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BLA Female Suicide Bomber Kills a Pakistani Driver and 3 Chinese Teachers at Karachi University Entrance

I have absolutely no doubt there is foreign sazish and handlers. But, but explain why India having 200 million Muslims who are apparently we are told being crushed by the RSS and Hindutva thugs provide a massive pool for ISI or others to do some 'sazish'?

If anything you would expect dozen suicide bombings in India every day. No Jew, American would be safe in India. The Indian state would have to recruit million man Strategic Security Force to protect all thos Ameericans and Israelis in India?

I am not sure if your aware by India literally is awash with Israeli tourists. 10,000s of young Israeli's roam around India on gap years. Not one is touched by 'foreign sazish'. In addition there are 10,000s of Western tourists and business people who again are untouched in India.

With 200 Muslims in India who are continously lynched etc there should be massive pool of disconted people to provide suicide bombers to foreign sazish. Yet there is NON.

In Pakistan the the total population of Baloch is only about 6 million. Not all are alienated. Yet a tiny population is source of such grief? WHY?

Are the Baloch treated worse by Pakistan then India treats Indian Muslims?
People in power in India more or less serve their function and their nation.
Our people at the helm - approach tough decisions with the mindset "Chud yaar - apne ap te wakhta kiun lena" - this lazy and almost criminal approach to their jobs is deep seated (and exists everywhere - even in the military). The life of luxury, pomp and "ayashee", are the scourge for Muslims of the sub-continent. This is what destroyed the Mughals and this is what is destroying Pakistan.
They don't even pay lip service my friend. It's all a scam. And you know I have been brought up in the West. All too often human rights are discharged via missiles, drones and cruise misslies or ten ton bombs.

Frankly the military in Pakistan is more interested in housing projects, interfering in elected governments then actually doing what they get paid to do.

Why? Ask them to be ruthless, the state should be ruthless

This woman's children should be taken in Care, her husband and family should be arrested

There should be a comprehensive targeting of her family, friends and acquaintances

What we have is a utterly ridiculous half assed approach,

We are afraid of consequences when we should be ruthless against our enemies
They don't even pay lip service my friend. It's all a scam. And you know I have been brought up in the West. All too often human rights are discharged via missiles, drones and cruise misslies or ten ton bombs.

The next time when Russia, China, Iran or Saudi Arabia violate your rights see how far you go
Why? Ask them to be ruthless, the state should be ruthless

This woman's children should be taken in Care, her husband and family should be arrested

There should be a comprehensive targeting of her family, friends and acquaintances

What we have is a utterly ridiculous half assed approach,

We are afraid of consequences when we should be ruthless against our enemies
Agree 100%. 100%. No idea if you have read on the covert war that the British Army [home of demoracy and human rights UK] launched in Northern Ireland against the IRA. Shoot to kill, torture and other 'special tactics' to defeat the IRA. All illegal and unercover of course.

And done with a wink wink from London.

violate your rights see how far you go
Whose rights? Mine?
Why? Ask them to be ruthless, the state should be ruthless

This woman's children should be taken in Care, her husband and family should be arrested

There should be a comprehensive targeting of her family, friends and acquaintances

What we have is a utterly ridiculous half assed approach,

We are afraid of consequences when we should be ruthless against our enemies

There is a good reason Pakistan was broken in 1971. If people like you are in charge it will get broken in the future
People in power in India more or less serve their function and their nation.
Our people at the helm - approach tough decisions with the mindset "Chud yaar - apne ap te wakhta kiun lena" - this lazy and almost criminal approach to their jobs is deep seated (and exists everywhere - even in the military). The life of luxury, pomp and "ayashee", are the scourge for Muslims of the sub-continent. This is what destroyed the Mughals and this is what is destroying Pakistan.
This is what we need to protest against as a nation.

Either do your job with professionalism, or GTFO.
Its actually a very simple reason

1. Indian military/intelligence apparatus focus on their job at hand. not business ventures/foreign retirement/over throwing democratically elected governments at home/abroad. When those who are sworn to protect us break their most basic oaths then what should we expect?

2. Indians have shown no mercy to those that went against national interest. Be it in kashmir, punjab, nagaland, or even in their media. Sure we may be against this but it has worked well for them and this is something we should learn from our opponents. Our so called "Media" provides an outlet for terrorist groups to train and get their politics across. This provides access to a never ending pool of terrorist.

3. Indian public is not easily fooled by libtards/communist, neither do they appease minorities in their countries. Look at Pakistan. We have pooled billions into Balochistam. Funds that could have been used to further industrialize punjab/karachi. Literally punjab has given away half its funds for a ungrateful people. Punjab should have been developed decades ago if werent for afgunis/baluchis

4. Indian intelligence in foreign policy has allowed it to leverage foreign intelligence cooperation/technology from the likes of Israel, UAE, Saudi Arabia, US, Europe, Uk, and list goes on. Pakistans shit foreign policy at this point is prob looked down upon by even the Chinese...

Just a few that I thought of right off the bat :)

I agree with point 1 because Pakistani military has a lot of business ventures collectively and individually. I think it is a distraction from primary job.

On point 4 India has a lot of technical help from foreign countries
The enemies of Pakistan want to ditch China & Pakistan friendship...:mad:

They want do a lot more than that.

They want to balkanize Pakistan so Sharifs become emperors of Punjab.

Zardaris become emperors of Sindh

This is so that India has a safety buffer on its border.

The rest goes to hell.
There is a good reason Pakistan was broken in 1971. If people like you are in charge it will get broken in the future

It was broken because it was over a 1000 miles away with no way to supply support to our military

Even then we slaughtered Hindus in massive numbers

Millions of Hindus ran for their lives, this ensured Bangla remained a Muslim state as per partition

We don't have this problem in Pakistan today, we can militarily overwhelm our enemy, we are not a foreign state, we are not occupying a population like Israel is
brother keep your head high remember 2009-10 era..... it was way worse we will get through this hopefully Bajwa is sent home soon!

Black pill time:

Not getting better nothing is ever changing. Hope is cope, system is rotten from top to bottom.
Had Pakistan not had corrupt leaders for decades they would have had their own money for wars and development work. This will be a one off and once they are destroyed there can be peace.

China needs to exert more influence in Pakistani politics refuse to do business with their corrupt leaders to force them out of power. If US/India can regime change Pakistan for $50 million then it compromises everything.

Pakistan owes a lot of money to China, should use that as leverage and refuse to deal with any corrupts.

Brother, I so agree!

Like you said, the Chinese government should now be proactive and active in supporting and helping the progressive forces in Pakistan, instead of the old and outdated foreign policy (completely ignoring the realities of the brotherly country, remaining neutral all the time, while being afraid of various Western, domestic, and Pakistani opinion forces, and timid to act in terms of economic and material support in military, economic, political, etc.), in the past, maybe these policies were the right ones, but now they are outdated and have not kept up with the times.
If the Chinese government continues this foreign policy of inaction, it will only leave Pakistan in the hands of corrupt elements, foreign agents, in control of power in Pakistan, just like the corrupt elements around the world, who will suck all the wealth dry, and only their wealth will grow, without the development of the country.

Only by proactively helping Pakistan's progressive forces and accelerating its rapid economic, political, and military growth will these loans and aid be most effective and in the best interest of both peoples.

Loans or aid between Pakistan and China has never been the issue, the issue has always been to proactively monitor and ensure that the money is used to promote the progress of the country and its people. As a Chinese, I personally strongly suggest that our national government should increase aid and loans based on proactive support of Pakistan's domestic progressive forces.
I have absolutely no doubt there is foreign sazish and handlers. But, but explain why India having 200 million Muslims who are apparently we are told being crushed by the RSS and Hindutva thugs provide a massive pool for ISI or others to do some 'sazish'?

If anything you would expect dozen suicide bombings in India every day. No Jew, American would be safe in India. The Indian state would have to recruit million man Strategic Security Force to protect all thos Ameericans and Israelis in India?

I am not sure if your aware by India literally is awash with Israeli tourists. 10,000s of young Israeli's roam around India on gap years. Not one is touched by 'foreign sazish'. In addition there are 10,000s of Western tourists and business people who again are untouched in India.

With 200 Muslims in India who are continously lynched etc there should be massive pool of disconted people to provide suicide bombers to foreign sazish. Yet there is NON.

In Pakistan the the total population of Baloch is only about 6 million. Not all are alienated. Yet a tiny population is source of such grief? WHY?

Are the Baloch treated worse by Pakistan then India treats Indian Muslims?
Cause most Indian Muslims are Indian first and foremost, they might hate Hindutva or certain policies but not their nation.
Agree 100%. 100%. No idea if you have read on the covert war that the British Army [home of demoracy and human rights UK] launched in Northern Ireland against the IRA. Shoot to kill, torture and other 'special tactics' to defeat the IRA. All illegal and unercover of course.

According to Stephen Fry

In the regular Home Guard, 12 to 14-year-old boy scouts were given demonstrations on how to decapitate motorcyclists using piano wire.

Recruiting underage children as soldiers was OK for them in WW2.
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