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BJP opposes reservations for Muslims: Rajnath

No reservations in the name of religion/caste or region.. but only on the basis of econmic status.. which will unite all the castes/religions and regions...
No reservations in the name of religion/caste or region.. but only on the basis of econmic status.. which will unite all the castes/religions and regions...

VERy Very true.Long live India and dominate everyone....
VERy Very true.Long live India and dominate everyone....

Hehehe i dont think i can agree with you there..!!! i just want a situation where i can hop on my bike and just set on a ride to afghanistan via pakistan and beautiful kashmir on both sides.. and northern areas..!!!!!! ;)..!!!! I would more or less like peaceful co-existence rather than dominance..!!!!
I thank my great grandfather for staying back in India and not joining Pakistan.

We neither have taliban to beheade us nor US drones to bomb us.

We in Pakistan are fighting a war that was imposed on us as Russians move in to Afghanistan, in this India would have not stood a chance,

Than came 9/11 as all those so called terrorists were Saudis, we are bearing the brunt of it, but had India been in this position, it would have not stood a chance, i know India's style from 1947 till today, it attacked kashmir, it attacked Hyderabad, it attacked Junagasrh and even it attack Goa, had Pakistan not refused Portuguese the right of passage for their Air force India would have to fight a war with a European country, a NATO ally.

So come off your high horse and see the facts, we have saved the tail of this world and are doing it right now.

On the other hand when Russians walked in Afghanistan, India was the first country to approve it, what a shame.

A quotation for u to learn about bravery..

"Those who cannot bravely face danger are the slaves of their attackers".
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We in Pakistan are fighting a war that was imposed on us as Russians move in to Afghanistan, in this India would have not stood a chance,

Than came 9/11 and due non of our doing as all those so called terrorists were Saudis, and we are bearing the brunt of it, but had India been in this position, it would have not stood a chance< i know India style from 1947 till today, it attacked kashmir, it attacked Hyderabad, it attacked Junagasrh and even it attack Goa, had Pakistan not refused Portuguese the right of passage for their Air force India would have to fight a war with a European country, a NATO ally.

So come off your high horse and see the facts, we have saved the tail of this world and are doing it right now.

On the other hand when Russians walked in Afghanistan, India was the first country to approve it, what a shame.

A quotation for u to learn about bravery..

"Those who cannot bravely face danger are the slaves of their attackers".

LOL... don't open my mouth, Pakistan was the first country to approve taliban's rule in afganistan & ofcource it was the last country

who supported taliban. hamare India me ek kahawat hai " Jo dusron ke liye gaddha khodta hai woo usi gaddhe me girta hai"
If it recomended it on cast-bases how will they specify reservations for Muslims ???

can anyone please eleborate ?
i failed to understand it

It has a long history. Not a direct answer to your question, but let me elaborate.

When India took up its constitution it said that all men are equal and that the State would not discriminate in any way. But it was also clear that Dalits (SC/ST) people were historically oppressed and that they needed a chance to develop wealth and a culture of land-owning, education and jobs. So an exception was made in the constitution for SC/ST job reservation in government jobs and govt. educational institution. This was a short term measure, but since the situation of SC/ST did not improve, the government made it a permanent measure.

In the last government period, this reservation was extended to private schools and colleges and also added a new group of people OBC (Other backward caste). This required a constitutional amendment. The total reservation is now set at a level that just falls short of reverse discrimination against the higher castes (by supreme court) - at some places as high as 65&#37;.

Adding reservation for Muslims would require another constitutional amendment. Another issue is that if the total reservation increases from 65% to say 80% or from 50% to 65% by adding 15% for Muslims, it would amount to reverse discrimination. Only 20% seats are available to "General Category". So this 15% may not be added on top of existing reservation, but may be accomplished by taking seats from other categories. So any further reservation would come at the expense of SC/ST and OBC and hence might be opposed by these people.

In summary to achieve this we'd need two things
1) A constitutional amendment (66% approval in parliament and OK by at least half of the states)
2) Convincing SC/ST + OBC groups or the "general category" people that this is actually a good idea. Some convincing studies on historical oppression of Muslims would also be needed.
We have enough reservations already, there's no need for any more buttering.Reservations on the basis of religion can only create hatred and confusion.
LOL... don't open my mouth, Pakistan was the first country to approve taliban's rule in afganistan & ofcource it was the last country

who supported taliban. hamare India me ek kahawat hai " Jo dusron ke liye gaddha khodta hai woo usi gaddhe me girta hai"

Dude Jo dooron key liey Garha nahi khoda hey. dude,this is a Urdu saying,Dude.

At the time dude they were behaving as they fought for Americans against Russians, Dude, one time dude they were alienated by west when they were refused aid by European consortium and instead the aid was to be spent on Buddha statues, that disenchanted them, but nevertheless they were the tools to throw out Russian and that was good enough for guys like yourself, now that they feel used and u want to get rid of them , you trained them, will not be easy, But Pakistan can do it, as Pakistan did with Russians.

We are the people who have taken care of all the troubles in this worlds. in 50s we allowed U2 to fly from Pakistan over Russia and Russia was mad at us, 60's we were against chines communists and we were told they are bad bad people so we stood with west,we believed blindly, When we saw things ourselves we facilitated the meeting between U.S. and china.

in 70's and 80's we fought Russians in Afghanistan and now in 90's and 20000's we fight Taliban.

Had Indian been put to this task they would have chosen to run, and never look back. we have done it right even at this time, by getting people out of the area and get these Taliban once for all, unlike India killing only innocent in Kashmir.

So Dude let us see u open your mouth and see what comes out of it.
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If it recomended it on cast-bases how will they specify reservations for Muslims ???

can anyone please eleborate ?
i failed to understand it

Just to clarify this. The Sachar committee explained that not ALL muslims are sufferring from marginalisation and many of them were doing well.

The main issue was with dalit muslims (and christians). These are converts with an SC/ST background, but because of their conversion they would not be able to take benefit of the SC/ST category in jobs, education or political insitutions. The report recommended that the SC/ST category be expanded to include Dalit converts to Islam and Christianity as well. At present, Sikhs, Jains, and Buddhists are already part of the SC/ST category.

So it is not a caste based on Islamic principles as such but based on the background of the person. Moreover, the amendment would not require any increase in reservation quota as Dalit muslims would automatically qualify of the SC quota. IMO, this should be applied straightaway as just leaving on these two religions is a form of discrimination. Moreover, these are the poorest and most marginalised section of muslim society which is primarily because of their socio-economic history and not being able to take benefit of the reservation system.

A separate increase of reservation of around 4-7% (not 15% as had been mentioned in some papers) was recommended to cover OBC muslims. These were the less well-to-do muslims. This is probably a bit more controversial. I would prefer an inclusion in the existing OBC quota or improvement education facilities through grants and the like.

I had to compete through the general quota so I completely sympathies with people who feel strongly against the reservation system :P
As many Indian members have already said, reservation should only be based on financial background of people and not irrelevant things like caste and religion. But of course this won't happen because of vote bank politics played by all political parties. When are we going to get our act together and scrap ridiculous reservation laws that serve only to benefit the financial elite of the so called backward classes.

While we're at it, we should also scrap insipid things like the Muslim personal law board and bring in the Uniform civil code....but this is a whole separate debate.
Dude Jo dooron key liey Garha nahi khoda hey. dude,this is a Urdu saying,Dude.

At the time dude they were behaving as they fought for Americans against Russians, Dude, one time dude they were alienated by west when they were refused aid by European consortium and instead the aid was to be spent on Buddha statues, that deteriorated them, but nevertheless they were the tools to throw out Russian and that was good enough for guys like yourself, now that they feel used and u want to get rid of them ,we you trained them, it will not be easy, Pakistan can do it, as Pakistan did with Russians.

We are the people who have taken care of all the troubles in this worlds. in 50s we allowed U2 to fly from Pakistan over Russia and Russia was mad at us, 60's we were against chines communist and we were told they are bad bad people so we stood with west,we believed blindly, in 70's and 80's we fought Russians in Afghanistan and now in 90's and 20000's we fight Taliban.

Had Indian been put to this task they would have chosen to run, and never look back. we have done it right even at this time, by getting people out of the area and get these Talibans once for all, unlike India killing only innocent in Kashmir.

So Dude let us see u open your mouth and see what comes out of it.


And may I ask you why you were taking all the troubles of the world?What prompted your leaders to take such great steps for humanity. Maybe you should read a bit of history before making such stupid claims. Pakistan allowed itself to be used by US because they were getting moolah from US just as they are getting it from US right now for fighting the war on terror and killing your own people. On one hand you oppose USA's policies against Muslims and on the other side you are hand in glove with them. Why can't you decide once and for all on whose side you are on. And if someone tells you that Russians, Chinese and other people are bad don't trust them blindly use a little bit of you own grey matter.
While we're at it, we should also scrap insipid things like the Muslim personal law board and bring in the Uniform civil code....but this is a whole separate debate.

The better solution (and more realistic solution) would be to enact a reform of muslim personal law similar to the hindu code bill to make it progressive and closer inline to the spirit of justice and Islam.

Hopefully the current government will pickup on this.
Will India ever have a Muslim Code Bill? TOI
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