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BLA Female Suicide Bomber Kills a Pakistani Driver and 3 Chinese Teachers at Karachi University Entrance

First and foremost rip to everyone who passed away, and may allah make it easier for their grieving families.
yes, Pakistan needs to go for all these online terrorist sympathisers, and either put them in jail or deport them to Afghanistan if their originally from there. However people got to understand that before this incident, if the army had taken these actions, liberal donkeys like nida kirmani would’ve been the first to spread misinformation and crap online, creating further problems. Now after this incident we should have no excuses to not go after them.
If the Chinese government offered PLA spec ops teams to help bolster your counterterrorism operations like they did after the Dasu dam incident, would the Pak govt accept the offer this time?
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Until pervaiz hoodbhoy,nida Kirmani type are not arrested these attacks will keep happening.
There are multiple instances of BLA attack against Chinese in Pakistan during Imran's administration as well. I remember reading about Karachi stock exchange attack and Gwadar attack here. Some Chinese kids were killed in the latter attack as I recall.
Right, but most of them are answered or blocked on spot. Attacks like this will cause great issue for govt and BLA as well. Agencies will hunt them with more power now
This is why I was calling out Bajwa and anybody who enables his rule (corps/formation commanders, DG I, etc.) long before this latest selling out / coup.

Tactics without strategy = failure. This pacifist dove apparently has never read a word of realism, grand strategy, or even the fundamentals of deterrence.

When you don't raise the cost for the backers of these proxy groups (Doval/RAW/etc) and just keep going after the replaceable foot soldiers/field commanders (tactics), this is what happens.
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