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Bengali Nationalism a Threat to Bangladesh's National Security

Why did those intellectuals simply run away? Fear of death? It is true that many were slain by God knows who. And many would be threatened if they ever returned.
if you were talking about families who were uprooted to move to Karachi or to India, it was definitely fear of death, receiving threats and pessimism about their society now taken over by Bengali extremists. it was a hell like atmosphere towards the end of the 1971 crisis and after it. Bengali extremist mobs were not very kind to whoever simply 'looked' or 'sounded' outside their definition of Bengali or a pro-Bengali nationalist, and so a potential "collaborator". and this included many who just belonged to the ulama class. unable to fit the mold of a society now run by "xenophobic narrow ethno-linguistic 'Bengali' nationalism" (as author Sharmila Bose put it), many many Bengalis and non-Bengalis needed certain compromise. that came in the form of migrating to former West Pakistan and India, or even by giving up Urdu language. that is partly how an entire society got coerced into the disease known as Bengali nationalism
@ My dear beloved Indian friend, there is no need. If you truly srutiny our muslim Bengali population then you would find that majority of our population came from Arab, Persia, Afganistan, Turkey, Yeman, Abbisinia, Ethopia, Central Asia etc.

@ If you go more detail then you would find that around 55 % people are foreign origin. Around 15 % people are mixed and around 30 % people are convertee muslim majority being from Budhahs instead of Hindus.

@ If you give true free and fare election then you would find that these so called "securalist" will fly away. That is why AL is afraid of giving free and fare election.
Brother this is fantastic!! i dont know if u know but there are also members of our population from Egypt and Kazakhstan !!. They are practicing muslims inshallah!!!!!!

Also I have found new estimates!! now 88.894% of our population has foreign muslim origin. my family come from Afghanistan, we were warriors from Suri tribe which is most powerful pathan tribe. Sher shah suri was my ancestor according to my uncles cousins friend!!
Brother this is fantastic!! i dont know if u know but there are also members of our population from Egypt and Kazakhstan !!. They are practicing muslims inshallah!!!!!!

Also I have found new estimates!! now 88.894% of our population has foreign muslim origin. my family come from Afghanistan, we were warriors from Suri tribe which is most powerful pathan tribe. Sher shah suri was my ancestor according to my uncles cousins friend!!

I actually thought after Modi's arrival, the unemployment rate of India really decreased....
1. Btw How we (Bengali's) are threat to Our ownselves (Bengali)?

2. How do we mixup Religion (Muslim) and Ethnicity (Bengali/Bangali)? Or we still dont know what those thing are?

3. How do we drop our thousand years identity 'Bengali' as what we are? Are we something new breed in this world since '80s? how ridiculous...

4. Some members showing their pride as arab, foreigners ancestor.... Why dont we guys be proud of our ethnic identity, culture, forefathers hardwork that brought us till here? [Personally I do have Arab blood from Iran from one family branch, But I prefer my pride being Bangladeshi/Bengali]

5. Our WB Bengali's are getting non-bengali day by day... due to so much hindi influence... Is it not our time to lead Bengali's around the world from bangladesh? Dont forget we are Shadhin Bengali from bangladesh... Indian-bengali's are Poradhin pradeshik Bengali's....

----------- Sorry for bringing you guys into topic....
1. Btw How we (Bengali's) are threat to Our ownselves (Bengali)?

2. How do we mixup Religion (Muslim) and Ethnicity (Bengali/Bangali)? Or we still dont know what those thing are?

3. How do we drop our thousand years identity 'Bengali' as what we are? Are we something new breed in this world since '80s? how ridiculous...

4. Some members showing their pride as arab, foreigners ancestor.... Why dont we guys be proud of our ethnic identity, culture, forefathers hardwork that brought us till here? [Personally I do have Arab blood from Iran from one family branch, But I prefer my pride being Bangladeshi/Bengali]

5. Our WB Bengali's are getting non-bengali day by day... due to so much hindi influence... Is it not our time to lead Bengali's around the world from bangladesh? Dont forget we are Shadhin Bengali from bangladesh... Indian-bengali's are Poradhin pradeshik Bengali's....

----------- Sorry for bringing you guys into topic....

Sane post. Nationalist BD people should be more active in these forums.
1. Btw How we (Bengali's) are threat to Our ownselves (Bengali)?

2. How do we mixup Religion (Muslim) and Ethnicity (Bengali/Bangali)? Or we still dont know what those thing are?

3. How do we drop our thousand years identity 'Bengali' as what we are? Are we something new breed in this world since '80s? how ridiculous...

4. Some members showing their pride as arab, foreigners ancestor.... Why dont we guys be proud of our ethnic identity, culture, forefathers hardwork that brought us till here? [Personally I do have Arab blood from Iran from one family branch, But I prefer my pride being Bangladeshi/Bengali]

5. Our WB Bengali's are getting non-bengali day by day... due to so much hindi influence... Is it not our time to lead Bengali's around the world from bangladesh? Dont forget we are Shadhin Bengali from bangladesh... Indian-bengali's are Poradhin pradeshik Bengali's....

----------- Sorry for bringing you guys into topic....

No I think you got the emotions of this forum mixed up with a serious matter. Bengali nationalism is a cover up to simply express their hatred of Islam, to prevent any kind of Islamic practice or influence, that's what it really stands for. Bengali nationalism is when people start tearing/burning pieces of the Holy Quran in Pahela Boishakh and start insulting and attacking anyone who is an adherent of Islam.

Point number 2 you mentioned the mix up of Islam and Bengali. Islam has existed in the Bengal region for hundreds if not more than a thousand years. The common man in Bangladesh has always put deen in front of ethnic group, not the other way.

When innocent Bangladeshis are mauled on the streets for simply holding an opposite view that my friend is...Bengali nationalism.

1. Btw How we (Bengali's) are threat to Our ownselves (Bengali)?

2. How do we mixup Religion (Muslim) and Ethnicity (Bengali/Bangali)? Or we still dont know what those thing are?

3. How do we drop our thousand years identity 'Bengali' as what we are? Are we something new breed in this world since '80s? how ridiculous...

4. Some members showing their pride as arab, foreigners ancestor.... Why dont we guys be proud of our ethnic identity, culture, forefathers hardwork that brought us till here? [Personally I do have Arab blood from Iran from one family branch, But I prefer my pride being Bangladeshi/Bengali]

5. Our WB Bengali's are getting non-bengali day by day... due to so much hindi influence... Is it not our time to lead Bengali's around the world from bangladesh? Dont forget we are Shadhin Bengali from bangladesh... Indian-bengali's are Poradhin pradeshik Bengali's....

----------- Sorry for bringing you guys into topic....

Bengalis aren't a threat to themselves, no one said this. We are talking about a political ideology/movement called 'Bengali nationalism', a fascist agenda just like the Hindu extreme groups or like the far right English groups who use 'British nationalism' as a cover up to incite hatred against specific minorities.
1. Btw How we (Bengali's) are threat to Our ownselves (Bengali)?

2. How do we mixup Religion (Muslim) and Ethnicity (Bengali/Bangali)? Or we still dont know what those thing are?

3. How do we drop our thousand years identity 'Bengali' as what we are? Are we something new breed in this world since '80s? how ridiculous...

4. Some members showing their pride as arab, foreigners ancestor.... Why dont we guys be proud of our ethnic identity, culture, forefathers hardwork that brought us till here? [Personally I do have Arab blood from Iran from one family branch, But I prefer my pride being Bangladeshi/Bengali]

5. Our WB Bengali's are getting non-bengali day by day... due to so much hindi influence... Is it not our time to lead Bengali's around the world from bangladesh? Dont forget we are Shadhin Bengali from bangladesh... Indian-bengali's are Poradhin pradeshik Bengali's....

----------- Sorry for bringing you guys into topic....

Here Bangladeshis are contemplating to discard Bengali language as a whole, or at least the script for Arabic scripts, along with its literature, culture and everything else that feels like Bengali, and you are talking about Bengaliness of Bangladeshis! There were proposals here to change the name of Bangladesh and its cities also to something more suitable....i.e. Islamic, like Ghaznavistan, Ghauristan, etc. etc. :P

And btw, how can Indian Bengalis be poradhin in their own country? :)
Fascism is sometime useful for Bangladesh, whether for JoyBangla at 1971 for independence, Bangladesh Zindabaad as strong newly islamic state or Mowka at 2015 for bashing indian cricket.

If start looking for what we are again like going into deep identity crisis, i am sure then we will get into deep trouble again.

Why dont we take the lead as Bengali's on West Bengal people? Guys do know upto 70% people of Bengali's (Bangla Speaking) around the world (Bangladesh, India, other nations) are Muslim....

Why on earth should we leave the lead to the minority hindu's? Remember upto 70% Bengali around the world are muslims....

Dont do mistakes brother.
Here Bangladeshis are contemplating to discard Bengali language as a whole, or at least the script for Arabic scripts, along with its literature, culture and everything else that feels like Bengali, and you are talking about Bengaliness of Bangladeshis! There were proposals here to change the name of Bangladesh and its cities also to something more suitable....i.e. Islamic, like Ghaznavistan, Ghauristan, etc. etc. :P

And btw, how can Indian Bengalis be poradhin in their own country? :)

1. Any more fancy story or give us some reference other than Indian media?

2. a) East-Bengal: Was ruled by Pakistan, Liberated by Bengalis. Means it is Liberated.
b) West-Bengal: Was ruled by India, Still being ruled by India. Means they are PORADHIN.
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1. Any more fancy story or give us some reference other than Indian media?

2. a) East-Bengal: Was ruled by Pakistan, Liberated by Bengalis. Means it is Liberated.
b) West-Bengal: Was ruled by India, Still being ruled by India. Means they are PORADHIN.

Ohh you are right, Iran is not Arab.

But parsians do have their pride right? Sorry for being offtopic....
In reality brother we are not Bengali and Bangladesh is not a Bengali country. We have many foreigners living in Bangladesh like afghan, Arab, Turk and Persian. Maybe 3% in total is actually native Bengali. Our country needs s new name to embrace our collective Muslim heritage like

Khaganate of Bengal
Al banglar,
So the Bangladesh section of PDF has been overtaken by Indian trolls (PathanBangladesh, BongBang and Gonjo). There's a word for people of that nature...

Fascism is useful but on the other side, people are not free under democracy. What a splendid self contradiction.
Bengali nationalism a threat to Bangladesh's national security... They realized it now after forty or so years? We knew about it from the beginning and suffered a lot because of this insanity. Nationalism is indeed a curse and in the words of Charles de Gaulle:

"Patriotism is when love of your own people comes first; nationalism, when hate for people other than your own comes first".
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