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Bodh Gaya: A Hindu Response

Honestly I don't know, can you (or anyone) direct me to credible source.

Would Standford University do?


Introduction to Buddhism
^^ where does it mention his/his family's religion?
1. Buddhists claim Buddhism is the first formal religion of SA. They say Hinduism came much late - and that too not as one lot.

2. In the Constitution of India Buddhists are included in the official definition of Hindu. Same for Sikhs, Brahmos and Jains.

3. In the Holy Qu'oran there is a reference to a prophet who appeared in ancient times in the East. He used to meditate sitting under a large tree. There is a research going on to find out if Buddha could be one of our prophets. In this research work Muslim and Buddhist scholars from Pakistan, China, Thailand and others are involved. A lead researcher from Pakistan is Wing Commander Jalaluddin Akbar, a Bengalee officer settled in Pakistan. He used to fly F-104 during '65 War.
I'm not too much in to religious stuff though. Why you are mentioning he is a "Hindu" prince? As I said earlier he studied from various teachers who follow their own ways. How do you claim he is born in to a "Hindu" family, what I learnt from school and temple there were many other religions.

I'm a Buddhist not becoz I born to Buddhist Family, things in Buddhism are basic stuff. I'm not forcing myself to follow every stuff in Buddhism, example I never have done meditation things expect few times at school. But I know it can be useful to tame the mind. Doesn't know why people are crazy about their religion, take the good things if it support to make your life better, but be yourself. :)

As far as I know if anyone follow Buddha's teaching does not make him a Buddhist either!

Here u go read it, i ain't making stories here these r well documented facts...

The Buddha was born into a
family of the kshatriya varna (Hindu) in what is now Nepal in 562 BCE. His father was King Suddhodana, Leader of the Sakya clan in what was the growing state of Kosala, and his mother was Queen Maya. He was raised by his
mother's younger sister Maha Pajapati after his mother's death seven days
after childbirth.

Family of Gautama Buddha - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Plz enlighten me about ur claim to which different religions were prevelent in 500 BC in India or Nepal except Hinduism as a matter of fact Nepal is the only Hindu Kingdom in present day world.
Buddha was a Kshatriya Varna(One of the 4 major castes in Hinduism) Prince is well documented fact u can check it from where ever u want

The reason i emphasised that Buddha was Hindu to make u understand that since he himself was a Hindu n his upbringing was also done in India by Hindus he even attained his enlightment in India(Bodh Gaya) all this r the reasons which later on became the causes of similarity between Hinduism n Buddhism

I m not saying not saying or asking u to Follow Buddhist teachings, i saying that since u do not follow Buddha's teaching n have very limited knowledge about Hinduism its difficult for u to understand the similarities n dissimilarities between the two religion or believes...:)
According to the most traditional biography, Buddha was born in a royal Hindu family[21] to King Śuddhodana, the leader of Shakya clan, whose capital was Kapilavastu, and who were later annexed by the growing Kingdom of Kosala during the Buddha's lifetime.

Gautama Buddha - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
1. Buddhists claim Buddhism is the first formal religion of SA. They say Hinduism came much late - and that too not as one lot.

2. In the Constitution of India Buddhists are included in the official definition of Hindu. Same for Sikhs, Brahmos and Jains.

3. In the Holy Qu'oran there is a reference to a prophet who appeared in ancient times in the East. He used to meditate sitting under a large tree. There is a research going on to find out if Buddha could be one of our prophets. In this research work Muslim and Buddhist scholars from Pakistan, China, Thailand and others are involved. A lead researcher from Pakistan is Wing Commander Jalaluddin Akbar, a Bengalee officer settled in Pakistan. He used to fly F-104 during '65 War.

Provide source to ur claims or else STFU...:angry:
This is no RAW conspiracy theory that u r jumping up n down here...:hitwall:
2. In the Constitution of India Buddhists are included in the official definition of Hindu. Same for Sikhs, Brahmos and Jains.

Incorrect. Constitution of India does not include Buddhists as Hindus. It doesnot even define who is a Hindu or a Muslim or a christian. If you are referring to Article 25 (2) then let me know. Will give you a detailed explanation.
1. Buddhists claim Buddhism is the first formal religion of SA. They say Hinduism came much late - and that too not as one lot.

2. In the Constitution of India Buddhists are included in the official definition of Hindu. Same for Sikhs, Brahmos and Jains.

3. In the Holy Qu'oran there is a reference to a prophet who appeared in ancient times in the East. He used to meditate sitting under a large tree. There is a research going on to find out if Buddha could be one of our prophets. In this research work Muslim and Buddhist scholars from Pakistan, China, Thailand and others are involved. A lead researcher from Pakistan is Wing Commander Jalaluddin Akbar, a Bengalee officer settled in Pakistan. He used to fly F-104 during '65 War.

Indian Constitution does not define any religion, unless you have a credible source to prove me wrong. You could be someone who reads the Quran, occasionally likes to visit the local Church/Gurudwara, and declare yourself a Hindu and you will be a Hindu accoridng to the constitution of India...

Also, source for point 1?
Most Sri Lankans aren't practicing Buddhist...

They don't meditate follow the guidelines of Buddha...

N Buddha aka Siddharta was himself a Hindu, who acheived enlightment through meditation...:wave:

agree with that bro! true story. :tup:
Why should we follow? Anyone can follow or ignore. Buddha has never force to do anything, he just mention if you do this, that will happen.

nope, I never heard he is a Hindu. Even he studied from some others.

The case is bro, Sri Lakan Buddhist don't want to practice meditation or achieve nirvana. They want to enjoy this life and born again in a high state of life (i.e. in paradise). They think gathering positive karma in this life will help them "one day" achieve nirvana.

SL Buddhist indeed do nothing. :frown:

^^ where does it mention his/his family's religion?

Don't try to force it buddy, one way or another Siddhartha was Hindu. :cool:
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