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Taliban can never answer these question.

Are you a Ahmadiyya?
i am not! But does this matter?
Taliban Are Just Killing Innocent Muslims And Nothing Else.
Mr can u write it down here please in summarize contents instead of the tedious 1 hour video. I am sure if they are so logical and spot on you can easily jot them down here.
being Lazy is a trade mark of a typical Pakistani. always looking for a short cut. always loving own voice and not listening to someone else.
for record I listened to entire conversation years ago when it surfaced. conversations like these happen repeatedly.

@VCheng @MastanKhan
we are a dying breed

(speak for yer self .. grunts Mastan, VC gives away a sly smile & back to himself)
being Lazy is a trade mark of a typical Pakistani. always looking for a short cut. always loving own voice and not listening to someone else.
for record I listened to entire conversation years ago when it surfaced. conversations like these happen repeatedly.

@VCheng @MastanKhan
we are a dying breed

(speak for yer self .. grunts Mastan, VC gives away a sly smile & back to himself)

Are you spying on me through my laptop's camera? How did you know I smiled? :D

Being lazy is one trait, not listening to anything else is another, , but I find this more interesting: Why is it that after talking to a Desi you know more about who they know than what they know?

Finally, we all will die sooner or later, but there is much we can do before we die, if we choose to do so.
What is your view on the conversation?

Do you agree with the reasoning of Taliban?
its like Asking someone who has the right to rule Jerusalem
depends who you ask?

Talib guy were not there to reason, if he was opening to reasoning then they wont be beheading and playing footballs with skulls.

Talib was not listening. he was there to talk at the army guy. he simply refused every Islamic reference against him saying it doesnt apply to taliban. he justified killing and murder.

Are you spying on me through my laptop's camera? How did you know I smiled? :D

Being lazy is one trait, not listening to anything else is another, , but I find this more interesting: Why is it that after talking to a Desi you know more about who they know than what they know?

Finally, we all will die sooner or later, but there is much we can do before we die, if we choose to do so.
come here

I give you a hug now
Don't do taqiyyah. Quran is for Muslims, what Allah wants his followers to do. That verse is only for Jews.

What is your opinion on the Taliban debate?

Nothing is backward.

It is stupid Western Universal Worldview where every race, religion and culture is backward. Adoption of Secularism, Democracy, Human Rights, Free Speech doesn't mean progression. These are Western Solutions for their own historical and religious problems. We have nothing to do with them, neither Muslims.
Hi hindu, what does taqiyya mean?
Hi hindu, what does taqiyya mean?
it is bigger cousin of Sarhana Taqya is used to take support while sitting on the floor.
it is bigger cousin of Sarhana Taqya is used to take support while sitting on the floor.

That is the Gaao Takiya for the floor.
That is the Gaao Takiya for the floor.
I understand.. trying to move the discussion to some humor from the sectarian bait here.

cant get enough of it we "Muslims"
I understand.. trying to move the discussion to some humor from the sectarian bait here.

cant get enough of it we "Muslims"

I was trying the same, lekin bhains phir zaroor jayegi paani mein. :D
I was trying the same, lekin bhains phir zaroor jayegi paani mein. :D


My uncle told us an anecdote many a years ago----a mare died after giving birth to a foal---. No milk was available so it was given buffaloe milk---as it grew up it became a full blooded horse----.

This family had a wedding---the boy was going to be married----he decided to ride the horse----it was a nice summer day and as the marriage procession passed by a water pond the horse with the groom on it ran into the pond to take a dip----hehn----. Sometimes it is in the blood---and sometimes it gets into the blood.:yahoo:
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I want to know your definition, the one you learned in cbse mandir curriculum.
You want to do an Ahmadiya here?

Why is Islamic teaching as per Quran backward to you?

It is misinterpretation of Islam. They are quoting what they like and ignoring the rest. You would not kill a person just because he is not of your faith. Then he talks of Gazwa-Hind. Which Hind??

Most of the laws pertaining to punishment are more appropriate to those ages when Koran and Bible were written. Even we had Sati which was abolished by British.
I am still waiting for a written response and every one is trolling around.
No...Never...If taliban were righteous and well versed and understood their Religion themselves than they would have followed the message of The Qur'an...

"If any one slew a person - unless it be for murder or for spreading mischief in the land - it would be as if he slew the whole people: and if any one saved a life, it would be as if he saved the life of the whole people.”

So from the religious point of view they are murderers and out of Islam, anyone would be fool to consider them remotely muslims.

So, if Pakistan Army kills innocents as collatoral, what is that? The takfiris (ttp) also say its collatoral.. rest deserve to die bla bla

they hav their own stupid reasons...
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