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BJP opposes reservations for Muslims: Rajnath

The better solution (and more realistic solution) would be to enact a reform of muslim personal law similar to the hindu code bill to make it progressive and closer inline to the spirit of justice and Islam.

Hopefully the current government will pickup on this.
Will India ever have a Muslim Code Bill? TOI

I disagree, there should be no Hindu law or Muslim law. One law for all Indians. For a country like India to have a different set of personal laws for a particular community is pathetic. But i agree that reforms in the muslim law board is the more realistic and also probably the next best thing.
I dont think muslims in india need any reservations ,17% of our population is muslims (correct me if i am wrong). I think we should give reservations to jews and parsis ! Personally i hate giving reservations on the bases of caste and religon , it only further divides our nation. Reservations should be given in the bases of economic conditions not any caste or religion !
I dont think muslims in india need any reservations ,17% of our population is muslims (correct me if i am wrong). I think we should give reservations to jews and parsis ! Personally i hate giving reservations on the bases of caste and religon , it only further divides our nation. Reservations should be given in the bases of economic conditions not any caste or religion !

Contradictory! :what:
Jews and Parsis happen to be the most prosperous among the communities!
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I think the Consensus in India is not really correct there are probbly 40% muslisms living in India - and yet they do not get proper oppourtunities when they try to get properly educated -

With out the proper - balance and harmoney in population, there will eventually be a civil disobedience

Just giving 1-2 cricketers a spot in national team does not mean that all people get proper rights when it comes to jobs and growth in multinational companies.

Again but at same time one has to respect the melting pot that india is and traditionally - all cultures have lived together in it

I think the current elections proved the open mindedness of most Indians in electing a gov that honors different ethnic issues as a collective rather then being - single tunnle vision that is BJP.
Mr azad......do you honestly believe the muslim cricketers get into the indian team on quota system.....in that case you are very wrong......and there are more than 1-2 crics in there..........also your assumptions of muslims being sidelined in the job sector,is vastly incorrect......we do not see such issues this days that much infact none........be specific bout any incident or the issue or system you are concerned with.....thnx
I think the Consensus in India is not really correct there are probbly 40% muslisms living in India - and yet they do not get proper oppourtunities when they try to get properly educated -

With out the proper - balance and harmoney in population, there will eventually be a civil disobedience

Just giving 1-2 cricketers a spot in national team does not mean that all people get proper rights when it comes to jobs and growth in multinational companies.

Again but at same time one has to respect the melting pot that india is and traditionally - all cultures have lived together in it

I think the current elections proved the open mindedness of most Indians in electing a gov that honors different ethnic issues as a collective rather then being - single tunnle vision that is BJP.

i totally agree with u buddy.dont worry i am confident that india will provide a level playing ground for muslims as others overcoming such obstacles.
I dont think muslims in india need any reservations ,17% of our population is muslims (correct me if i am wrong). I think we should give reservations to jews and parsis ! Personally i hate giving reservations on the bases of caste and religon , it only further divides our nation. Reservations should be given in the bases of economic conditions not any caste or religion !

I suggest you read my previous post about this to clear your mind on what type of reservations are being asked for. It is not a blanket percentage reservation for all muslims as some people think. The main demand being Dalit muslims and Christians be included into the SC/ST quota which are the only two faiths being excluded.

Again regarding UCC, like I mentioned reforming and passing a muslim code bill is the most "realistic" option. This could lead the path for having a UCC sometime in the future.

Just to clarify this. The Sachar committee explained that not ALL muslims are sufferring from marginalisation and many of them were doing well.

The main issue was with dalit muslims (and christians). These are converts with an SC/ST background, but because of their conversion they would not be able to take benefit of the SC/ST category in jobs, education or political insitutions. The report recommended that the SC/ST category be expanded to include Dalit converts to Islam and Christianity as well. At present, Sikhs, Jains, and Buddhists are already part of the SC/ST category.

So it is not a caste based on Islamic principles as such but based on the background of the person. Moreover, the amendment would not require any increase in reservation quota as Dalit muslims would automatically qualify of the SC quota. IMO, this should be applied straightaway as just leaving on these two religions is a form of discrimination. Moreover, these are the poorest and most marginalised section of muslim society which is primarily because of their socio-economic history and not being able to take benefit of the reservation system.

A separate increase of reservation of around 4-7% (not 15% as had been mentioned in some papers) was recommended to cover OBC muslims. These were the less well-to-do muslims. This is probably a bit more controversial. I would prefer an inclusion in the existing OBC quota or improvement education facilities through grants and the like.

I had to compete through the general quota so I completely sympathies with people who feel strongly against the reservation system
Reservations should be given in the bases of economic conditions

This doesnt work for a few reasons. Many people in India dont show their full earnings to save on taxes. Secondly by implementing such 'free' membership there is no urgency to move up the ladder. What is needed is for educational scholorships etc for those who get on merit so that money is not a critieria. Just because one is poor why do they deserve a medical or engineering seat?

There are many a poor person who have worked very hard and got through colleges purely based on their merit. Many have worked parallely too to pay for their education. Where the country can help is by waiving of their fees etc so that such deserving ones get a small helping hand. By giving reservations to some idiot just because he is poor, firstly the person doesnt understand the value - next he is of no use to the society once he passes becuase he never contributed anything anyways to reach that position. One can only bridge the remaining part for a person who has done 90% effort and needs a 10% support not 10% effort and 90% support.
i totally agree with u buddy.dont worry i am confident that india will provide a level playing ground for muslims as others overcoming such obstacles.

You are completely wrong, Indian constitution restricts any kind of reservation system that is based on religion or caste system, These politicians managed to bring in reservation based on caste system because they have been dominated for years of time,You might be knowing how difficult it was for the government to get it approved from supreme court.

I am strongly against any reservation to Muslims.They were not dominated by Hindus but they dominated Hindus for 100s of years.On what basis do you expect government can bring any benefits to Muslims ? Did they have any struggle in the society ? No. They had and have their equal rights in our system (in practical not just by law).

Giving any special reservation to Muslims is nothing but government itself is approving (Congress especially ) that in last 50 years they did not give equal chance to Muslims.Its a shame to our country that we are biased on a religion.

If government attempts anything like this it will be rejected by court.Reservation system is proved to be a failed system in India.Year after year I can see the % keep increasing for backward community and almost 75% of these communities covered under Backward community/Other backward community category. It increases the tension between caste system , Rajasthan proved the best example how this reservation can backfire the government.

Right now the reservation system in place is just trying avoid Brahmins and a very few other forward communities and I have personally seen how the students of forward classes suffer while I enjoyed the advantage of reservation system even though I am not competitive enough to them !!!

In Tamil Nadu we could see already Branhmins started demanding for 4% reservation for them .If any attempt to reservation made for Muslims this is going to increase tension among other religions including Hindus and it will desbalize the country.
Your rant shows your ignorance of the matter. Are you saying providing reservations for SC/STs is not in the constitution? This is part of the constitution by the way (if you ever did have a read of it).

Again, the reservations being demanded here is not a blanket reservation for all muslims. It is to include Dalit muslims and Christians into the SC/ST category. This would not increase reservations in any way. JD(U) an NDA ally recently passed a resolution calling on the government regarding this. Why are you against SC/ST muslims being included in this reservation? Something they have been denied for the past 60 odd years. I don't think any true Indian can reject this logical demand short of being a bigot.

The rest is more to do with affirmative actions in the sense that the government makes sure the minority communities (muslims, sikhs, Christians e.t.c) are given scholarships e.t.c. to bring them inline with national average. Just go through the Prime Ministers15 point programme for minority welfare (which applies not only to muslims by the way) and see if it mentions reservations anywhere.

Again I want to emphasize that no one is asking for blanket Muslim reservations. Please don't fall to the BJP/RSS propaganda as they have their own motives to create wrong impressions. Hopefully you will read up and research what government policies are and not parrot stands without analyzing them.

You are completely wrong, Indian constitution restricts any kind of reservation system that is based on religion or caste system, These politicians managed to bring in reservation based on caste system because they have been dominated for years of time,You might be knowing how difficult it was for the government to get it approved from supreme court.

I am strongly against any reservation to Muslims.They were not dominated by Hindus but they dominated Hindus for 100s of years.On what basis do you expect government can bring any benefits to Muslims ? Did they have any struggle in the society ? No. They had and have their equal rights in our system (in practical not just by law).

Giving any special reservation to Muslims is nothing but government itself is approving (Congress especially ) that in last 50 years they did not give equal chance to Muslims.Its a shame to our country that we are biased on a religion.

If government attempts anything like this it will be rejected by court.Reservation system is proved to be a failed system in India.Year after year I can see the % keep increasing for backward community and almost 75% of these communities covered under Backward community/Other backward community category. It increases the tension between caste system , Rajasthan proved the best example how this reservation can backfire the government.

Right now the reservation system in place is just trying avoid Brahmins and a very few other forward communities and I have personally seen how the students of forward classes suffer while I enjoyed the advantage of reservation system even though I am not competitive enough to them !!!

In Tamil Nadu we could see already Branhmins started demanding for 4% reservation for them .If any attempt to reservation made for Muslims this is going to increase tension among other religions including Hindus and it will desbalize the country.
Contradictory! :what:
Jews and Parsis happen to be the most prosperous among the communities!
Sorry if i have confused you, what i meant was its stupid to give reservations to muslims as there are much smaller groups in india.Then why does muslims alone be given reservations..??
My other point was reservations should be made on the bases of economic conditions not on the bases of caste or religion. Giving reservations on the basics of caste is inefficient .

And may I ask you why you were taking all the troubles of the world?What prompted your leaders to take such great steps for humanity. Maybe you should read a bit of history before making such stupid claims. Pakistan allowed itself to be used by US because they were getting moolah from US just as they are getting it from US right now for fighting the war on terror and killing your own people. On one hand you oppose USA's policies against Muslims and on the other side you are hand in glove with them. Why can't you decide once and for all on whose side you are on. And if someone tells you that Russians, Chinese and other people are bad don't trust them blindly use a little bit of you own grey matter.

Dude. We did what we thought at the time that it was right thing to do.

Now Hind side is 20/20 and you are cleverly saying things that are gone by decades ago.

We the Muslims fought ww1 and ww2 along side west and at the time we thought it was the right thing to do. Dude.

Our strategy at the time was based on our beliefs and experiences. Dude.

Now we are up against dude like you, who talk from both sides of their mouths, meaning they claim to be our friends and yet go make deals with those who mean harm to us.

The Moolah that U.S. gave us was taken back by U.S. as it was conditional to use it to buy arms from U.S to stand against communism. And we did what we thought was right at the moment.dude.

I can tell you lot more, dude but it seems that you are talking like a real adversary of Pakistan. when u atart talking like a secular one. we shall enlighten u more. Dude.
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I think the Consensus in India is not really correct there are probbly 40% muslisms living in India - and yet they do not get proper oppourtunities when they try to get properly educated -

With out the proper - balance and harmoney in population, there will eventually be a civil disobedience

Again but at same time one has to respect the melting pot that india is and traditionally - all cultures have lived together in it

I think the current elections proved the open mindedness of most Indians in electing a gov that honors different ethnic issues as a collective rather then being - single tunnle vision that is BJP.

Muslims in India need a self check first.

Why no proper education for most of the muslims?

Imam in mosque says family planning is against Islam

Fundamentalist Muslim leaders say we must create a larger population in India to counter hindus.

A man marries to a single woman and have 7-8 children. Can't afford to send them to good school or give proper education.

The other day I met a muslim auto driver who was proudly telling me that Mashallah I have 8 children.

How he is supposed to give proper education to his 8 children when he dont earn much????

Reservations won't solve any problems in such conditions.

Just giving 1-2 cricketers a spot in national team does not mean that all people get proper rights when it comes to jobs and growth in multinational companies.

Cricketers get spots because they deserve. Irrespective of their religion.

Before making such comments dont forget Dr.Abdul Kalam, we honored him by electing as our President for his services to nation.

Dont forget the bollywood where 75% of today's superstars are muslims.

India's first supreme court female judge was a muslim woman.

Indian Airforce had a muslim Air Chief Marshal.

Therer were many muslim chief ministers in different states of India. Existing Government is having many muslim ministers.

This whole muslims reservation hoopla is against the growth of my nation. Anyone who deserves get his opportunity.

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Muslims in India need a self check first.

Why no proper education for most of the muslims?

Imam in mosque says family planning is against Islam

Fundamentalist Muslim leaders say we must create a larger population in India to counter hindus.

A man marries to a single woman and have 7-8 children. Can't afford to send them to good school or give proper education.

The other day I met a muslim auto driver who was proudly telling me that Mashallah I have 8 children.

How he is supposed to give proper education to his 8 children when he dont earn much????

Reservations won't solve any problems in such conditions.

Cricketers get spots because they deserve. Irrespective of their religion.

Before making such comments dont forget Dr.Abdul Kalam, we honored him by electing as our President for his services to nation.

Dont forget the bollywood where 75% of today's superstars are muslims.

India's first supreme court female judge was a muslim woman.

Indian Airforce had a muslim Air Chief Marshal.

Therer were many muslim chief ministers in different states of India. Existing Government is having many muslim ministers.

This whole muslims reservation hoopla is against the growth of my nation. Anyone who deserves get his opportunity.


i think we have had enough of this reservation .

im from general category and when i gave my aieee exam ( all india engineering exam ) i had a 37,000 rank ( around 8,00,000 lack students took the exam ) but still i was not able to get the college of my choice . but an OBC friend of mine with rank close to 3,50,000 rank was able to get that college . reservation are frustrating .
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