in the employment prospects of Chinese returnees back home, especially in the first-tier cities. However, he added that returnees still need time to get themselves totally accustomed to the new job and entrepreneurial environment.


The 2nd sub-session, hosted by CCG’s Vice President Dr. Tang Min, focused the discussion on Chinese returnees' skills and competiveness.

Besides looking into the changing trends in the competitiveness of returnees on the job market over time, the speakers also shared their observation and analysis regarding current situation with respect to finding work and major requirements for talent skills.

The Internet era has witnessed the emergence of a large number of start-up companies. Public innovation and entrepreneurship has been identified as one of the two engines for China’s economic transformation and growth. The “Internet +” scheme has ignited the passion and ambition of many Chinese returnees to launch their own businesses, which also inspired the forum to dedicate the 3rdsession to the topic “’Internet +’ Plus and Chinese returnees’ Innovation & Entrepreneurship.” Introduced by CCG Vice President Frances Sun, several returnee entrepreneurs shared their best practices on how to grasp timely opportunities and optimize their strength in launching business startups.

The Chinese government has adopted multiple policies to simplify administrative procedures and delegate its power to improve the policy environment and facilitate entrepreneurship for Chinese returnees. In light of this new development, the 4th sub-session was designed to further examine how the central and local governments can improve their services to boost public innovation and entrepreneurship. Hosted by the Director of CCG’s Southern Talent Institute Dr. Chen Liang.

The 5th sub-session was dedicated to the discussion about innovation and entrepreneurship by new generations of Chinese returnees. Moderated by CCG Secretary General Dr. Mable Miao Lü, the panel gathered a number of outstanding young returnees to share their entrepreneurship experiences as references for overseas Chinese students born in the 1980s and 1990s.

“Banquet for Thought Collision” among Chinese Returnees

Over the past nine years, the Forum has achieved widely-recognized successes, each year bringing together thousands of Chinese returnees and students from abroad. Crowned with the title of “a banquet for thought collision,” it is known as a high-level platform for Chinese talent at home or abroad to build connections and exchange their ideas. It is also a great venue where they can obtain new information regarding policies and services for innovation and entrepreneurship.


Dr. Wang Huiyao said in his presentation at the 2015 forum that Chinese returnees, due to their access to international networks and capital and global perspectives, have abundant resources for innovation and entrepreneurship and will become a major force for China’s development.They can serve as a bridge that bonds domestic and international resources to boost China’s future innovation. Therefore, the Chinese government is committed to supporting Chinese returnees as a core part of its global talent strategy and innovation promotion scheme to enhance its leading role in globalization.


@AndrewJin , looks like China is putting effort on the facilitation of the brain regain. Smart move!
No...quota system is very helpful to backward classes who can't compete with forward classes....as you yourself pointed out your friend got lesser marks than you but was able to get a seat in Nit...if quota wasnt there how would those people who neither have resources nor family culture of educateds compete with you?

I am a forward class person and I am saying this from bottom of my heart.

But quota system can be used by a family for only one generation.we should see to it that if parents had already used it,their children shouldn't be given that facility.
Dude,my friend's father has a managerial post in Indian Oil Corporation and his mother occupies a senior position in All India Radio.I don't think he needs any type of qouta.It should be strictly restricted to economic background of the person.
10th Innovation & Entrepreneurship Forum for Chinese Returnees


New Ideas and New Trends for Entrepreneurship in China

On August 16th, Beijing witnessed the opening of the 10th Innovation & Entrepreneurship Forum for Chinese Returnees, which was jointly put on by the Western Returned Scholar Association (WRSA), Chinese Overseas-Educated Scholars Association (COESA), and Center for China & Globalization (CCG). Organized around the theme of “Public Innovation & Entrepreneurship” for this year, the annual conference collects new methodologies and experiences of innovation and entrepreneurship offered by returnee scholars and examined major trends arising from this arena. All the insights and suggestions will be eventually compiled in policy advisory reports to be distributed to relevant government departments and agencies.

In the past decade, the Innovation & Entrepreneurship Forum for Chinese Returnees has emerged as an up-scale platform for elite returnee scholars to build connections and exchange ideas for new opportunities and partnerships. As usual, the conference brought together over 500 returnees, including top-flight scholars, high level business executives, and senior government officials.Chen Zhu, Vice Chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, Liu Limin, the Vice Minister of Education, China, Li Zhuobin, the Vice Chairman of All-China Federation of Returned Overseas Chinese, Liu Yanguo, the Deputy Director of State Administration of Foreign Experts Affairs, Wang Yongqing, Director General of the 6th Bureau of the United Front Work Department of CPC Central Committee, Sun Jianli, Director General, Department of Administration of Professionals of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security (MOHRSS), Wang Huiyao, Vice Chairman of China Western Returned Scholars Association (WRSA), And Zhang Xuejun, General Secretary of WRSA, attended the forum, delivered remarks on the opening ceremony.

New Chapter for Innovation &Entrepreneurship by Returnee Scholars

By the end of 2014, the number of Chinese studying abroad had exceeded 3.5 million. The number of overseas returnees reached 1.8 million, including 364,800 in 2014 alone, over 30 times more than in 2001. This trend has received much attention from the central government and provided the impetus for devising more talent recruitment policies targeting overseas returnees.
Against this backdrop, the 10thForum was focused on the discussion about how overseas returnees can leverage their unique skills and strengths into helping China build an innovation-driven state, implement its “One Belt, One Road” strategy, carry out civil diplomacy activities, and start a new chapter for their own innovation and entrepreneurship.

It was followed by five sub-sessions, focusing on career opportunities for returnees in China, comparative studies on the strengths and competitiveness of returnees, “Internet +” and innovation & entrepreneurship by returnees, public services for returnees, and innovation by new generations of returnees, respectively.

Another highlight of the forum was the release of the Chinese Returnee Employment and Entrepreneurship Report 2015. This report was done jointly by CCG and Zhaopin.com, one of China's most important and respected high-end online talent recruitment platforms.

New Opportunities and Paths for Chinese Returnees’ Innovation and Entrepreneurship


The 1st sub-session was focused on innovation as a driving force for the career development of Chinese returnees and growth of China’s competitiveness. The discussion was moderated by CCG President Dr. Wang Huiyao.

The speakers shared their perspectives on how Chinese returnees can use the skills and advantages gained abroad in working to build a new model of a Chinese state driven by innovation and implementing cutting-edge initiatives like “One Belt, One Road” to boost the soft power of China and its role in global economic governance. Guo Sheng noted the positive developments in the employment prospects of Chinese returnees back home, especially in the first-tier cities. However, he added that returnees still need time to get themselves totally accustomed to the new job and entrepreneurial environment.


The 2nd sub-session, hosted by CCG’s Vice President Dr. Tang Min, focused the discussion on Chinese returnees' skills and competiveness.

Besides looking into the changing trends in the competitiveness of returnees on the job market over time, the speakers also shared their observation and analysis regarding current situation with respect to finding work and major requirements for talent skills.

The Internet era has witnessed the emergence of a large number of start-up companies. Public innovation and entrepreneurship has been identified as one of the two engines for China’s economic transformation and growth. The “Internet +” scheme has ignited the passion and ambition of many Chinese returnees to launch their own businesses, which also inspired the forum to dedicate the 3rdsession to the topic “’Internet +’ Plus and Chinese returnees’ Innovation & Entrepreneurship.” Introduced by CCG Vice President Frances Sun, several returnee entrepreneurs shared their best practices on how to grasp timely opportunities and optimize their strength in launching business startups.

The Chinese government has adopted multiple policies to simplify administrative procedures and delegate its power to improve the policy environment and facilitate entrepreneurship for Chinese returnees. In light of this new development, the 4th sub-session was designed to further examine how the central and local governments can improve their services to boost public innovation and entrepreneurship. Hosted by the Director of CCG’s Southern Talent Institute Dr. Chen Liang.

The 5th sub-session was dedicated to the discussion about innovation and entrepreneurship by new generations of Chinese returnees. Moderated by CCG Secretary General Dr. Mable Miao Lü, the panel gathered a number of outstanding young returnees to share their entrepreneurship experiences as references for overseas Chinese students born in the 1980s and 1990s.

“Banquet for Thought Collision” among Chinese Returnees

Over the past nine years, the Forum has achieved widely-recognized successes, each year bringing together thousands of Chinese returnees and students from abroad. Crowned with the title of “a banquet for thought collision,” it is known as a high-level platform for Chinese talent at home or abroad to build connections and exchange their ideas. It is also a great venue where they can obtain new information regarding policies and services for innovation and entrepreneurship.


Dr. Wang Huiyao said in his presentation at the 2015 forum that Chinese returnees, due to their access to international networks and capital and global perspectives, have abundant resources for innovation and entrepreneurship and will become a major force for China’s development.They can serve as a bridge that bonds domestic and international resources to boost China’s future innovation. Therefore, the Chinese government is committed to supporting Chinese returnees as a core part of its global talent strategy and innovation promotion scheme to enhance its leading role in globalization.


@AndrewJin , looks like China is putting effort on the facilitation of the brain regain. Smart move!
Wanna work here, dude?:-)
I am one of those Taiwan residents enlisted and waiting for their turn, bro :D

Quite competitive. One of my colleagues (expert on international law) flew to Mainland on the 20th to work as a lecturer.
Overseas Chinese warmly welcome here.:-)
Nearly all my teachers in college received their higher education abroad.
Dude,my friend's father has a managerial post in Indian Oil Corporation and his mother occupies a senior position in All India Radio.I don't think he needs any type of qouta.It should be strictly restricted to economic background of the person.
The thing with giving reservations on economic background is we can produce a fake certificate claiming we are below poverty line.
You know I have a ration card.
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