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BLA Female Suicide Bomber Kills a Pakistani Driver and 3 Chinese Teachers at Karachi University Entrance

its going to happen soon.
Chinese have invested too much to back off or leave it to our politicised and compromised security setup.
they will bring their regular forces and establish camps providing securityto chinese.
If Chinese bring a significant security entourage in Pakistan, that will only increase the exposure factor. It will be more easier for BLA (or one of their variants) to find a Chinese person to attack. If Chinese retaliate for a suspected attack, that may result in unforeseen collateral damage. That could in turn cause more problems. It will likely become a downward spiral.
"As you sow, so you reap"
When you have good terrorists & bad terrorists, good taliban and bad taliban, good jihad and bad jihad, good millitants and bad millitants deep ingrained into you society then these things are suppose to happened

As a nation you may have drawn a ling but not all are rational and the line which separate black & white turns grey at individual level

What an average pakistani thinks of Kasmiri terrorist the same Baloch think of fighter among themselves,
What pakistani thought of Taliban in 80s is what a TTP supporter thinks of TTP fighers today

Bottom line is Terrorist from all regions , religions are wrong and this policy will help nations to avoid these terrorist mentality

For every war/struggle, there are two faces 'Good' and the 'Bad', which Muslim express as 'Haq' and 'Batil'.
Just think - Indian soldiers/armed forces are bad for Pakistanis or for every enemy of yours.
On the other hand, Pakistani soldiers/armed forces are bad for Indians or every enemy of us.

Is there any universally agreed definition of terrorist exit in the world?
Your terrorist is my hero - My terrorist is your hero.

This discussion won't bore any fruit till one is punished/rewarded in the afterlife for his sins/deeds.
could be but unlike the americans Pakistan see china as a friend
Collateral damage will lead to resentment always. People's opinion is fickle. Till a year or so ago, this forum was a bastion for Army above all. Now the residents here consider Army as secondary to Imran.
Collateral damage will lead to resentment always. People's opinion is fickle. Till a year or so ago, this forum was a bastion for Army above all. Now the residents here consider Army as secondary to Imran.
Strikes will be ineffective either way, it does not target the root cause
Totally agree with both of you . And not just in terms of funding the military, but also in terms of funding, personnel, technology, and equipment、 knowledge wherever possible necessary to allow those who can truly serve the common good of both peoples to be the owners of the country.
It is not the right way to act when on one side the bad guys are doing whatever they can to interfere in internal affairs, create conflicts, support anti-government forces, terrorists, and on the other side the good guys are doing nothing under moral/legal constraints.

Totally agree. And not just funding the military, but also providing the necessary funding, personnel, technology, equipment knowledge wherever possible, so that those who can truly serve the common good of both peoples become the backbone of the country.
It is not the right way to act when on one side the bad guys are doing whatever they can to interfere in internal affairs, create conflicts, support anti-government forces, terrorists, and on the other side the good guys are doing nothing under moral/legal constraints.

Had Pakistan not had corrupt leaders for decades they would have had their own money for wars and development work. This will be a one off and once they are destroyed there can be peace.

China needs to exert more influence in Pakistani politics refuse to do business with their corrupt leaders to force them out of power. If US/India can regime change Pakistan for $50 million then it compromises everything.

Pakistan owes a lot of money to China, should use that as leverage and refuse to deal with any corrupts.
Collateral damage will lead to resentment always. People's opinion is fickle. Till a year or so ago, this forum was a bastion for Army above all. Now the residents here consider Army as secondary to Imran.
This has always been a Pakistani forum. Personalities and institutions have always been secondary to the country.
This has always been a Pakistani forum. Personalities and institutions have always been secondary to the country.
Yes, your ultimate loyalty will lie to the state. But your perception of what is good for the state can be fickle. I don't mean to say this is exclusive to Pakistanis in any way. This is just human nature.
I stand by the theory that she was fooled into doing such an attack, it wasn't her intention to do such. If proven otherwise I will retract my prior statement.
It is possible that she was asked to drop the bag off for an amount.
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