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BJP will make army training compulsory: VK Singh

isnt that the guy who lied about his age???
Tell your BS face to face to an Army officer instead of being tough on PDF.... I am sure you will get a great response.

I have a cousin/uncle in the army and i will tell him this face to face,we have no fear.

stop this timepass.

Conscripts serve for a short amount of time, regular soldiers can serve in the army for years,.... people who were forced to join usually lack the morale of volunteers and I am sure that the requirements would be made more "accessible" as well...

And apart from that, giving so many people military training is most likely gonna backfire some day in a country like India.....

Not really.

You can tell people that if you do military training,if will give you a tax rebate.

or something like that and make it a honorary thing.
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I have a cousin/uncle in the army and i will tell him this face to face,we have no fear.

stop this timepass.

The military is a real secular organization and not into this religious crap debate.
yeah,u read correctly.

You do not need to hand out additional 'perks' so as to make it a lucrative offer to opt for the training. Those who have the will and the physique, will join anyway. And those who don't, they were never required in the first place. Our budget is restricted to provide training to soldiers fit for the job.

This tax rebate idea is downright, to put in polite terms, stupid.
Conscripts serve for a short amount of time, regular soldiers can serve in the army for years,.... people who were forced to join usually lack the morale of volunteers and I am sure that the requirements would be made more "accessible" as well...

And apart from that, giving so many people military training is most likely gonna backfire some day in a country like India.....

That's the thing...you are assuming its of a military nature when nothing has been spelt out. More than likely, you can think of it as a national boys scout set up where the youth are trained with basic skills, where regionalism is eradicated, where teamwork is encouraged, etc. This is where we should placing emphasis on, so that military training that you mentioned is not utilized against India. If planned out and done properly, it could be a boon for India. I have more faith in VK Singh than any politicans like Rahul.

The benefits outweigh the risks especally if we take the steps to avoid the risk you mentioned. Regionalism is a major issue affecting politics and holding back India. If we could encourage youngsters to think outside the box and view themselves as Indians first, not by state that itself will be a huge success.......

I'v always had doubts about this VK Singh guy!!!!! Such an unnecessary waste in a country like India.

Waste? Let me tell you something. Lets take a closer look at the real pic of India. We are not utilizing the only clear advantage we do have and that is manpower. In fact, we are wasting it. The proposal and it wasn't by him (he just happened to be a in position to get it out to the media and public) has alot of advantages.
If it is optional, there is no need to propose it, because such a system already exists - the NCC. His proposal is compulsary military training, which is a horrible idea.

Obviously he over looked the budgetary aspect to it. It will be a budgetary burden on the states.

First build quality education, schools for the mass than making this additional nonsense thing.
Obviously he over looked the budgetary aspect to it. It will be a budgetary burden on the states.

First build quality education, schools for the mass than making this additional nonsense thing.
exactly, we dont have enough schools or enough teachers, this is just extra thing that will help nobody.
We already have NCC, and for rest we can have PE classes.
what is the point of army training if most wont join army. besides I dont like the idea of discipline much, it destroys curiosity and creativity in a child.
exactly, we dont have enough schools or enough teachers, this is just extra thing that will help nobody.
We already have NCC, and for rest we can have PE classes.
what is the point of army training if most wont join army. besides I dont like the idea of discipline much, it destroys curiosity and creativity in a child.

And thats why it will never be implemented. I have been in NCC and i know it does nothing much to somebody. I know many joined NCC just for fun, like camps where you get to see new places and evening samosas and eggs.
And thats why it will never be implemented. I have been in NCC and i know it does nothing much to somebody. I know many joined NCC just for fun, like camps where you get to see new places and evening samosas and eggs.
that itself is not bad. Childhood is for having fun, and if you end up learning something, its just an extra. :)
Obviously he over looked the budgetary aspect to it. It will be a budgetary burden on the states.

First build quality education, schools for the mass than making this additional nonsense thing.

Budget is an isssue. But who do we blame for not implementing education at all levels with access to all? GONGRESS!
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