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Boycotting American products

Seems like everyone have their own plans of economic boycott.

Counterjihad Economic Boycott

I received the following email from a reader in India. I thought he had some good ideas. What do you think? Here's what he wrote:

I am a Hindu from India. I like your site. And I strongly support your valiant efforts. Since you are in business in fighting with Islam, I would share my opinions. Here in India, I use economic ways of countering Islam. I make sure that I never buy from Muslim-owned shop. First I check the name of the shop. Next I check the owner, and check some signs on his person which might tell that he is a Muslim. It's not very difficult to do these things as Muslims make sure that everybody around them sees that they are Muslim.

So I am practicing economic counterjihad. The good thing is that this is one of the sane and non-violent ways of opposing Islam. If I attack a Muslim personally, I will be in trouble. But by refusing to buy from Muslim-owned businesses, I take the economic oxygen out of Islam.

When I was checking your site, I did not find any such initiative discussed. For Westerners, this is one of the very effective ways of "applied counterjihad." For example, in London, UK, most of the "Indian" restaurants are in fact owned by Bangladeshi Muslims. So maybe someone can find out which ones are actually owned by Muslims by visiting these places for lunch/dinner and casually talking to the owner/waiter. And once this intelligence gathering is done, the list of these restaurants can be published on counterjihad websites and you can appeal to other Westerners to boycott such places.

Counterjihad involves many different strategies. You should include this economic strategy among the tools available to counterjihadists. This is also a peaceful way which can be practiced individually.

When I share my opinions on some Hindu forums, I get ridicule. But there are also some Hindus who got convinced and are practicing this.

I asked him if I could publish his email on Citizen Warrior, and he said yes but asked me not to use his real name. Then he wrote:

I have a desire to start a blog like yours from the Indian perspective. But I am a bit scared. There is lot of dhimmitude in India. Politicians and general population suck up to Muslims. So if some Muslim complains about my blog, there is a strong possibility of police tracking the user of the blog, thats me. This has happened in India before. So it would be great if you can publish my ideas on your blog. Your blog is great and you seem to have lot of knowledge on these issues unlike many Westerners. But I am just wondering how come you didn't think my idea before. Economic counterjihad is one of the simplest things one can practice.

I also have some other ideas, like counterjihad using animations about Mohammed. Making fun of Mohammed using animations. I have seen many Mohammed cartoons, but hardly any animations. These animations could be about Mohammed and general cultural atmosphere in his time. In islamic culture, some particular things are taboo. For example, pigs and dogs are considered dirty. So the creators of such animations should explore such haram topics in Islam. With many open source tools available these days, some counterjihadist artists can easily create such animations. When these animations go viral on the net, they will create a great psychological impact.

Criticizing Islam in rational manner is okay. That's important too. But counterjihadists need to use the good cop/bad cop routine with Muslims. Muslims don't play fair. They practice taqiyya. Counterjihadists need to reply in kind. We can have both a rational critique of islam, and dirty tricks like these animations and the economic boycott I talked about.

We need to attack Islam from many different directions. You can explore these ideas further on your blog. Don't need to give any credit to me. Publish them as yours. Fighting Islam is more important.

Also I liked your blog post on fighting stress. I used to feel too stressful thinking about Muslims. It was affecting me psychologically. Then I started doing lot of physical exercise. That helped me fight the stress. We need to be strong physically and mentally to fight Islam. Its a long battle.

Seems like everyone have their own plans of economic boycott.

Counterjihad Economic Boycott

I received the following email from a reader in India. I thought he had some good ideas. What do you think? Here's what he wrote:

I am a Hindu from India. I like your site. And I strongly support your valiant efforts. Since you are in business in fighting with Islam, I would share my opinions. Here in India, I use economic ways of countering Islam. I make sure that I never buy from Muslim-owned shop. First I check the name of the shop. Next I check the owner, and check some signs on his person which might tell that he is a Muslim. It's not very difficult to do these things as Muslims make sure that everybody around them sees that they are Muslim.

So I am practicing economic counterjihad. The good thing is that this is one of the sane and non-violent ways of opposing Islam. If I attack a Muslim personally, I will be in trouble. But by refusing to buy from Muslim-owned businesses, I take the economic oxygen out of Islam.

When I was checking your site, I did not find any such initiative discussed. For Westerners, this is one of the very effective ways of "applied counterjihad." For example, in London, UK, most of the "Indian" restaurants are in fact owned by Bangladeshi Muslims. So maybe someone can find out which ones are actually owned by Muslims by visiting these places for lunch/dinner and casually talking to the owner/waiter. And once this intelligence gathering is done, the list of these restaurants can be published on counterjihad websites and you can appeal to other Westerners to boycott such places.

Counterjihad involves many different strategies. You should include this economic strategy among the tools available to counterjihadists. This is also a peaceful way which can be practiced individually.

When I share my opinions on some Hindu forums, I get ridicule. But there are also some Hindus who got convinced and are practicing this.

I asked him if I could publish his email on Citizen Warrior, and he said yes but asked me not to use his real name. Then he wrote:

I have a desire to start a blog like yours from the Indian perspective. But I am a bit scared. There is lot of dhimmitude in India. Politicians and general population suck up to Muslims. So if some Muslim complains about my blog, there is a strong possibility of police tracking the user of the blog, thats me. This has happened in India before. So it would be great if you can publish my ideas on your blog. Your blog is great and you seem to have lot of knowledge on these issues unlike many Westerners. But I am just wondering how come you didn't think my idea before. Economic counterjihad is one of the simplest things one can practice.

I also have some other ideas, like counterjihad using animations about Mohammed. Making fun of Mohammed using animations. I have seen many Mohammed cartoons, but hardly any animations. These animations could be about Mohammed and general cultural atmosphere in his time. In islamic culture, some particular things are taboo. For example, pigs and dogs are considered dirty. So the creators of such animations should explore such haram topics in Islam. With many open source tools available these days, some counterjihadist artists can easily create such animations. When these animations go viral on the net, they will create a great psychological impact.

Criticizing Islam in rational manner is okay. That's important too. But counterjihadists need to use the good cop/bad cop routine with Muslims. Muslims don't play fair. They practice taqiyya. Counterjihadists need to reply in kind. We can have both a rational critique of islam, and dirty tricks like these animations and the economic boycott I talked about.

We need to attack Islam from many different directions. You can explore these ideas further on your blog. Don't need to give any credit to me. Publish them as yours. Fighting Islam is more important.

Also I liked your blog post on fighting stress. I used to feel too stressful thinking about Muslims. It was affecting me psychologically. Then I started doing lot of physical exercise. That helped me fight the stress. We need to be strong physically and mentally to fight Islam. Its a long battle.
Easy There Guys , Why are you fighting among yourselves , There are two ways to achieve your Goal , Right way & the Wong , but both are subjective , What is Right for someone may not be Right for the other one & Vice Versa.

Everyone has the Right to their own opinion , and everyone should have their own way of protesting , as long as then dont hurt others , you cannot impose your ways onto others , as they will never accept it & it will cause friction & divide among people who have the same objective , thus making them weak.

So stay Strong , instead Fighting among ourselves , lets Fight the Root of the problem , Let be Strong enough that no one dares to speak against the beliefs of Islam.

You should remember that .

In this world , Weak peoples opinion is No Opinion , & currently we 1.7 Billion Muslims are Weak , Very Weak , Lets Be Strong Enough First so our voices matter . Then we can do whatever the hell we Want .
my family have long ago stopped drinking pepsi n coca cola..btw I want to ask something...is PEPSI really stands for pay every penny save Israel?

The brand name "Pepsi" comes from the word "pepsin". Pepsin is a digestive enzyme used in Pepsi Cola's recipe. Similarly, the word "cola" originates from the fruit called "kola nut", & is another ingredient used in Pepsi Cola's recipe.
These are some result of Danish product boycott they lost billions of dollar:

Muslim Boycotts Hurt Danish Firms | Fox News

Economic and social consequences of the Jyllands-Posten Muhammad cartoons controversy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

PR News Crisis & Legal PR Bulletin - PR News :: News: From Denmark with Concern: PR Tactics Against Islamic Boycott
Economy is the biggest weapon in this AGE and muslim ummah is very big market ,so by doing boycott of a country who don't prevent a fellow citizen insult the most important personality of islam and say it's freedom of speech and don't stop company like youtube to show that insult on again and again and put that video on first page what ever you search in youtube. it means that country is also involved in this conspiracy and should pay the price.

Whenever we have choice to choose from good country product that respect islam we should buy from them rather then country that support insult to islam.

They are testing muslim ummah if they are alive or dead the same think they did in spain .Once they know we are dead and don't care about our prophet they will destroy us like they did in Spain.

from above example we can make them suffer for their insult to us by not buying their product which can be easily replaceable from other country.Let them have fun for short time but the we will have the last laugh inshallah
American products are everywhere in our lives.
Boycott FB n f-16's and other weapons :D

Boycott U.N and other organisations who run on U.S dictations :P
Boycott American Products! Now where does this stop?
300 Million people are being held accountable for actions of a few, who probably succeeded in their objective, given violent protests in the last few days. President Obama even urged youtube to take down the video, if I'm not mistaken. Height of Illiteracy on Muslims' end. No wonder why Mustafa emphasised on education. Guess enough attention's been given to a 12 years old girl, now let's move on.
We should try to avoid products from those countries which dont repect our religion and belief

We should promote trade within muslims to help each other
all those clamoring for banning american products will first have to boycott this forum, which is owned by an American resident and is hosted on American servers ;)
Are ppl really tht naive tht they dont understand the purpose of my post..or they are deliberately trying to ridicule by pretending to be oh so innocent?

I know tht everything cant be boycotted from our lives...but atleast we can make an effort to boycott which are considered as luxuries in our personal life..and/or for which we have an alternative..e.g we can boycott going to KFC, Mc Donalds...instead we can go to other local fast food restaurants...dont go for Pepsi/Cocacoala but we can choose some other local soft drink..Or we can stop buying brands like Nike etc etc

Now ofcourse we cant boycott American made medicines... As in Islam, if life is in danger, haraam bhi halaal hojata hai...Same is the case with f-16s..some ppl were mocking tht should we boycott f-16s.. Firstly, f-16 is not a luxury..it is for the "defence" of country....

My only point was to try to make an effort to bycoott American products for which we have an alternative availabe..or which are lxuries for us..and if we collectively do this..and spread this word as much as possible...then "Darya darya qatra banta hai"..maybe at one point, we would be able to make a dent(no matter how small) in their economy and we would have our conscience clear tht atleast we protested in a peaceful manner..in whatever capacity we could..
Just tell French that you won't buy their submarines worth billions and will buy Chinese one which are equally capable, they will do whatever you want to that magazine. They will throw the cartoonist and editor in jail on charges of defamation and publishing trouble causing cartoon.

For money, these Western nation bomb entire country. Eurofighter and Rafale carried out bombing attack in Libya and the performance was used by Rafale especially as part of their marketing campaign. Those raids brought attention to Rafale's capability.

Look at all the countries' leaders visiting India for MMRCA. When we opted for Rafale instead of Typhoon, they said that GB gives millions in Aid to India while India buys french plane.
The real irony of the situation is that if you were to tell the people planning to boycott the US about the violence that occurred during the riots, they would say "well that's only a small percentage, you can't judge an entire people based on the action of a select few" but apparently it is ok to judge an entire country based on the actions of 1 immigrant?

Are ppl really tht naive tht they dont understand the purpose of my post..or they are deliberately trying to ridicule by pretending to be oh so innocent?

I know tht everything cant be boycotted from our lives...but atleast we can make an effort to boycott which are considered as luxuries in our personal life..and/or for which we have an alternative..e.g we can boycott going to KFC, Mc Donalds...instead we can go to other local fast food restaurants...dont go for Pepsi/Cocacoala but we can choose some other local soft drink..Or we can stop buying brands like Nike etc etc

Now ofcourse we cant boycott American made medicines... As in Islam, if life is in danger, haraam bhi halaal hojata hai...Same is the case with f-16s..some ppl were mocking tht should we boycott f-16s.. Firstly, f-16 is not a luxury..it is for the "defence" of country....

My only point was to try to make an effort to bycoott American products for which we have an alternative availabe..or which are lxuries for us..and if we collectively do this..and spread this word as much as possible...then "Darya darya qatra banta hai"..maybe at one point, we would be able to make a dent(no matter how small) in their economy and we would have our conscience clear tht atleast we protested in a peaceful manner..in whatever capacity we could..

So when you boycott a particular restaurant do you think the few cents make any difference to the US corporation and how do you think the Pakistani guys working there that get laid of feel, or the Chinese guy making those Nikes or Cocacola Pakistan when they have to close?

The world is a complex place and simple answers some times have complex unintended results.

No one is trying to ridicule they are pointing out they have been where you are, reacted with anger and now have the luxury to look back and see how they would have done things differently.
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