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BLA Female Suicide Bomber Kills a Pakistani Driver and 3 Chinese Teachers at Karachi University Entrance

Pakistan borders Afghanistan
You do know Iran also borders Afghanistan. Iran also has Baloch. Indeed the Iranian Baloch are even more 'alienated' from Tehran because not only do they have ethnic discord [Baloch/Farsi] but in addition have sectarian discord [Shia/Sunni] because most Baloch are Sunni. Thus unlike Pakistan in Iran there are two lines feeding the insurgency yet despite problems Iranian Balochistan is far, far more stable and developed then Pakistani Balochistan which has been left like it was middle ages.
I have absolutely no doubt there is foreign sazish and handlers. But, but explain why India having 200 million Muslims who are apparently we are told being crushed by the RSS and Hindutva thugs provide a massive pool for ISI or others to do some 'sazish'?

If anything you would expect dozen suicide bombings in India every day. No Jew, American would be safe in India. The Indian state would have to recruit million man Strategic Security Force to protect all thos Ameericans and Israelis in India?

I am not sure if your aware by India literally is awash with Israeli tourists. 10,000s of young Israeli's roam around India on gap years. Not one is touched by 'foreign sazish'. In addition there are 10,000s of Western tourists and business people who again are untouched in India.

With 200 Muslims in India who are continously lynched etc there should be massive pool of disconted people to provide suicide bombers to foreign sazish. Yet there is NON.

In Pakistan the the total population of Baloch is only about 6 million. Not all are alienated. Yet a tiny population is source of such grief? WHY?

Are the Baloch treated worse by Pakistan then India treats Indian Muslims?

How would Indian Muslims target Westerners when the West is the only group of countries that even pay attention (you may feel free to call it lip service) to human rights ?
I have absolutely no doubt there is foreign sazish and handlers. But, but explain why India having 200 million Muslims who are apparently we are told being crushed by the RSS and Hindutva thugs provide a massive pool for ISI or others to do some 'sazish'?

If anything you would expect dozen suicide bombings in India every day. No Jew, American would be safe in India. The Indian state would have to recruit million man Strategic Security Force to protect all thos Ameericans and Israelis in India?

I am not sure if your aware by India literally is awash with Israeli tourists. 10,000s of young Israeli's roam around India on gap years. Not one is touched by 'foreign sazish'. In addition there are 10,000s of Western tourists and business people who again are untouched in India.

With 200 Muslims in India who are continously lynched etc there should be massive pool of disconted people to provide suicide bombers to foreign sazish. Yet there is NON.

In Pakistan the the total population of Baloch is only about 6 million. Not all are alienated. Yet a tiny population is source of such grief? WHY?

Are the Baloch treated worse by Pakistan then India treats Indian Muslims?
Because of serial incompetency, the institutions in Pakistan and those in power do not operate based on meritocracy, national interest and professionalism.

IIRC, ISI also refused to utilise Muslims in India because of some weak moral Islamic argument.

This nation's downfall will always be within, not external, the parchi culture, greed, and hate for meritocracy will be the cause for it's own demise.

Our biggest enemy is ourselves, not India or America.
I have absolutely no doubt there is foreign sazish and handlers. But, but explain why India having 200 million Muslims who are apparently we are told being crushed by the RSS and Hindutva thugs provide a massive pool for ISI or others to do some 'sazish'?

If anything you would expect dozen suicide bombings in India every day. No Jew, American would be safe in India. The Indian state would have to recruit million man Strategic Security Force to protect all thos Ameericans and Israelis in India?

I am not sure if your aware by India literally is awash with Israeli tourists. 10,000s of young Israeli's roam around India on gap years. Not one is touched by 'foreign sazish'. In addition there are 10,000s of Western tourists and business people who again are untouched in India.

With 200 Muslims in India who are continously lynched etc there should be massive pool of disconted people to provide suicide bombers to foreign sazish. Yet there is NON.

In Pakistan the the total population of Baloch is only about 6 million. Not all are alienated. Yet a tiny population is source of such grief? WHY?

Are the Baloch treated worse by Pakistan then India treats Indian Muslims?

Its actually a very simple reason

1. Indian military/intelligence apparatus focus on their job at hand. not business ventures/foreign retirement/over throwing democratically elected governments at home/abroad. When those who are sworn to protect us break their most basic oaths then what should we expect?

2. Indians have shown no mercy to those that went against national interest. Be it in kashmir, punjab, nagaland, or even in their media. Sure we may be against this but it has worked well for them and this is something we should learn from our opponents. Our so called "Media" provides an outlet for terrorist groups to train and get their politics across. This provides access to a never ending pool of terrorist.

3. Indian public is not easily fooled by libtards/communist, neither do they appease minorities in their countries. Look at Pakistan. We have pooled billions into Balochistam. Funds that could have been used to further industrialize punjab/karachi. Literally punjab has given away half its funds for a ungrateful people. Punjab should have been developed decades ago if werent for afgunis/baluchis

4. Indian intelligence in foreign policy has allowed it to leverage foreign intelligence cooperation/technology from the likes of Israel, UAE, Saudi Arabia, US, Europe, Uk, and list goes on. Pakistans shit foreign policy at this point is prob looked down upon by even the Chinese...

Just a few that I thought of right off the bat :)
These corruprion crimenals mafias Ppp & pmln the slaves of US are become a biggest problem for Pakistan...
This is what they would say about those jahils in Bangla in 1960s and look them now - they are whipping Pakistan on all economic indicators. I have no doubt that if Balochistan became indepebdant it would do better then Pakistan within two decades like Bangladesh did.

Pakistan is full of idiots too, the same jahail pig ignorant behaviour, not willing to change or grow

At least use the military to hunt down these animals and crush anyone standing in the way

We have a half assed approach to everything
even pay attention (you may feel free to call it lip service) to human rights ?
They don't even pay lip service my friend. It's all a scam. And you know I have been brought up in the West. All too often human rights are discharged via missiles, drones and cruise misslies or ten ton bombs.

At least use the military to hunt down these animals and crush anyone standing in the way
Frankly the military in Pakistan is more interested in housing projects, interfering in elected governments then actually doing what they get paid to do.
India having 200 million Muslims who are apparently we are told being crushed by the RSS and Hindutva thugs provide a massive pool for ISI or others to do some 'sazish'?
They don’t sell their country for a plate of Biryani

With 200 Muslims in India who are continously lynched etc there should be massive pool of disconted people to provide suicide bombers to foreign sazish. Yet there is NON.
Lynching is a societal issue in India where mob justice is common, if you think Muslims don’t lynch non-muslims in India then you’re absolutely wrong.
You do know Iran also borders Afghanistan. Iran also has Baloch. Indeed the Iranian Baloch are even more 'alienated' from Tehran because not only do they have ethnic discord [Baloch/Farsi] but in addition have sectarian discord [Shia/Sunni] because most Baloch are Sunni. Thus unlike Pakistan in Iran there are two lines feeding the insurgency yet despite problems Iranian Balochistan is far, far more stable and developed then Pakistani Balochistan which has been left like it was middle ages.

Iran balochistan more developed? there is nothing like Gwadar in all of iranian balochistan. Chabar is 1/5th what gwadar is.

A more simple reason is that Iranian shiite know how to deal with Balochi in a language that they understand very well whereby libtards in our country provide terrorist excuses.
They don’t sell their country for a plate of Biryani
That is becauise Birani in Karachi is the original and the BEST. What you have, I am told is just 'Chinese copy' and noy worth blowing yourself up for.
Lynching is a societal issue in India where mob justice is common, if you think Muslims don’t lynch non-muslims in India then you’re absolutely wrong.
I know but I was riding the rationale that is accepted as fact on this forum.
Sharifs and Zardaris have plundered Pakistan for 30 years and only Islamabad and Lahore have been just about developed. The rest is broken roads, buildings and wild animals, open sewage and slums.

All gone out of the country and into anonymous offshore accounts. Good luck ever getting it back. On top they are back in power :lol:

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