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Bible in which 'Jesus predicts coming of Muhammad' unearthed in Turkey

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How do you say it has not changed, take the bible open it and read the page one Preface that says bible has grave errors and asks for apology. :disagree:

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Well Well, giving you guys some "food for thought" ............no offense......just take it as debatable facts........

Prophet Muhammad is also Predicted in Hindu Scriptures(Bhavishya Purana) but NOT as a messenger of GOD, but as an evil.........:cheesy:
Here you go-

an already existing member has just created a new ID- just to vent his frustrations out-

why i am not surprised-
Does that mean that the theory that Hindus are actually Sabians i.e. people of the book i.e. one of us, is totally false and you are buddies of the Satan?

MAY be...........

I guess, the doubt can only be cleared by holding a "round table conference" with the Almighty....:woot:
No that is not... I will post 5 verse or quote of Jesus from bible to prove that. Do not take it otherwise. Just part of discussion:

1. "My Father is greater than I." ‐ Jesus. (John 14:28)

So, Jesus and father can not be same as the position of father is greater then Jesus.

2. Jesus said 'I am going to my God and your God' (John 20:17)

If Jesus is god who is Jesus's God?

3. "My God, My God, why hast Thou forsaken Me?" - Jesus cried out in pain and said that (Matthew 27:46)

Question same as before.

4. "Why do you call me good?" Jesus answered. "No one is good--except God alone. (Mark 10:18)

That means jesus asked him not to say good as God is only good.

5. "During the days of Jesus' life on earth, he offered up prayers and petitions with loud cries and tears to the one who could save him from death, and he was heard because of his reverent submission." (Hebrew 5:7)

So my last quote from bible. This quote is very important as it is showing 2 important thing.

Jesus was praying to god with loud cry and tear so that God can save him.

2nd part it is said He was heard because of his reverent submission. Does this part not mean that he was saved from death??? N does it not affirm the position of the muslim.

I know religious discussion is not allowed but tried to bring little info of bible by the views of the bible, thinking it may open the heart and minds of the christian brother n sister...:)

1)The Father and the Son are equal but when the son left his heavenly place and came to this earth in the form of a man He voluntarily gave up this equality.

2)Note the tone if Jesus was just a man He could have used "I am going to our God".Instead he used it separately.Jesus was God's Son by nature from the beginning.We are God's adopted children by grace not by nature.

3)Same answer as above.

4)Here Jesus was asking a rhetoric question because in verse 17 the man addresses Jesus as good teacher.So Jesus asked him that if you call me good how can you call me as a mere teacher(human being).

5)You should have quoted the whole verse.
"Who in the days of his flesh, when he had offered up prayers and supplications with strong crying and tears unto him that was able to save him from death, and was heard in that he feared;"
When God The Son came into this world He took upon him the form of a man and we see here one aspect of Jesus's life as a man.
In Old Testament times there had to many sacrifices to be made but the sacrifices of the bulls and rams couldn't suffice the demands of the law.So in the fullness of time God sent his only begotten Son into this world to die as a ransom for the sins of mankind.Today you only have to believe on the work of salvation which He did on that cross of Calvary.

Moreover He would come again in the clouds for His people.At that time he won't come against the anti-Christ.There would be seven years time of Tribulation for the son's of Jacob(Israel) and I pretty well believe the aggressors would be from Europe(former Roman Empire) presided by the Anti Christ.But seven years later Christ would come upon Mount Olives(not in Damascus as someone mentioned) to save the remaining Jews.

And to some people who say the Bible is corrupted-"God is faithful enough to keep it securely that which is His".
How do you say it has not changed, take the bible open it and read the page one Preface that says bible has grave errors and asks for apology. :disagree:

Moderators need to close this thread.

Why do you have to explain to him it has changed? Many Christians already know it and are fine with changing it further to suit their modern-time needs.

That's hardly the topic of the thread. By digressing we're simply letting the quite interesting topic get buried and forgotten.
I do enjoy religeous discussions in a historical light. Keep more of these coming!

---------- Post added at 02:49 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:47 AM ----------

Ps...I do not believe early christians were trinitarian....this came after by those who wished to elevate Jesus to god, he never claimed it in any proven writings.
Well Well, giving you guys some "food for thought" ............no offense......just take it as debatable facts........

Prophet Muhammad is also Predicted in Hindu Scriptures(Bhavishya Purana) but NOT as a messenger of GOD, but as an evil.........

Bhavishya purana was corrupted by british to suit it with christian theology and convert the hindus.

There are numerous article on net on the topic bhavishya purana corrupted by british. I was reading an article by a pundit where he wrote there are traces it was edited by a bhraman without his intention. This book not only contain different king and dynasty including mughal and british but was also aware of the assembly of kolkata and its head queen victoria.

I think its a shame for the indians that despite leaking the feet of the british they distorted their scripture to convert them and p
ropagated the idea if western education can be given to them they will leave their backdated theology and culture.

Sorry, no offence. But some hursh truth and reality.
They leak feet? Weird

(you leak oil from a car...lick is the word you're looking for)
^^ No, he is actually right....... we punctured their feet for "corrupting" our scripture :lol::lol:
They leak feet? Weird

(you leak oil from a car...lick is the word you're looking for)

It's 315 at night and typing from my cell phone which sometime do auto correction. So better concentrate on the main theme and learn how "British corrupted bhabisiya Puranas" by googling it.
In the old testament (John): Jesus peace be upon him said:

And his name will be the beneficent (Literally) MOHAMMED in Arabic.
So no need to wait or to be anxious, It is already proven.

Thats bullshit.
By the way, the Gospel according to John is in the new testament of the Bible.
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