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BLA Female Suicide Bomber Kills a Pakistani Driver and 3 Chinese Teachers at Karachi University Entrance

.. seems like she was educated and well off. I wonder what her personal motivation was to carry the terminal attack (other than the larger aim of the group). It was not likely just poverty as is usually believed.

2000+ followers is also surprising
.. seems like she was educated and well off. I wonder what her personal motivation was to carry the terminal attack (other than the larger aim of the group). It was not likely just poverty as is usually believed.

2000+ followers is also surprising

A lot of terrorists are educated. Nothing new here
She’s in jahanam now.
What a sad way to die!
In Ramadan you blast your self aiming to kill innocents and aiming to kill people who probably don’t even know anything about Balochistan (Chinese).
Fighting a false cause fighting for ethnic nationalism fighting for Indians.
Attended Balochistan University did Msc in Zoology and Med and M.phil in education just to blast your self killing unarmed civilians. What a waste of life!
What does she know about poverty, exploitation and real struggle of people she lived in Quetta Cantonnment, had a proper education and belonged to middle class.
She barked about exploitation and occupation while living in army area and attending government university on government scholarships.
These b*stards should be the last one talking about exploitation etc cuz just look at Tharparkur or interior sindh, they face far worse then you and still are patriotic to Pakistan.

Hellfire awaits her and her accomplices.

Rest in hell !
There is actually a neutral area to look after the security, this is their actual job to do, but they seem to be too busy in internal politics in order to find a way to get rid of IK and happy the master, which is not their actual job to do.
Pakistan needs to mercilessly crackdown on every terrorist and terrorist sympathizer.

She started off as a terrorist sympathizer and became a terrorist.

Every terrorist and terrorist supporter should be shot on sight with no mercy.
Where is Pakistan cyber crime unit? Why don’t they crackdown on terrorist online? I can even give them a list of dozens of terrorist sympathizers residing in Pakistan. Terrorist sympathizers should be punished!

In the west if you support any group they call a terrorist even tweet a line in favour of them and you’ll have your house raided. I’ve known people who’s houses got kicked in simply for tweeting in favour of “terrorist” groups.
But in Pakistan I can be the biggest terrorist sympathizer and as a reward I’ll become a mna (mohsin dawar) or a big journalist (Hamid mir).
Time to make black vigo’s a reality and send them to every terrorist supporters house!
"As you sow, so you reap"
When you have good terrorists & bad terrorists, good taliban and bad taliban, good jihad and bad jihad, good millitants and bad millitants deep ingrained into you society then these things are suppose to happened

As a nation you may have drawn a ling but not all are rational and the line which separate black & white turns grey at individual level

What an average pakistani thinks of Kasmiri terrorist the same Baloch think of fighter among themselves,
What pakistani thought of Taliban in 80s is what a TTP supporter thinks of TTP fighers today

Bottom line is Terrorist from all regions , religions are wrong and this policy will help nations to avoid these terrorist mentality
"As you sow, so you reap"
When you have good terrorists & bad terrorists, good taliban and bad taliban, good jihad and bad jihad, good millitants and bad millitants deep ingrained into you society then these things are suppose to happened

As a nation you may have drawn a ling but not all are rational and the line which separate black & white turns grey at individual level

What an average pakistani thinks of Kasmiri terrorist the same Baloch think of fighter among themselves,
What pakistani thought of Taliban in 80s is what a TTP supporter thinks of TTP fighers today

Bottom line is Terrorist from all regions , religions are wrong and this policy will help nations to avoid these terrorist mentality

Lol here comes the moral lecture from people for whom terrorism is actually way of life

Go lynch your muslim neighbor man. We don't need your lectures :lol:
i feel so neutral right now , so i dont really feel anything at the moment.
the intelligence agencies and the military have more important things to do than preventing such incidents. like expanding DHA, buying MNAs, buying judges, overthrowing elected governments and calling us "uninformed" so it is understandable, they have a lot on their plate right now.
Lessons Learned:

- Whenever PML N is in govt we always saw this type of attack
- Establishment is busy in an internal political crisis
- she won't be alone someone will be there watching her
- this plan didn't happen in a day, the explosive seems to be military-grade, I suspect(I am not an expert just ordinary Pakistani thinking)
- Agencies need to monitor social media completely, as this girl was constantly using Twitter, and if we had a monitor we might be able to stop it
- she has a local informer that's why she knows when the car is coming.
- If we didn't make political stability we might see more issues like this
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