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BJP will make army training compulsory: VK Singh

It will take time, but believe me, they ARE different when they come from an NCC or defense based institutional background. Not the typical Mulayam/Nitish/Bukhari type losers.
Example of a typical badass :D


Salute :)

All politicians elected to Parliament and legislative assemblies must stay in Siachen for a fortnight at least. This band of looters and shooters should be headed by Azam Khan.

This guy should be sent to Bana Post, Siachen, at 22,000 ft where he will have to expose his frozen *** to shit down the vertical cliff, holding on to a rope tied around the bunkers!
After 2 days he will hang himself with the shit stained rope itself, provided he does not get frozen like a stone before that. :coffee: Paper Tigers
Example of a typical badass :D


Salute :)

After 2 days he will hang himself with the shit stained rope itself, provided he does not get frozen like a stone before that. :coffee: Paper Tigers

He will most likely not even be able to make the cut during the acclimatization process at the base camp, VERY high chances that if they still lob him up to some post he'll die of HAPE!

At which point we will have to expend costly aviation fuel and flight hours to drag his carcass down.

well i take your word for it.

Syed Ata Hasnain, best believe it!

am sure,there are many more also but there should be a cap on muslims in the army.
As it is, there are too few muslims in the army in proportion to the general population. You don't cap something that is deficient already.

am sure,there are many more also but there should be a cap on muslims in the army.

Nope. There is no need for a cap or any such thing. The army's psyche eval is very exhaustive, most of us wouldn't make the cut no matter how fit we maybe. Those who might turn bad even after such exhaustive measures are going to turn bad either ways because those are the true psycho nuts. Otherwise irrespective of religion, those who make the cut will overwhelmingly showcase valor in the face of the enemy even if it be Zaid Hamid's ghost army of martyrs from the days of the hijrat from Mecca.

The bad nuts are the generally those who thrive in our socio-political environment of treating jihaadis as misguided naive youth who must be protected for the sake of appeasing the community.
Nope. There is no need for a cap or any such thing. The army's psyche eval is very exhaustive, most of us wouldn't make the cut no matter how fit we maybe. Those who might turn bad even after such exhaustive measures are going to turn bad either ways because those are the true psycho nuts. Otherwise irrespective of religion, those who make the cut will overwhelmingly showcase valor in the face of the enemy even if it be Zaid Hamid's ghost army of martyrs from the days of the hijrat from Mecca.

The bad nuts are the generally those who thrive in our socio-political environment of treating jihaadis as misguided naive youth who must be protected for the sake of appeasing the community.

I agree
Army training is good for Indian Youth... it should be an optional for some sections. Serving a nation through armed forces is the biggest pride for us.... BJP should make a law for it,after they established the govt at central.... :enjoy::tup::smart:
Explain how it will bring down the quality?

Conscripts serve for a short amount of time, regular soldiers can serve in the army for years,.... people who were forced to join usually lack the morale of volunteers and I am sure that the requirements would be made more "accessible" as well...

And apart from that, giving so many people military training is most likely gonna backfire some day in a country like India.....
What is the terminal objective of such programme? Especially when we have enough pool of people to recruit.....

But then it is a double edge sword.... especially for a country like India, May be after few years you will realise there are pople who are ready to fight the army itself.....
I'v always had doubts about this VK Singh guy!!!!! Such an unnecessary waste in a country like India.
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