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What Studying Muhammad Taught Me About Islam


That is what I say---. Sometimes it make you wonder---whose God do the pakistani muslims pray to----and whose prophet do they follow---.
That again is our problem isnt it? We need to know other people's fault instead of just concentrating on ourselves....how hard can that be?

Even the guy who read about Muhammad saw it:

Studying Muhammad has taught me invaluable lessons on the fundamental principles of Islam, but more importantly, principles of life itself. His treatment of religious minorities and his basic moral beliefs have encouraged me to further promote dialogue between Muslims, Christians, and Jews, and to improve my own everyday character and conduct. Without a doubt, my research into the Prophet's life has showed me that he is a role model for both Muslims and non-Muslims and that humanity can benefit from Islam.
,,,,,,,.I am doing my share in awareness why dont you do yours?


Spreading awareness about tolerance in secular and tolerant West is a no brainer. Almost preaching to the choir (Non-Muslim choir that is)

What makes it "interesting" is when you try to make population of Muslim countries aware of tolerance

That's when milk separates from water, and wheat from hay

hope you understand it now

Muslim should remember that their prophet is rehmatallil alameen and how he spend his life with such a simplicity wants nothing for himself only believe in giving .
we are just stuck in our muslim stage we have to move and become momeen.
How to become momeen when we love prophet Muhammad SAW more then any thing else even our parents,children,wives and our house .
when we love prophet saw we can follow him in true sense and lead a good life of peace and properity.

Muslim vs. momen is plain old world play

Please avoid it if possible.
Spreading awareness about tolerance in secular and tolerant West is a no brainer. Almost preaching to the choir (Non-Muslim choir that is)

What makes it "interesting" is when you try to make population of Muslim countries aware of tolerance

That's when milk separates from water, and wheat from hay

hope you understand it now
I dont understand your negativeness...It is way off scale!

All I did was post an article about one's views after he read about Muhammad...And mind you he did a good research and managed to produce things you never quoted!

Now are you trying to suppress a view different than yours?

The post shows how Muhammad was from the eyes of one who really had read and researched about him....

Lastly, its not my duty to care about what others think...I posted and thank you for reading! If it opened your eyes about what Islam is good, I did my work, if it didnt, I tried! The end!
Why it is almost impossible for most of the Muslim countries and their citizens to act on his teaching of humility, truth, and honesty and tolerance

on the individual level because we live in times of great fitna, in the islamic countries, a show down between freedom n injustice .
there r more than 70 divisions in the umah, some abuse the deen n others disbelieve in it ...there r takfiris n seculars n commies n nationalists all kinds of darknesses , but only one light, n these fitan begun with the Assassination of sayiduna Omar, not with the Arab spring.
on the level of the ummah, the global order is blocking any attempt to restore the true state of islam wich is no dream state but a state that lasted more than 30 years in the companions time .

the question we should ask is wich comes first, the restoration of the khilafa or the change in the umah, I say the change comes first .

wa Allahu A'lam
the question we should ask is wich comes first, the restoration of the khilafa or the change in the umah, I say the change comes first .

wa Allahu A'lam

Restoration of the Khilafah phatta lifafah is the biggest source of sectarianism and fitna.

If you ever get a change to ponder

you will know
on the individual level because we live in times of great fitna, in the islamic countries, a show down between freedom n injustice .
there r more than 70 divisions in the umah, some abuse the deen n others disbelieve in it ...there r takfiris n seculars n commies n nationalists all kinds of darknesses , but only one light, n these fitan begun with the Assassination of sayiduna Omar, not with the Arab spring.
on the level of the ummah, the global order is blocking any attempt to restore the true state of islam wich is no dream state but a state that lasted more than 30 years in the companions time .

the question we should ask is wich comes first, the restoration of the khilafa or the change in the umah, I say the change comes first .

wa Allahu A'lam

May i ask which of these 70 divisions you belong to? And if 69 out of 70 (98.5%) are wrong, how can you be sure you are not the one spreading more fitna?

This is why Islam should be personal, practice and perfect your own faith. And this is what @Topic is highlighting, that if Muslims modified themselves personally they would be better people. But we like to complicate things by making Islam political with talk of khilafah, global order and the like.

PS. there is no need for a global conspiracy to keep the Muslim state down - what conspiracy drove it down after the first 30 years? The thing keeping Muslims down is our backwardness.
An ideology that does not accommodate human frailties will always fail.

It is the duty of every religion and their followers to let down their prophet's teachings or their religion's teachings.

What does this tell us? Divine providence by an all mighty supreme being can still be twisted by Humans. That is how powerful it is.

Humans have this amazing ability to deflect away criticims, their regressive conditions by any excuse.

May i ask which of these 70 divisions you belong to? And if 69 out of 70 (98.5%) are wrong, how can you be sure you are not the one spreading more fitna?

This is why Islam should be personal, practice and perfect your own faith. And this is what @Topic is highlighting, that if Muslims modified themselves personally they would be better people. But we like to complicate things by making Islam political with talk of khilafah, global order and the like.

PS. there is no need for a global conspiracy to keep the Muslim state down - what conspiracy drove it down after the first 30 years? The thing keeping Muslims down is our backwardness.

We should ask Israel the same....Maybe even take it to Vatican city....

Israel has not put a ban on Mosques and Vatican city's example is a pathetic attempt at apology. It is just an extended Church having less spatial extent than small townships, with 100% Catholic population. Asking Vatican to allow a mosque in it's premise is equivalent to asking for a church atop Kaaba.It is just an demonstration that Islamic apologists cannot even come up with a proper analogy when their bigotry is pointed out.

PS: Vatican is not even a proper country, legally speaking.
Israel has not put a ban on Mosques and Vatican city's example is a pathetic attempt at apology. It is just an extended Church having less spatial extent than small townships, with 100% Catholic population. Asking Vatican to allow a mosque in it's premise is equivalent to asking for a church atop Kaaba.It is just an demonstration that Islamic apologists cannot even come up with a proper analogy when their bigotry is pointed out.

PS: Vatican is not even a proper country, legally speaking.

Well said.

Most of the secular and free countries allow mosques.

Rome Journal; A Mosque Is Built, Finally, in the City of St. Peter - New York Times

It is just us the Pakistanis who defend intolerance in the name Islam.

Sorry to see
That again is our problem isnt it? We need to know other people's fault instead of just concentrating on ourselves....how hard can that be?

Even the guy who read about Muhammad saw it:

Thank you. Pakistanis think that they have to be muslims first---not understanding how Allah has created us----. Allah has created us to be humans first---show humanity---once you have these traits---then you can be a muslim----if you don't have humanity in you---you cannot be a muslim.

The good example of Prophet Mohammad and other prophets is in front of us----.

Propeht Mohammad was a great humanitarian before he became a muslim---all the prophets were great human beings before they were endowed with prophet hood.
Well said.

Most of the secular and free countries allow mosques.

Rome Journal; A Mosque Is Built, Finally, in the City of St. Peter - New York Times

It is just us the Pakistanis who defend intolerance in the name Islam.

Sorry to see

For those who are advocating Ummah or Khilafah, take a gander at the thread running right now between Iran and KSA.

In fact take a look at the Middle Est section. Turks arguing with Kurds. Iranians, Iraqis and Saudi Arabs.

Improve first as a Human being, then you can improve the nation. Improve your nation and then you can think of a religious brotherhood

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