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Border Bandwidth: Northeast states e-connect with the world via Bangladesh

atleast try.
Dishonest self? Supremacy? Why are you suddenly taking a victim stance as if I am claiming Manipuris are inferior, everyone knows Manipuris do well in sports especially, never said Tripura was beating Manipur in sports output. What I have posted is to counter your illogical claim of Tripura being the lowest in Northeast or should I remind you of your own words.

To be good at something doesn't mean others need to be shits. We are quickly gaining ground in most metrics like economy and they don't sprout out of thin air, you'd be hard pressed to find a beggar in Agartala nowadays, visit if you don't wanna believe, keep playing the supremacist ostrich and we'll leave you far behind than what we already have and you won't even have the excuses you have now to show, the rational ones are keeping Manipur in the race and hope it's connectivity with our east can be improved as our government aims which would be beneficial for entire north east. Manipur or Tripura's growth need not be at the expense of other you see.
Ofcourse your racist brain won't be able to process a bengali majority state leading or doing well in many such metrics, but atleast try.

I already said how I define the merit of a state ,that's my opinion. And I found most people from NE I met agree.

Tripura is by far the most unsafe state in NE along with Assam,
Agartala doesn't even feel like NE ,but bangladesh,people always say it's the most unaesthetic and dirty when compared, everyone who's been there.
Mizoram is super clean ,poised and orderly .Nagaland is gorgeous,crime free ,Manipur is the main powerhouse of NE connecting whole of EAST .Shillong is a beautiful hillstation . Arunachal is ok on almost every regard . They all feel like themselves.

So comparatively, since I'm comparing with the safest and most progressive states in India. Tripura feels like a shithole ,especially considering how an alien stole my laptop from inside someone's room;this is inconceivable in manipur,mizoram or nagaland.
For indigenous people ,it's a tragedy to see a state taken over by aliens and the indigenous treated as second class. Twiprasa are treated horribly by bangals ,only in shithole aliens treat minority like that,no excuse,now the bengals scared about the nrc and changed their tone a bit ,also the twiprassa has become more confident.

Also don't take credit for everything Tripura as Bengal ,the other ST contribute a lot,even look at the upsc ,there has been consistant non bangal people .Tripura stats would be better like mizoram without aliens.Aliens are the one lowering it.

Tripura is unsafe,and toxic in culture to the brim that's why it will be shithole. some might be decent but the over all the vibe is shit,whole of India mainland suffers from it that's why India is India not like China or Korea .

States like Mizoram has higher literacy and per capita income , than Tripura and Manipur,but nobody sane thinks they are in manipur calibre, Manipur's hill-valley makes it impossible for uniform wealth distribution or data surveys.

But manipur has everythiing Tripura has ,just many times more and better ,so your per capita thing just sounds like a mindless excuse when all things considered.
Manipur has one of the lowest infant mortality rate in INDIA and as I have said the medical care is different class ,as it even hosts foreign patients.

and win national award

It has everything better,bigger better roads,way more big educational institutions,stadiums,parks ,tourism sites.
Tripura doesn't have anything better than Manipur.

For me ,sad thing was I tried hard to find indigenous food in Agartala,but found none.

Below is a quaint little teahouse/cafe visited once in Imphal,and how indigenous the edibles are.

Some black rice bakes, indigenous tea and indigenous side snack


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I already said how I define the merit of a state ,that's my opinion. And I found most people from NE I met agree.

Tripura is by far the most unsafe state in NE along with Assam,
Agartala doesn't even feel like NE ,but bangladesh,people always say it's the most unaesthetic and dirty when compared, everyone who's been there.
Mizoram is super clean ,poised and orderly .Nagaland is gorgeous,crime free ,Manipur is the main powerhouse of NE connecting whole of EAST .Shillong is a beautiful hillstation . Arunachal is ok on almost every regard . They all feel like themselves.

So comparatively, since I'm comparing with the safest and most progressive states in India. Tripura feels like a shithole ,especially considering how an alien stole my laptop from inside someone's room;this is inconceivable in manipur,mizoram or nagaland.
For indigenous people ,it's a tragedy to see a state taken over by aliens and the indigenous treated as second class. Twiprasa are treated horribly by bangals ,only in shithole aliens treat minority like that,no excuse,now the bengals scared about the nrc and changed their tone a bit ,also the twiprass has become more confident.

Also don't take credit for everything Tripura as Bengal ,the other ST contribute a lot,even look at the upsc ,there has been consistant non bangal people .Tripura stats would be better like mizoram without aliens.Aliens are the one lowering it.

Tripura is unsafe,and toxic in culture to the brim that's why it will be shithole. some might be decent but the over all the vibe is shit,whole of India mainland suffers from it that's why India is India not like China or Korea .

States like Mizoram has higher literacy and per capita income , than Tripura and Mizoram,but nobody sane thinks they are in manipur calibre, Manipur's hill-valley makes it impossible for uniform wealth distribution or data surveys.

But manipur has everythiing Tripura has ,just many times more and better ,so your per capita thing just sounds like a mindless excuse when all things considered.
Manipur has one of the lowest infant mortality rate in INDIA and as I have said the medical care is different class ,as it even hosts foreign patients.
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and win national award View attachment 842559

It has everything better,bigger better roads,way more big educational institutions,stadiums,parks ,tourism sites.
Tripura doesn't have anything better than Manipur.

For me ,sad thing was I tried hard to find indigenous food in Agartala,but found none.

Below is a quaint little teahouse/cafe visited once in Imphal,and how indigenous the edibles are,though cafe are suppo.

Some black rice bakes, indigenous tea and indigenous side snack

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By god you're racist, the hate in your words can be felt as you deny to accept any progress metrics, cleanliness rating being one of the highest and still you cry foul about it being dirty.
Also unlike you I don't treat Tripura's progress as being Bengali or Twiprasa, as we both belong to the state. And why do you keep yapping about upsc? Does everyone need to be a civil servant?
Also a media report on how Manipur has low infant mortality is credible, but reports of Tripura having high literacy, gdp is bogus? Quite hypocritical aren't we?
Everything is bigger and better and still you lack in education, literacy and economy? How can you be proud of this lol? Sounds like a defect :omghaha:
Also you didn't find indigenous food in agartala? Wtf, and you claim to have been there lol. Like I said you clearly haven't been there recently so do visit might change your perspective.
Also about NRC majority Bengalis in Tripura came during the partition or 60s, not after 71, not considering the people who were already there serving as ministers in Kings court and in the plains, the late kings being a big patron of Bengali arts and culture.
Previously he used to atleast try to disguise his racism, seems he's way past that. Cursing the very nation that bore him out of nothing but pure racism. Literally fighting to prove how south Koreans are the most beautiful even without plastic surgery and stating how Indians, Pakistanis, bangladeshis have melanin and thus below in beauty standards. Epitome of having a slave mentality towards a foreign power.
chances are Body dysmorphia has taken a toll on self-worth and intellect
This is just a more dumb interpretation of the modern "noble savage" narrative. Truth is, Indic culture (where Bengalis are/were at the forefront in the geographic region) civilized a lot of these people by bringing them into the Indic (hindu-muslim-buddhist etc) fold like Tripuras, Meitei, Bodo-Kacharis etc. while those left out like Nagas and Kukis were civilized by christian missionaries in the 19th/20th centuries.

This East Asian fetishism is just a way for them to cope now (driven partly by their koreaboo/weaboo obsessions) when the fact is "agricultural" East Asians like the Chinese, Japanese or Koreans are more similar to us while they're more culturally akin to "aboriginal" groups like Orang Asli or Dayak. You have to ask why the Tripura Rajmala is in Bengali or why Bengali Hindus and Bengali Muslims were sent to convert the Meitei to Hinduism and Islam respectively or why they use our script. The fact is that they have borrowed a lot from our culture including in language, toponyms, religion, literature etc in the past while nothing was taken from them vice versa. Their modern superiority complex stems from the fact they're generally unable to cope with the more labourious, industrious "Indian", and in this region "Bengalis" with their more intense agricultural ways threatening their supposed livelihoods.

This is in no way asserting racial supremacy btw. All Bengali people are partly East Asian (average 10-12% and largely through a female line) and even my mtdna is A11 (a Tibet-centric haplogroup occurring less than 0.1% in Bengal) meaning my Indo-Aryan ancestors absorbed some Tibeto-Burman woman into the fold through marriage thousands of years ago. But, the truth definitely needs to be said.

Absolutely true on all counts - well said.

Post of the month @Shorisrip Bhai. :-)

Fact is almost all high class Bengalis have A11 MTDNA. That does not lie.
By god you're racist, the hate in your words can be felt as you deny to accept any progress metrics, cleanliness rating being one of the highest and still you cry foul about it being dirty.
Also unlike you I don't treat Tripura's progress as being Bengali or Twiprasa, as we both belong to the state. And why do you keep yapping about upsc? Does everyone need to be a civil servant?
Also a media report on how Manipur has low infant mortality is credible, but reports of Tripura having high literacy, gdp is bogus? Quite hypocritical aren't we?
Everything is bigger and better and still you lack in education, literacy and economy? How can you be proud of this lol? Sounds like a defect :omghaha:
Also you didn't find indigenous food in agartala? Wtf, and you claim to have been there lol. Like I said you clearly haven't been there recently so do visit might change your perspective.
Also about NRC majority Bengalis in Tripura came during the partition or 60s, not after 71, not considering the people who were already there serving as ministers in Kings court and in the plains, the late kings being a big patron of Bengali arts and culture.
We all know how stupid the swacchsurveys are(they even deleted it),they write anything from their ***,like India being open defecation free while rice institute proved at least 44% in bihar alone does open defecation,it's not like a reputable foreign NGO did the survey.

The swacch awarded Guwahati being most clean city being NE................I hope u go to Guwahati once....

Look at what an unbiased foreigner says about aizwal,which I consider very clean without many aliens ,he can't stop talking about how clean it it.

Cleanliness is directly proportional to lack of aliens in NE.

Mainland Indian from punjab shocked how such a big road is pristine

Your standard of clean and other's are different. Indians considers their habit as clean,Japanese would consider that unacceptable.

I have been there quite a time in agartala ,it's filthy especially in the basti where lower-income Bangla live,they stand out like a typical slum hole it's inherent of the aliens to create slum like sitiation,,agartala ,assam or anywhere. . Our people are so used to it that they now associate aliens with filth in local terms ,because of the track record not simple biasedness.
Even in manipur ,the business areas run by foreigners and their living quarters are really filthy and eyesore when compared . That's a reason natives hate foreigners.

And like everywhere with alien flooding, Agartala region is overcrowded and messy just like bD suburb .

This is city center road, I remember,most roads in Agartala is smaller than this , with few exceptions at small parts. Tripura was never meant to host so many aliens.

Compare with Imphal city center road. It feels like proper city roads.


Also unlike you I don't treat Tripura's progress as being Bengali or Twiprasa, as we both belong to the state. And why do you keep yapping about upsc? Does everyone need to be a civil servant?
U brought up education.
You can see various non-local news mentioning 9 passing from NE & 6 passing from Manipur ,it's not even manipur news ,but they mentioned it since it's the most important all-India competitive exam . All states are vying to have the most people clear the UPSC so that later, their state can have some voice in the Indian administration policies.

Everything is bigger and better and still you lack in education, literacy and economy? How can you be proud of this lol? Sounds like a defect
What do u mean lacking in education? maybe literacy rate it's behind,but that's a list from" 2011",only old-timers from the time of revolution after joining India aren't literate.

Tripura guy talking upon education of state with AIIMS,IIT on the pipe line and already have Central institutes like Central Agricultural University,RIMS, JNIMS,NPRC etc . I can sense some of the delusion here.

Your state's education class is low that's why they can't send 6 people in the premiere exam of UPSC which not just affect the fate of the students themselves but the state itself.

Both Nagaland & Mizoram has higher income than Tripura,why are u so obsessed with income?
Like I said Meitei people has less then 50% of the total population and has 11% of total land mass ,89 % are hills ,so that creates an administration gap in hill vs valley which sucks up the resources,in Tripura u can easily build a straight road from A- B , 2 few km apart,but in hilly areas, you have to carve roads through 3-4 huge mountains for every few km,it's a next lvl geographic challenge ,the state budget isn't enough to meet the infrastructure required for such a mountainous region.

Regardless for what they have, Manipur does everything better ,in agriculture or industries.Like I said manipur source everything locally other than high-end gadgets. Manipur rice & pulses output is 2.5T/ha higher than national average of 2.4 T/ha,Tripura has 2t /ha.


Manipur also has much stronger local industrial base,they source everything for sustainance locally except for high-end electronics.

Look at the women taking up small business as entrepreneurs in Manipur, there's a minority woman too ,they live in different world than minority woman under duress of aliens in Tripura.

Meanwhile ,in tripura hardly a month goes by without news of savages raping woman

A KUKI minority girl's evening in imphal.She speaks meitei-lon but she's kuki not MEITEI,she's so happy
In Tripura she would be oggled,eyeraped and invaded, might even be harrassed,disrespected or teased.

So I said Tripura is shithole of NE ,as long as so many problematic aliens are there,it will be that way.
Even the weather is worst in NE.
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Local Sangh Parivar activists and top officials (Assam is a BJP majority state) are deathly afraid that Muslims will gain majority in most districts in Assam and they have been making noise about it (new fresh NRC proposals). All dirty tricks in trying to drive out Muslims from Assam state. Narrow minded idiots.
এইরকম সম্ভাবনা কি আছে নাকি যে ভারতের মালাউন সরকার মুসলমানগো ভ্যাসেকটমি করব আর বহুবিবাহ বন্ধ কইরা দিবো। হ্যারা করতে নারাজ এমন কোনো অপকর্ম আল্লার দুনিয়াতে নাই বলতে কিছু নাই।

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