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BJP opposes reservations for Muslims: Rajnath

And if there's a Hindu candidate against the Muslim? The Hindus would sweep away the elections.

Pakistan tried this, but it turns out the minorities were sidelined significantly. Reservations have to be made.
just to complete your sentence. backward cast includes not only hindu backward cast but also muslim backward community of india. the only thing is, this 50% reservation provide equal opportunity for backward cast of both hindu and muslim, hence here muslim backward community face competition with hindu backward cast for this 50% reserved seats in all the government jobs.

There is no 50% reservation for backward casts that includes minoroties. The reservation for backward is only 5%. In some cases it is 7.5% only. Rest of the reservation(i.e. 45%) is solely for the low cast hindus. Muslims and other religous minorities CAN NOT apply under that category under any condition.
Why some people are placing wrong information here about reservation? There is no reservation for muslims or sikhs or christians in India. Reservation is only for hindus. Even in backward classes more Hindu low cast are enrolled than all minority combined.
Those who demand that there should not be any reservation for muslims must know that the same scale should be applied for all in the country. Low cast majority Hindus are enjoying these reservation (Up to 50% :angry: ) since Independance. These low cast hindus are already way ahead in development than all the religous minorities put together in India. If reservation goes out for them, they have already made a substantial jump from what they were ~60 years ago!
Muslims in particular now, are at the even at lower level of development than these low cast Hindus of 1947 ! This is a fact! So muslims and other minorities need a fair reservation in education, employement, politics, armed forces, police, administration, economy etc. for a fair period of time, to keep pace with rest of thier fellow country men.
Dude if I was the Prime minister I'd do away with all reservations except those for "Low Income Groups" across all communities.But I'm not. I dont feel reservations serve any purpose,But most ppl here seem to think otherwise.

BTW Neo I was not confusing seats in parliament for reservations in jobs.Read the article again.The PM was specifically talking abt reservations in Govt. jobs not Parliament.
One more thing .The only reason why the govt. has raised this issue is because of the upcoming polls in Uttar Pradesh where the muslim vote can make or break a govt.So u see its again Vote bank politics nothing else.
The congress is not a player in the UP polls. The parties which are swaying in the breeze are the BSP and the SP neither of which belong to the UPA.
I agree reservation should happen on base of economic background. Two reasons why this hasn't been adopted.
1. Its not feasible to mark such a category. This bracket includes a massive number.
2. The logic behind reservations was to improve the status of such classes. An engineer or a doctor from a SC in Jharkhand has a big impact on that community and will encourage an upliftment of that community. But, reservation on basis of poverty has a comparatively lower impact on the society.

30-40% of the seats of the government? There are reservations in India for 30-40% of the seats?

No way..

I am speaking abt the educational institutions

Well BJP is opposing it on secular grounds. It has a point, but giving a little space to the Muslims won't really matter. Since without some help, the minority is sort of bound to live under the tyranny of the majority.

Muslims attitude havnt helped the matter either.They need to learn quite a bit from their chrisitan brothers who are much smaller minority but are in amuch better position.
reservations should only be based on the financial position of the people, and not on caste, religion and other factors. It leads to misuse of the reservation system by the rich layer of these casts or creeds. The economically backward should be helped irrespective of their caste, creed or religion.

As it is there is enough reservation, Manmohan is playing dirty politics to woo Muslim voters in the congress votebank.
Sachar panel on Muslims to submit report on Friday

Press Trust of India

New Delhi, November 16, 2006

The Justice Rajinder Sachar Committee, set up to study social, economic and educational status of the Muslim community, will submit its report to Prime Minister Manmohan Singh on Friday.

The Committee, earlier scheduled to give its report by October 31, was given time till November 30 to submit its findings.

There has been a lot of debate on the issue of reservation for Muslims after reports that the Committee has found that representation of the community in various government jobs is dismal, and that it is way behind even Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes in social, education and health indices.

The Committee, set up by the Prime Minister, is reported to have recommended caste-based and not religion-based reservation for the community.

However, the Committee has been non-committal on media reports

The Committee, set up by the Prime Minister, is reported to have recommended caste-based and not religion-based reservation for the community.

However, the Committee has been non-committal on media reports

If it recomended it on cast-bases how will they specify reservations for Muslims ???

can anyone please eleborate ?
i failed to understand it
Is reservation concept is there is Pakistan and US?

Actually I hate this concept. One side we say we all are equal. Other side we prove that we are not equal by doing reservation.Reservations should not be there at all . Provide free educations to backwards for competitive tests but reservation should not be there.

I hate the Congress Nalaayak leader Arjun Singh.He was one of the biggest fool and corrupt leader of congress. If congress goes with reservation this time I am sure we youth will teach them lesson a LS election and States election
i am not a fascist or anything

but let me point out that in most arab countries other religions are banned and non-muslims are treated like crap.

but in India other religions aren't banned and although its not perfect 95% of the time you are allowed to practice your religion in peace (5% of the time there are riots), and although some minorities have it bad others don't.

i think that this is a good idea, because reservations are stupid. Say u were the head of a new company who needed good talent (at least 10 people) and u were on the cutting edge of something scientific and the government says u must hire 3 minorities and 7 majorities no matter how smart they are but the problem is is that the minorities aren't qualified but you must hire them anyway, so what do you do?

my point is:

would u hire 10 HIGHLY qualified people in your company?
would u hire 7 HIGHLY qualified people and 3 qualified people?

i believe i would hire the 10 highly qualified people that are of the majority.

however if the opposite is true and there are 7 minority highly qualified people and 3 majority highly qualified people i would hire the minorities.

i believe it should be all about skill not ur ethnicity.
things are stupid in India..... on one day our PM talks on inclusive governance and at red fort during his speech he mentions Hindu, Muslim,Sikh, Isai.... lol why not my fellow Indians :disagree:
i am not a fascist or anything

but let me point out that in most Arab countries other religions are banned and non-Muslims are treated like crap.

but in India other religions aren't banned and although its not perfect 95% of the time you are allowed to practice your religion in peace (5% of the time there are riots), and although some minorities have it bad others don't.

i think that this is a good idea, because reservations are stupid. Say u were the head of a new company who needed good talent (at least 10 people) and u were on the cutting edge of something scientific and the government says u must hire 3 minorities and 7 majorities no matter how smart they are but the problem is is that the minorities aren't qualified but you must hire them anyway, so what do you do?

my point is:

would u hire 10 HIGHLY qualified people in your company?
would u hire 7 HIGHLY qualified people and 3 qualified people?

i believe i would hire the 10 highly qualified people that are of the majority.

however if the opposite is true and there are 7 minority highly qualified people and 3 majority highly qualified people i would hire the minorities.

i believe it should be all about skill not ur ethnicity.

Gucci Juice, u need to learn history of Muslims, specially when they ruled Spain, Greece and part of Europe for more than 200 years.

Christians or Jews or anyone else was not forced to convert and that is why when Muslim rule ended in all these parts including India there were more non Muslims than Muslims.

And at the end of world war 1 when Muslim rule ended the rulers imn place now were hand picked by the winners made these new rulers signed a M.O.U. to not do anything until approved by those who put them in these positions, and that is why all these Arab leaders do exactly what is dictated and not what is right and wish of general Muslim population.

This is a common knowledge and u should be aware of it.

"The greatest obstacle to discovery is not ignorance -- it is the illusion of knowledge".
And if there's a Hindu candidate against the Muslim? The Hindus would sweep away the elections.

Pakistan tried this, but it turns out the minorities were sidelined significantly. Reservations have to be made.

For this very reason Pakistan was created as Hindus would not commit to giving any assurances to Muslims if they stayed in and not ask for Pakistan.
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I dont know about Indian constitution so anyone can u tell me is there any artilce there which state equal opportunities of jobs for Muslims in India?

Why the hell BJP is always opposing anything beneficial to Muslims in India.

Do you understand the difference between equal opportunities and reservation?

Several Indian Presidents were muslim. Army Chief was muslim.

Everyone should get jobs on the basis of their qualities and not because they are Hindus or Muslims.
For this very reason Pakistan was created as Hindus would not commit to giving any assurances to Muslims if they stayed in and not ask for Pakistan.

I thank my great grandfather for staying back in India and not joining Pakistan.

We neither have taliban to beheade us nor US drones to bomb us.
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