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BJP will make army training compulsory: VK Singh

NCC's took a backstage by J Nehru's actions if I remember correctly... it will be indeed an positive development to revive National Cadet Corps....

Indeed, if discipline and some basic life skills is what the folks are looking for in their teens then NCC needs to rejuvenated.
Trying to train tens of millions of people against their will isn't even necessary. Its waste of resources. There are already plenty of recruits. However, if there was a program that paid for university education in return for 5 years as an officer, that might help fill the officer shortage.
i'm begging you to share the source from where you got this.

i hope the guy didnt have any madras lentils in him before getting on that bucket of bolts...something about this picture isnt right :laugh:
I'm not sure what you mean with the reference to lentils, but the picture is authentic. It was one of the iconic images of that era, which defined and symbolized India's aspirations in those changing times. Another defining picture from those days was that of APPLE, our first communication satellite, being transported to the launch pad in a bullock cart. (Pictured below.) When we could not afford motor vehicles for our space program, when our space scientists had to live and work from a church or Bishop's house near Tumba due to lack of facilities, we still dared to persist with our lofty goals. It has paid off marvellously for us.

You see, many people are unfortunate enough to live in the gutters, but some of us look at the stars while doing so.

ISRO: From ferrying rockets on cycles to eyeing Mars




Trying to train tens of millions of people against their will isn't even necessary. Its waste of resources. There are already plenty of recruits. However, if there was a program that paid for university education in return for 5 years as an officer, that might help fill the officer shortage.
That's what the ROTC in the US is. It is an excellent idea, but I'm not sure how well it will work out in India.
i'm begging you to share the source from where you got this.

i hope the guy didnt have any madras lentils in him before getting on that bucket of bolts...something about this picture isnt right :laugh:

Laugh while you can still afford it....nobody has ever become respectable without being respectful..anyways..

Check this link
In these pictures some those people can be seen who went on to become eminent scientists and even president of India.

Check this picture.This one is from ISRO official website.Lot many more can be found.
He's not talking about conscription obviously simply mandatory military style training for all children. I don't really see the point to be honest....

i think "Educational Service" website forgot to mention innovations in crowd control

BBC NEWS | South Asia | India plans hot chilli grenades
CS spray is based on chillis as is. Basing it on the hottest chilli in the world is a good idea that will be effective.

What's your point troll?
If it is optional, there is no need to propose it, because such a system already exists - the NCC. His proposal is compulsary military training, which is a horrible idea.

uniform khareed lo bhia
I'm not sure what you mean with the reference to lentils, but the picture is authentic. It was one of the iconic images of that era, which defined and symbolized India's aspirations in those changing times. Another defining picture from those days was that of APPLE, our first communication satellite, being transported to the launch pad in a bullock cart. (Pictured below.) When we could not afford motor vehicles for our space program, when our space scientists had to live and work from a church or Bishop's house near Tumba due to lack of facilities, we still dared to persist with our lofty goals. It has paid off marvellously for us.

You see, many people are unfortunate enough to live in the gutters, but some of us look at the stars while doing so.

ISRO: From ferrying rockets on cycles to eyeing Mars




That's what the ROTC in the US is. It is an excellent idea, but I'm not sure how well it will work out in India.

dude come on I know our space program during earlier years was a little short of funds but saying we couldn't have even afforded a few motor vehicles for transportation of equipments sounds a bit unbelievable to me there must be a very good reason why bullock carts and bicycles were used for that one time if they were being used constantly then we would have been seeing a lot more of those pictures but sadly I only find those 2-3 same images every time when it is being mentioned.
I proposed this we
The point is that compelling people to do something is always a bad idea. BTW it is an even worse idea to spend time, money and energy into giving military training to everybody, when they are not going to become soldiers anyway - just from an economic and resource point of view. Fundamentally, it is an issue of personal choice.

The point about dancing or batting classes was an exercise in reductio ad absurdum - intended to emphasize the point that all such activities should be performed voluntarily, not be forced upon people.

That requires self defence, which is very different from military training. The former is about ensuring one's personal safety, the latter is about warfighting. You get a watchman to secure your home, not a tank commander.

I disagree. India has major issues that could be helped by such a thing. Many ppl do not know how to perfrom first aid, CPR, how to observe supsious ppl and take note, defend themselves against criminals, etc. Such training would be most beneficial for our ppl. It could also serve as a means to instill nationalism and get rid of petty regionalism if it is done correctly. Just imagine as these young recruits come to this, they are all stripped of their religious identity and forced to share accomdations, share duties, teamwork, etc. The possibilities are endless. YOu rake up the issue of being forced, but in our society, our youth is kinda of forced to do what our parents want and not allowed to folow their dreams. If you come from a backward, illiterate, poor family.....it is quite hard to get ahead. THis could be the boost to unleash their potential and unleash our hidden talents. THink about it.
People will know important survival skills, will be more disciplined and have better public hygiene.

At least NCC should be made compulsory in our country. It will produce a workforce of strong minded, patritic Indians.
Trashy suggestion, really. We neither have a deficit in manpower for our Armed Forces(discounting the Officer cadre, as that's really not going to be touched by his suggestion) nor do we want a lot of youngsters with military training roaming around our cities and towns.

Yet another pre-poll pitch-up for the Hawkish and the gullible.

Pretty dumb POV....if all you can think about is youngsters roaming the streets....

Greatest proposal ever.

Dude dont give him or the BJP credit. Thi was sited by another person on this site. A few weeks after this person mentioned it on PDF, AK Anthony brings it up into debate and dismises it for the law/order angle which is may be an issue but can be resolved if done properly.
Not good.Rogue people will used it for anti national and anti social activities

I think the training would be something like this. The famous khaki chaddi training.

View attachment 24848

You will not said that if you got a kick from them.Too bad you dont know their ability .It is an organisation that give military support to IA in 1948 Kashmir war.And logistical support for Army in rest 4 wars
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I think he refers to PT and not any combat training which would be nonsense.... A professional army is always better than a bunch of conscripts who just serve for a short period.

A good PT course is a great idea for the physical development of youngsters.

I think its a good idea.It brings discipline, physical and mental fitness, creates a sense of team spirit and nationalism.Subhash Chandra Bose wanted to do it, the Israelis do it.

Not necessarily, and it certainly will deteriorate the quality of our troops.
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