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BLA Female Suicide Bomber Kills a Pakistani Driver and 3 Chinese Teachers at Karachi University Entrance

Weak State, with weak and compromised leaders, hence acts of violence that should solely be the domain of the State becomes the personal asset of any idiot, huckster or revolutionary.
As long as the State acts weak, we will continue to face such acts.
What stand out to me the most is where's the state? I'm not saying this in terms of security but mostly in terms of preventing people from falling into these extremist organizations, she became disillusioned just as many other youth and was misled into committing this heinous act. At the end of the day even if the attack fails, Pakistan suffers still, you lose another educated person in which resources were spent in educating them and a potential spender into the economy. Since the 2000s this recent insurgency has been chugging along and yet it seems not enough tangible steps have been taken to address the issues which are feeding the fire, the kerosene continues to be steadily poured onto it.
which university she studied in? might be the usual suspects?

Has Pakistan ever explored the possibility of provincial autonomy in Baluchistan? Is that seen as a step too far in Pakistani politics?
18 th amendament... already happened in 2009-10!

If the Chinese government offered PLA spec ops teams to help bolster your counterterrorism operations like they did after the Dasu dam incident, would the Pak govt accept the offer this time?
hopefuly they do cuz there are just so many threats at this point that any help should be taken...
All those who commented on her tweets and facebook in her favour and supported her crime needs to be jailed..

I agree, her husband needs to be put in jail ASAP, also all her immediate family members..
Make an example of such psychopath bitches...
2000+ followers is also surprising

Girls get that many followers easily cuz of simp army

.. seems like she was educated and well off. I wonder what her personal motivation was to carry the terminal attack (other than the larger aim of the group). It was not likely just poverty as is usually believed.

2000+ followers is also surprising

Marxists believe in revolution stuff
It's the foot soldiers who are wasting lives for country while East India Company executives are busy in messaging testicals of LUs, playing game of thrones and scaring kids on twitter.
Where is Pakistan cyber crime unit? Why don’t they crackdown on terrorist online? I can even give them a list of dozens of terrorist sympathizers residing in Pakistan. Terrorist sympathizers should be punished!

In the west if you support any group they call a terrorist even tweet a line in favour of them and you’ll have your house raided. I’ve known people who’s houses got kicked in simply for tweeting in favour of “terrorist” groups.
But in Pakistan I can be the biggest terrorist sympathizer and as a reward I’ll become a mna (mohsin dawar) or a big journalist (Hamid mir).
Time to make black vigo’s a reality and send them to every terrorist supporters house!

There’s no cyber crime unit just halwa poory unit
Right, but most of them are answered or blocked on spot. Attacks like this will cause great issue for govt and BLA as well. Agencies will hunt them with more power now
I don't think that the operational efficiency of the security agencies are directly related to political government at Federal level.

From a Chinese perspective, I would expect that an average Chinese would find it unnerving to take a job in Pakistan because of these targeted hits.
It's the opposite ....
This incident is the last nail in the coffin !!!!

I was already considering to leave all this behind and move on with my life... this blast just made it sure ..... I will continue to engage on forum, moderate but move away from OSINT & research activities, it's fruitless ....
No brother please don't give up.
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