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BLA Female Suicide Bomber Kills a Pakistani Driver and 3 Chinese Teachers at Karachi University Entrance

Terrorists are blowing up left and right and announcing upcoming attacks on friggin Twitter while this is what chowkidars are doing. Absolutely pathetic.
I am loosing hope in our institution and the men at the helm. If things are not brought back into some balance - we are likely to see a brain drain like this country has never seen before.
The damage that these last few weeks has caused Pakistan will effect us for years to come.

What I am hearing is very disheartening. I cannot state here because of the embarrassment it will cause, but it is downright horrendous. Personal interest is triumphing over national security.
All I can say - if we need to survive as a nation, the Armed Forces need to develop a culture of complete professionalism, extricate itself from financial businesses, distribute power and share it between the services chiefs and CJoS. JAG and military policing need to have teeth, and accounts need to be audited (in a safe, secure and confidential manner).

Judiciary and bureaucracy needs to be culled and rebuilt - it is rotten to the core.
There is complete confusion and surreal sense floating around. No one knows what the head or tail is doing.
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Its called resentment, especially after seeing the state of Baluchistan and how grossly underdeveloped it is despite all the resources it contains. Have to realize that terrorists and terror sympathizers are usually very well educated and established people in society and not the other way around.
Members here say that Baluchistan is already an autonomous province. Perhaps the federal government can offer more resource sharing accommodations with the leadership of the people involved in violence.
Its necessary that we need to revisit the disastrous policy of giving "Baloch youth" seats in our major universities. All we create are future attackers and propagandists.
And enough with the "own people" nonsense. Their present delusions have made it so that they don't think themselves as part of us. Need to bring some long over due and necessary tough love. Like Sherman did in the US Civil war or Ceaser in Gaul or the Nigerians on Bifaria.
First pacify then develop.
Once more an educated person who has/had affiliations with a so called Baluch student wing carries out terror attack. How has this poison been allowed to run unchecked throughout Pakistani institutions?

-The first port of call should be a complete ban and arrest of any organisation that has sympathy to these filth on campuses.
-Next who was she in contact with and have they been taken into custody?
-Her followers on Twitter now need to be tracked down and if need be questioned.

A turn of events, yes if you look at the fact she was a female. There are a few very important points to take note of;

First the BLA, BLF and BNA have lost 187 men, including key commanders on the battlefield. Their ability to carry out attacks has been massively hit and now they are struggling for even men to carry out basic chores.
This will now be their method of hitting back i.e. high profile attacks on soft targets.
To send a woman with kids in just goes to show the level of desperation they have sunk to.

To defend against such attacks is incredibly difficult as the lone person sent on a suicide mission will only have contact with between 1-3 people maximum. The making of such explosives and the delivery mechanism is a straightforward task. This is why even nations with ample resources such as the UK, USA, etc have been the victims of such assaults not just once but multiple times. The security apparatus needs to be on point here.
With the installed fake government in charge now these attacks will intensify. They are seen as weak, pathetic and do not have the support of the people, and hence everyone will take advantage.

Finally I'd like pray for the poor victims and their families who enduring such a grave loss. My condolences to the Chinese people as well.
Members here say that Baluchistan is already an autonomous province. Perhaps the federal government can offer more resource sharing accommodations with the leadership of the people involved in violence.

If PPP and PMLN hadn't wasted $300 billion then Baluchistan would have easily been developed. They neglected everything apart from Lahore and Islamabad for over 30 years!

PPP did nothing with Karachi since the 70s!

I don't understand why they are back in power, ffs I am sick of these degenerates making the same mistakes again and again.
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BLA is an equal mix of foreign saazish though, they openly admit to it and support them. Their officers have been caught organising and structuring them.
I have absolutely no doubt there is foreign sazish and handlers. But, but explain why India having 200 million Muslims who are apparently we are told being crushed by the RSS and Hindutva thugs provide a massive pool for ISI or others to do some 'sazish'?

If anything you would expect dozen suicide bombings in India every day. No Jew, American would be safe in India. The Indian state would have to recruit million man Strategic Security Force to protect all thos Ameericans and Israelis in India?

I am not sure if your aware by India literally is awash with Israeli tourists. 10,000s of young Israeli's roam around India on gap years. Not one is touched by 'foreign sazish'. In addition there are 10,000s of Western tourists and business people who again are untouched in India.

With 200 Muslims in India who are continously lynched etc there should be massive pool of disconted people to provide suicide bombers to foreign sazish. Yet there is NON.

In Pakistan the the total population of Baloch is only about 6 million. Not all are alienated. Yet a tiny population is source of such grief? WHY?

Are the Baloch treated worse by Pakistan then India treats Indian Muslims?
It's the opposite ....
This incident is the last nail in the coffin !!!!

I was already considering to leave all this behind and move on with my life... this blast just made it sure ..... I will continue to engage on forum, moderate but move away from OSINT & research activities, it's fruitless ....
Charagaron ko charagari se guraiz tha
Warna jo dukh hamain the, bahot laa_dawa na the
Faiz sb.
That is the perception they want to generate. There is more injustice and suffering in India but its relatively terrorism free. Pakistan borders Afghanistan, its a hotbed of all the global terrorists who are mercenaries for hire to the highest bidder. Pakistan is an easy target.
Even Indian occupied Kashmir ffs is safer? Why??
With 200 Muslims in India who are continously lynched etc there should be massive pool of disconted people to provide suicide bombers to foreign sazish. Yet there is NON.
There are a lot, however Indian security is way too tight so they aren't able to do a damn thing.
I have absolutely no doubt there is foreign sazish and handlers. But, but explain why India having 200 million Muslims who are apparently we are told being crushed by the RSS and Hindutva thugs provide a massive pool for ISI or others to do some 'sazish'?

If anything you would expect dozen suicide bombings in India every day. No Jew, American would be safe in India. The Indian state would have to recruit million man Strategic Security Force to protect all thos Ameericans and Israelis in India?

I am not sure if your aware by India literally is awash with Israeli tourists. 10,000s of young Israeli's roam around India on gap years. Not one is touched by 'foreign sazish'. In addition there are 10,000s of Western tourists and business people who again are untouched in India.

With 200 Muslims in India who are continously lynched etc there should be massive pool of disconted people to provide suicide bombers to foreign sazish. Yet there is NON.

In Pakistan the the total population of Baloch is only about 6 million. Not all are alienated. Yet a tiny population is source of such grief? WHY?

Are the Baloch treated worse by Pakistan then India treats Indian Muslims?

India do not border Afghanistan and Iran. Militants are mercenaries for hire. Suicide bombers usually have their families abducted and threaten their murder if they don't suicide bomb.

They are all based in Afg. TTP and BLA coordinate.

Afghanistan must be invaded and their bases in Paktia, Kunar and Khost destroyed. Tactical nukes need to be used if they don't want boots on ground.

I still don't understand why troops are not deployed at the border at the very least.
Its called resentment, especially after seeing the state of Baluchistan and how grossly underdeveloped it is despite all the resources it contains. Have to realize that terrorists and terror sympathizers are usually very well educated and established people in society and not the other way around.

Yeah but why would anyone invest there? It's a backwater full of jahils
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