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BLA terrorists bomb Jinnah's Ziarat residency museum.

Chaudhary Nisar has said that rebuilding will be completed in 4 months.
govt need to properly expose these militants ,
they need to be controlled now , they are increasing their activities with every coming day ....
govt and army need to work in coordination in order to crush such militant and separatist forces ...
The lack of much of a response from Nawaz Sharif is quite telling...

NS should have addressed the nation and declared that Switzerland has given asylum to an OBL equivalent, if Switzerland refuses to hand him, we will go and kill that kuttay ka bacha inside Switzerland - that much is our right!
Look, we are not kids and there is no point in being ignorant about it.

India's retaliation in Balochsitan is well known which should be seen as a revenge for Pakistan's support for Khalistani and Kashmiri terrorists.

So no specific evidence, just a personal hunch.

That's all I was looking to clarify.

Maybe we're just teaching them how to make bhel puri and how to run a bureaucracy if they ever win?:angel:

Getting snarky, are we? Well, being hungover on a Sunday does that to a man. :sick:
what does president of Pakistan got to say?

The lack of much of a response from Nawaz Sharif is quite telling...

NS should have addressed the nation and declared that Switzerland has given asylum to an OBL equivalent, if Switzerland refuses to hand him, we will go and kill that kuttay ka bacha inside Switzerland - that much is our right!

I don't recognize Pakistan as a sovereign state as long as with have the kind of politicians who are running the country. For me Pakistan is the same as any other small African country. Wait, even they are doing better than Pakistan.

I don't want to sound harsh, but for me this attack makes me feel more that Balauchistan will unfortunately get separated in the long term thanks to how we are handling the nation as a whole not just Balauchistan. Either confederation or completely independence time will only tell.


Respected Mr. Jinnah (may the blessings of Allah be upon you),

You gave us one nation where everyone has equal rights and the nation has tremendous opportunities and capabilities. I am extremely sorry to say that unfortunately:

- The nation split into two

- Citizens have no rights for them in the constitution, 1/3 are willing to leave the nation for a better future themselves and their children as your nation has failed to keep up with your dreams.

- Most if not all of the bright sons (citizens) of your's are not in Pakistan but abroad as your nation has failed to provide them opportunities thanks to the honest politicians who run our nation. No one can ignore the fact that if given opportunities in Pakistan your sons will do wonders and be models for others to follow. They want to come back but they don't have any future in Pakistan given the condition of your nation.

- In your very own city if people go out in the morning, they don't know whether they will return alive and see their family members in the evening.

- Children have no rights for them in the constitution, even education and school bags come from outside as aid

- Old citizens have no rights for them in the constitution.

- A man who said creation of Pakistan was the biggest blunder in history is democratically running your very own city for years and years, as such we are democratically saying for years and years that creation of Pakistan was the biggest blunder in history.

- A democratically elected person who talks live on air to the people of your very own city about detaching your very own city from the rest of your nation, and no one can even touch his hair to punish him.

- A person who called you dog and incapable of running a nation, his son is a democratically elected president of the nation, as such we have democratically called you a dog.

- A state rich with natural resources and the least population is the poorest of states in Pakistan but unfortunately we have people running the country who don't know how to run a nation. and we again and again entrust the burden of running the nation on them.

- A nation which has many natural resources most importantly the most important of resources "human resource", and is strategically located but has been neglected.

- You dreamt of a nation that would be counted among the developed nations of the world, but unfortunately after 66 years we have people running Pakistan who know nothing about running a nation and consequently we are now running on foreign aid.

- You dreamt of a nation where the citizens would be highly educated but given the illiteracy rate of your nation if the trend continues we would be a labor exporting nation.

- Your nation is crawling day by day towards a situation where we might very well see a repeat of history and the nation again splitting into two.

Mr. Jinnah,

This is just some of the bright points that our beloved politicians let us dream day and night and make us work for the better of the politicians.

I can only say, may Allah save Pakistan, but again Allah only helps those who help themselves and by looking at the above points it is obvious how much we help ourselves and how much love we have for your nation by not entrusting it to traitors and those who are incapable of running the nation.
Government ready to hold dialogue with militants: Chaudhary Nisar

QUETTA: Interior Minister Chaudhary Nisar Ali Khan said that the government was ready to hold a dialogue with militants to come up with a political solution of issues.

Addressing a press conference after chairing a high level meeting in Quetta on Sunday, June 16, he said that the government believed in dialogue and that it was determined to speak to those who were ready to negotiate. “We cannot hold dialogue with those who are not ready for talk”, he asserted.

The interior minister strongly condemned Quetta's suicide bombings and the attack at the Quaid-e-Azam residency in Ziarat. “Our religion does not allow us to target women and children”, he said. He also mentioned that both Baloch and Pashtoon cultures and values forbid from attacking vulnerable classes of society.

Khan said an important meeting regarding Balochistan was to be held on June 20 in Islamabad to discuss the ways and means to of finding political solutions of issues relating to the militancy-hit province.

“We will announce the policy regarding Balochistan to restore the trust of people”, he concluded and walked out without answering the questions of journalists.

Government ready to hold dialogue with militants: Chaudhary Nisar - DAWN.COM

WTF still talk with these butchers.... Fck man.... itni ghairat to iak kuttay me bhi hoti. BCH
@Aeronautpak @SEAL @Awesome @Pak-one @irfan Khan

ur views. m really pissed off man
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WHile youth festival is going on in lahore...... Height of senseless..... and then we call our self patriotic....

While PPP and MQM are busy in siasi mufahmat

while no news from PTI may be they are going to announce protest for tax.... Fk every one
Well negotiations should not be an option at this stage it should be a military option
Holy shitsnacks! Excuse my language.
What your saying is that this will need a more grass-root level and far FAR more intensive/extensive approach spread over perhaps two decades, yes?.

Easily over two decades, a process that was done over four decades would need at least that.
So no specific evidence, just a personal hunch.

That's all I was looking to clarify.

You need to do a bit more research how clandestine operations work. No evidence is left, no names are exchanged.

I am sure you would be willing to bet your life that ISI is behind the different secessionist movements in India, but you have no concrete proof to support that claim. You are more than willing to believe that the State of Pakistan was behind the Mumbai attacks, you believe that Dawood Ibrahim is hiding in Pakistan, but thats just a hunch and you have no proof to support that in the Court of Law. You and me both think that Hafiz Saeed is a menace to society, but there is no proof to implicate him in the Court of Law. If you had proof, you would have taken it to the UN and UNSC and humiliated Pakistan in-front of the world.

We have pictures of Indian diplomats meeting with BLA separatist leaders in Afghanistan. It is just a casual meeting, nothing sinister. But one questions, why is an Indian diplomat meeting with a BLA leader? We showed those pictures to your envoys and the Americans, but not much came out of it. So please, stop it with this 'Holier than thou' and hypocritical attitude and start to accept the reality of life.
Yep, we need tolerate more Bugti's and Megal sardars as well call them "shaheed".
About time all these waderas and sardars are given one way ticket to hell.
I wonder why US state dept doesnt criticize such heinous acts by BLA and label BLA as a terrorist organization @Solomon2 ?
In fact a bunch of US law makers speak in favor of BLA , what would we call that ? hypocrisy or means to support their hidden agenda ?
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Yep, we need tolerate more Bugti's and Megal sardars as well call them "shaheed".
About time all these waderas and sardars are given one way ticket to hell.

I fail to understand how these 400-1000 armed malitia can make whole province into hostage .. send in troops and de fang them like Musharaf did they were quiet for 10 years
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