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What Studying Muhammad Taught Me About Islam

dont know man.. but you are funny anyway...
ok my view on topic before I am thread banned...

The person who wrote the piece is an interfaith activist. I see an agenda here.. to bring people of different faith together.. while it is a good aim and I dont see anything wrong in that, it also means I will be a little suspicious in what he asserts (as much as I am suspicious of faithfuls)

Just went through wiki entry, which is much more neutral ( ya wiki.. I know what you are thinking)..
and the fact that as an Indian I have followed babas and godmen (unavoidable)... I see a lot of parallel between jesus and sai baba or siridi (the long dead sufi saint) ... and mohammed and sathya sai baba

I know both followers will be equally mad at me.. but here are the parallels

1. Claiming to talk to god or angels when nobody is around or only faithfuls
2. establishing a community of followers
3. using existing religion beliefs / figures
4. Using clever use of politics and opinion makers, and powerful people
5. leaving a legacy some of which is better than the person.. sathya sai baba has hospitals and charitable trusts that do a lot of good work.
Apparently you have not read the biography of Muhammad....I am not sure why such people even post an opinion when they have no knowledge on the subject!

1stly, if he is an interfaith activist, there is no harm, he is not forcing his ideas on anyone, just presenting what he understood...
What form of curiosity can that raise? Do you oppose interfaith dialogues? And then few threads ago it was said discussions between faith increases tolerance...

2ndly, I am not sure what Sai Baba told you but so far nothing in the Quran has been disprove, some of the stuff in the bible has been corrected before writing in the Quran (amazing innit?) and lastly, what is wrong in taking the good points which this guy put forward?

Are we soo used to negativity that when 1 positive element comes our way we have to scrutinize it? Or is it just a habit to scrutinize Islam for fun?
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Apparently you have not read the autobiography of Muhammad....I am not sure why such people even post an opinion when they have no knowledge on the subject!

1stly, if he is an interfaith activist, there is no harm, he is not forcing his ideas on anyone, just presenting what he understood...
What form of curiosity can that raise? Do you oppose interfaith dialogues? And then few threads ago it was said discussions between faith increases tolerance...

2ndly, I am not sure what Sai Baba told you but so far nothing in the Quran has been disprove, some of the stuff in the bible has been corrected before writing in the Quran (amazing innit?) and lastly, what is wrong in taking the good points which this guy put forward?

Are we soo used to negativity that when 1 positive element comes our way we have to scrutinize it? Or is it just a habit to scrutinize Islam for fun?
I am a person with negative mind.. and am generally suspicious... you are not the first one to tell me.. and I agree. :)

I will safely ignore rest of your comments because I have been quite clear about my thought process in my original post you replied to.
I am a person with negative mind.. and am generally suspicious... you are not the first one to tell me.. and I agree. :)

I will safely ignore rest of your comments because I have been quite clear about my thought process in my original post you replied to.
So you will not answer my questions?

1stly, if he is an interfaith activist, there is no harm, he is not forcing his ideas on anyone, just presenting what he understood...
What form of curiosity can that raise? Do you oppose interfaith dialogues? And then few threads ago it was said discussions between faith increases tolerance...

2ndly, I am not sure what Sai Baba told you but so far nothing in the Quran has been disprove, some of the stuff in the bible has been corrected before writing in the Quran (amazing innit?) and lastly, what is wrong in taking the good points which this guy put forward?
@WebMaster @Aeronaut

Can we close this thread...Some people are having a hard time accepting a Christian to act "different" to their opinions...They rather discuss Islam then what he brought forward from research! I am starting to believe people dont get what research means!

Maybe there are people of the equal opposite tangent where Mullahs say something in 1 extreme and these people say the opposite extreme!

So you mean to say that one who does not follow tradtional Mullah Islam is atheist ??

What is Mullah Islam, I follow no such thing. Are you trying to make an assumption about me? Anyway I was not referring to you.
What the writer is saying is absolutely correct, Muhammad (saw) was tolerant, kind, charismatic, exemplary, in short every thing a leader should be, unfortunately the psychopath mullahs have perverted his teachings to a form that is not only false but also against the very teaching they claim to stand for....
Yes Pakistan is backwards we all know that. It is has nothing to do with this thread though and this thread should not have been opened anyway.
Apparently you have not read the autobiography of Muhammad....I am not sure why such people even post an opinion when they have no knowledge on the subject!

1stly, if he is an interfaith activist, there is no harm, he is not forcing his ideas on anyone, just presenting what he understood...
What form of curiosity can that raise? Do you oppose interfaith dialogues? And then few threads ago it was said discussions between faith increases tolerance...

2ndly, I am not sure what Sai Baba told you but so far nothing in the Quran has been disprove, some of the stuff in the bible has been corrected before writing in the Quran (amazing innit?) and lastly, what is wrong in taking the good points which this guy put forward?

Are we soo used to negativity that when 1 positive element comes our way we have to scrutinize it? Or is it just a habit to scrutinize Islam for fun?

An autobiography (from the Greek, αὐτός-autos self + βίος-bios life + γράφειν-graphein to write) is a written account of the life of a person written by that person.

Did Muhammad write his autobiography . I am not aware of that . Please explain more .
An autobiography (from the Greek, αὐτός-autos self + βίος-bios life + γράφειν-graphein to write) is a written account of the life of a person written by that person.

Did Muhammad write his autobiography . I am not aware of that . Please explain more .
Sorry remove the auto ..Biography! Nice of you to catch words and hang on to them!
Well said!

Really well said,.

OK coming back to the topic. Here is OP's main thrust.

Muhammad's beliefs on how to treat religious minorities make him a universal champion of human rights, particularly as it pertains to freedom of conscience, freedom of worship, and the right for minorities to have protection during times of strife.

Every time I read it, and I look around Pakistan and the behavior of Muslims,

I see no one (well 90% +) living in Pakistan and almost 100% Pakistani Mulsims living in EU/US/Canada

DO NOT believe in the OP.
I cant believe it! You really have to drag irrelevant stuff in! Can you never get in a discussion without getting irrelevant? Of course the very often degrading another to look good...

Just because people are doing as they please cant be equated to the prophet.... How is a dead man responsible for what your neighbourhood is full of?

In Pakistan under stone age barbaric Islamist laws
...universal observance of human rights, = 0, zero, shunni, nada, zilch

.... freedom of worship, = 0, zero, shunni, nada, zilch

... right for minorities to have protection = 0, zero, shunni, nada, zilch
Why are you in Pakistan if you cant tolerate it? Apparently they are tolerating you

Oh and (sadly) Pakistan happens to be the epitome of Islamist freedom compared to the lands ruled by Mullahs of Saudi and Ayatullah Khabeesi's Iran.
Is this thread about Pakistan or is it time for him to vent? @WebMaster @Secur

Can we give him the title how to derail a thread when it says anything about Islam?

Thus the writer does a poor job in pin pointing the issue to the very Islamists who want to tell every one that Mohammad pbuh was the greatest man ever

yet in the very next moment, with Islamist intollerance show everyone that Mohammad pbuh teachings are no longer valid.

not only that

the same intolerant posters turn around the beat the cr@p of secular Pakistanis all in the name of Islam and false postings like oP

@WebMaster @Aeronaut @Secur @Slav Defence @Jungibaaz when have I ever said anything to him...can he never post without his rantings? He dragged in Pakistan, he made personal remarks about me and mind you its not even the 1st thread with such repeated rantings! What has he proven? That he is capable of ranting similar stuff and that he has to get personal with anyone with a different POV than him?

How am I supposed to post when you have such people in TT position who literally attack anyone who has a different opinion than them by bringing in everything but the kitchen sink? There is only soo much one can take from a mad man!

I post a thread where someone read about Muhammad and didnt share @FaujHistorian 's views who btw, claims has read many books...

I posted a thread to show what Muhammad was but @FaujHistorian thinks it is about Pakistan and Mullah? How is that relevant?

I posted a thread about how some apart from @FaujHistorian read about Muhammad yet not come to common conclusions as @FaujHistorian does....Yet everyother analyzer is wrong but @FaujHistorian ? Is this the power of TT?

So we the normal members are not allowed an opinion only a TT deserves his say even
if he needs to degrade the postings of another member to say it or

if he has to derail every single thread made by a particular member

Please @WebMaster @Aeronaut @Secur @Slav Defence @Jungibaaz @nuclearpak @zakii

Either explain to him this is a public forum not his home where he gets to show his tantrums or degrade other's POV or even other's posts just to show he knows something.....Had he known something he never needs to get personal! I have told him off many times and gotten awarded with negative ratings! Is that what those negative ratings are for to give them to people who have a different POV then you? Or for people you want to personally attack and then not tolerate when they defend themselves?
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I sometimes think he is a multiple ID of a very snae poster who is mocking Fundoos by making these funny statements while ''acting '' like a fundoo
may be... who knows.. :lol:
I personally have no issues with religious fundamentalists... they live their life their way.. and I live mine.
Some religious fundoos are good people at heart, and some non religious people cound be really nasty.

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