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Boy from the valley

@Hyperion @Marshmallow @HRK @LoveIcon @SHAMK9 @Spring Onion @Luftwaffe @Developereo @Rafi @Farah Sohail @Ghareeb_Da_Baal @Talon @Yzd Khalifa @BLACKEAGLE @al-Hasani @Raja.Pakistani @Pak-one @Peaceful Civilian @Hermione G @JonAsad @balixd @jaibi @474474 @pakistani342 @A.Rafay @Tehmasib @S.U.R.B. @razgriz19 @darkinsky @truthseer @Xeric @Last Hope @F.O.X @Irfan Baloch @BDforever


Salute to the bravery of the Kashmir people, freedom from the indian oppressors is yours.
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wait and watch.. It will... All Kashmiris are not delusional like a handful of separatists Pakistan harps on. Its the same case of a silent majority and an extremist minority. I know because I am one...

Like all Pakistanis can't be painted in the color of a few thousand terrorists of TTP & LeJ, similarly, All residents of J&K are not represented by a few thousand separatists...

But there are no handfuls in the valley who want independence from Indian rule , they are a majority and even Indians and their leaders have admitted this . Otherwise , who are the people I see in the mass demonstrations/protest against Indian rule in Kashmir ? Are they all Pakistanis proving that the allegiance of the Kashmiris lie with Pakistan ? Or as the famous theory goes , they are all terrorists infiltrating from Pakistan - as if we can somehow infiltrate thousands of people from LOC at will ? I mean who are they ? How can an insurgency survive for so long without the popular support ? Just how ? Why do you think that the same doesn't happen in our part of Kashmir ? Because India is a saint or that it cant do , since people are happy with the Pakistani rule ? . I believe that it is a case of vocal majority which wants an end to Indian rule and few thousand separatists who resort to violence for that .

Apples and Oranges , mate . Pakistan's example is not valid for Kashmir for a couple of reason .

Take all the ones that are willing to move to Pakistan

How much population are you left with , in such case ? Seeing that the majority is concentrated in the valley and that part is the most volatile and vocal against Indian rule .
kashmir is of Kashmiris, not some tom dicckk and harry from hindustan !

And he is a Kashmiri.

Anyway, if Pakistan really want good trade relations with India, it has to revert back GB and P-O-K to India. Until that time all these backdoor talks, diplomacy won't yield anything. The ball is in Pakistan court.
How much population are you left with , in such case ? Seeing that the majority is concentrated in the valley and that part is the most volatile and vocal against Indian rule .

I guess there are around 3 million people in the valley (Mumbai itself has 20 million people :lol:) assuming 50% of those want to go Pakistan, around 1.5 million should go to Pak.
But there are no handfuls in the valley who want independence from Indian rule , they are a majority and even Indians and their leaders have admitted this . Otherwise , who are the people I see in the mass demonstrations/protest against Indian rule in Kashmir ? Are they all Pakistanis proving that the allegiance of the Kashmiris lie with Pakistan ? Or as the famous theory goes , they are all terrorists infiltrating from Pakistan - as if we can somehow infiltrate thousands of people from LOC at will ? I mean who are they ? How can an insurgency survive for so long without the popular support ? Just how ? Why do you think that the same doesn't happen in our part of Kashmir ? Because India is a saint or that it cant do , since people are happy with the Pakistani rule ? . I believe that it is a case of vocal majority which wants an end to Indian rule and few thousand separatists who resort to violence for that .

You did not understand my post it seems. Read it again in context of the post I replied to..

And the reason there is no terrorist violence in your part of Kashmir, is because India did not chose that region to respond to Pakistan's cross border terrorism in India.

How much population are you left with , in such case ? Seeing that the majority is concentrated in the valley and that part is the most volatile and vocal against Indian rule .

Will be interesting to see exactly that .. How many will be willing to move to Pakistan.. ?? 20 years back, may be a lot.. But today, I dont think so

Take it as an advice of "pro India" muhajior. You are humiliating yourself with such comments after such type of article. ;)

Please talk some sense.. And see your own post before trying to take the higher road.

btw, what is a Muhajior...?
I guess there are around 3 million people in the valley (Mumbai itself has 20 million people :lol:) assuming 50% of those want to go Pakistan, around 1.5 million should go to Pak.

That , mindset of wanting the land and not the people as it is frequently made known by Indian members here , is precisely the reason that you haven't been able to win the hearts of Kashmiris even after 60 years . Thank you for proving my point .
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