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Bengali Nationalism a Threat to Bangladesh's National Security

but the Bengali nationalists of BD have been quite successful in imposing things that are not just alien to the Muslim polity, but also the very reasons that Bengali Muslims opted for a separated Muslim state. R. Tagore was part of a class that actively and systematically changed the Bengal landscape to root out Muslim influence. and afterwards we see that very Tagore's work imposed as a "national anthem" of Muslims

They can impose their will all they like. No one cares about them in spite of the retarded rhetoric in the media.

They are stupid people.

with all due respect you got one thing squarely wrong. the Bengali nationalists do not at all include the politics that progressive Muslims who advocated Aligarh type education in British era embodied. in fact the Bengali nationalists are at serious odds with the political descendants of the Aligarh type Muslims. and when we are talking about the British era, it is with the backdrop that Muslims had lost centuries-old status quo. Muslims were faced with a catch-22 of either forgoing their age-old civilization (or its legacies) OR falling behind economically. in such circumstances, it's ludicrous to say Muslims were opposed to their own progression. at least it was Hindu elites who opposed Bengali Muslims' having their own universities, not Muslims. and the Hindus were acting very much to their (ir)rational self-interest

I did not know about Aligarh-type Muslims.

And even if they were to succeed, then why did they not have support from the Muslim community chiefs in Bengal? Particularly from village level? It'd be incorrect to assume that most folks in East Bengal were urbanites. Most were villagers.

There was absolutely no reason that they wouldn't have succeeded had there been broad-level support from the Muslims of Bengal for Aligarh-type education. Even in in face of opposing Hindu elites in Bengal. Support and resolve does matter khair.

The village chiefs did actually oppose post industrial-era education, believing that learning in English would be a sin and a bunch of other nonsensical stuff. This is a recorded fact.
A History of Islamic Societies - Ira M. Lapidus - Google Books

This shit still happens today, but has gone down a bit. And I don't see our brave Islamits realizing that aspect of history. Tablighis are equally dumb people.

Truth be told, they were not very educated back in the British days. They were not very educated back in the Pakistan days. And they still aren't very educated even now. Against the backdrop, extremely few Awami Leaguers are actually educated. So is there any need to be apprehensive about them? They are the same. One is claiming to be more Muslim than Prophet Muhammad, while the other is claiming to be more secular than Lenin.

The first blow for Bengali Muslims was during the British-era. The second came when many intellectuals were slain during the 71' war. The third came when Mujib banned all medium of education maintaining that Bengali remains the only medium. Since when was Bengali a medium for deep technicalities? He was an odd and an impractical man.

One needs to realize history in full. And not only a part of it by favoring one version over another. That is the error of Awami League's thinking. Or more specially, Sheikh Hasina. Though, she is a very talented politician. In fact, I don't think she really cares about Bengali nationalism either as long as she's in power.
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The biggest problem with Bengali nationalism is that it fails to create the territorial appeal.
March of Islam in the Ganges-Brahmaputra delta and Bengali nationalism are two different things. They must not be viewed as opposing each other. Islam is so powerful and all encompassing that the day is not far when it will be said, To Be A Bengali Is To Be A Muslim.
March of Islam in the Ganges-Brahmaputra delta and Bengali nationalism are two different things. They must not be viewed as opposing each other. Islam is so powerful and all encompassing that the day is not far when it will be said, To Be A Bengali Is To Be A Muslim.

That day will never come.

If it didn't happen in the worst period when the barbarians were running loose with their rapine and genocide and slavery, it is not happening now.

In fact, quite the reverse will be the reality soon.

PS: Even now when the majority of Bengalis happen to be Muslims, the real Bengali culture remains safe with the Hindu Bengalis.

Others are wannabe Pathans or Turks or sundry others claiming "admixture" anywhere from 0.00000000001% to 100000000%.
That day will never come.

If it didn't happen in the worst period when the barbarians were running loose with their rapine and genocide and slavery, it is not happening now.

In fact, quite the reverse will be the reality soon.

PS: Even now when the majority of Bengalis happen to be Muslims, the real Bengali culture remains safe with the Hindu Bengalis.

Others are wannabe Pathans or Turks or sundry others claiming "admixture" anywhere from 0.00000000001% to 100000000%.
Wrong my dear, wrong. Take a head count.
Wrong my dear, wrong. Take a head count.

I already mentioned that Muslim Bengalis are a majority. What else do you mean here?

The Bengali culture and language are still intricately linked with Dharma and Hindu Bengalis. That is a fact.
I already mentioned that Muslim Bengalis are a majority. What else do you mean here?

The Bengali culture and language are still intricately linked with Dharma and Hindu Bengalis. That is a fact.

Maybe in India, but a Bengali in western countries is usually linked Islam and Muslims. In BD, Bengali is to be Muslim.
Maybe in India, but a Bengali in western countries is usually linked Islam and Muslims. In BD, Bengali is to be Muslim.

That's true. In rest of the world, Bengali is synonymous to Bangladeshis, when you introduce yourself as a Bengali, they will consider you as a Bangladeshi national.
Maybe in India, but a Bengali in western countries is usually linked Islam and Muslims. In BD, Bengali is to be Muslim.

May be they confuse it because of the name.

I meant more in the sense of Bengali culture and you won't expect Westerners (or any people outside our region) to know these details of the culture of Indian provinces.

When one thinks of Bengali culture, one thinks of Durga puja, Ravindra Sangeet, Pandit Ravi Shankar etc.

Nothing against anyone, just that the regional cultures of South Asia are all linked to Dharma. Just like Persia will forever be identified with Zoroastrianism, even though the Zoroastrians were kicked out and the religion almost wiped out from there.

The Arabic culture will remain Arabic even if it manages to wipe out local cultures anywhere. In Indian Bengal the local culture is still alive.
That day will never come.

If it didn't happen in the worst period when the barbarians were running loose with their rapine and genocide and slavery, it is not happening now.

In fact, quite the reverse will be the reality soon.

PS: Even now when the majority of Bengalis happen to be Muslims, the real Bengali culture remains safe with the Hindu Bengalis.

Others are wannabe Pathans or Turks or sundry others claiming "admixture" anywhere from 0.00000000001% to 100000000%.

Reverse? are you hoping Bangladeshis will become hindu in the future?:o:
and when will this be "the reality soon" ? :omghaha:
25% of west bengal is Muslim and 90% Muslim in BD and increasing:tup:
Reverse? are you hoping Bangladeshis will become hindu in the future?:o:
and when will this be "the reality soon" ? :omghaha:
25% of west bengal is Muslim and 90% Muslim in BD and increasing:tup:

That is because we didn't indulge in ethnic cleansing of Muslims unlike the two Islamic countries that came out of partition.

I can't tell you the exact date but Dharma will be restored. After all it is eternal. Several other seasonal ideologies come and go. Like frog in rain (Barsati mendhak). ;)
Reverse? are you hoping Bangladeshis will become hindu in the future?:o:
and when will this be "the reality soon" ? :omghaha:
25% of west bengal is Muslim and 90% Muslim in BD and increasing:tup:

If your attitude is there in bangla muslims who are settling in bengal, then sadly they will have to face the consequences. Do you want another Rohingya type event on muslim people . Already rohingya bengalis are facing ethnic cleansing,genocide. Plus Bjp is in power . They are hawk mentality people.
If your attitude is there in bangla muslims who are settling in bengal, then sadly they will have to face the consequences. Do you want another Rohingya type event on muslim people . Already rohingya bengalis are facing ethnic cleansing,genocide. Plus Bjp is in power . They are hawk mentality people.

Bring it on with your Shiv Sena, BJP and RSS. Lets see what they are made of and how they face Mamata di first.
Bring it on with your Shiv Sena, BJP and RSS. Lets see what they are made of and how they face Mamata di first.

what you gonna do if they come ? talking as if jamatis are the NATO forces of South Asia...lol..big talk is good for internet only. remember that. what india can do is beyond internet trash talk by jamatis..

and don't worry about mamata di..your didi is using you as a pawn, for defending against BJP in her home turf which is gonna see the modi magic take over. your beloved didi will throw your communal *** out the moment she doesn't need you. mark this post.
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