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Beijing should back Okinawa independence, says Global Times


Mar 24, 2007
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Beijing should back Okinawa independence, says Global Times

The time has come for Beijing to back independence for the Ryukyu islands, the nationalistic Chinese tabloid Global Times says in a piece that demonstrates the paper's trademark feats of offbeat logic to their fullest extent.

The paper's announcement comes following the formal establishment in Okinawa on May 15 of the Association of Comprehensive Studies for Independence of Lew Chewans under the leadership of professor Yasukatsu Matsushima of Ryukoku University and Masaki Tomochi of Okinawa International University. The goal of the association is to seek the formal independence of the Ryukyu islands from Japan.

Though the movement does not enjoy especially strong support, the Global Times said it may grow stronger when the political environment changes in the future. Furthermore, various organizations in Japan have demonstrated support for Tibetan and Xinjiang separatists, so there is little reason why the Chinese should respect Japan's attitude, the paper said.

Global Times said that it is not a Chinese tradition to interfere in the internal affairs of other nations, but China's internal affairs have long seen interference on the part of Western countries. As the United States has its main Western Pacific naval and air force bases in Okinawa, the paper said Chinese support for Ryukyu independence should be considered a way to resist China's naval encirclement.

The Ryukyu Kingdom was formerly a Chinese protectorate before it was annexed by the Japanese Empire in the late 19th century, the paper said, noting that as a result "the historical sentiment of the Chinese people towards Ryuku will be released and become a powerful political force easily if the government does not stop it."

"Although the Chinese support of the Association of Comprehensive Studies for Independence of Lew Chewans may give an excuse to the Western powers to strengthen their pressure on China, they will not treat us Chinese better even if we don't support such a movement," the editorial reasoned.


Pro-China elements exist within the Ryukyu independence movement, the Global Times says. These protest banners use Japanese and Chinese — and the PRC flag — to call for the US to remove its bases from Okinawa. (Photo/Global Times)

Beijing should back Okinawa independence, says Global Times
Okinawans form group to study independence from Japan
May 15, 2013


NAHA--Could Okinawa become an independent state? Five Okinawans formed a group to study the possibility on May 15, the 41st anniversary of the island prefecture's reversion to Japanese sovereignty.

While only a minority of Okinawans are calling for independence, a growing distrust among islanders toward those on the mainland, who have left the southern prefecture burdened with U.S military bases, could lead to more empathy for the idea.

Okinawa Prefecture accounts for only 0.6 percent of Japan’s landmass, but it hosts 74 percent of all U.S. military bases in the country.

The group, “Ryukyu Minzoku Dokuritsu Sogo Kenkyu Gakkai” (Ryukyu tribal independence general study association), is led by Yasukatsu Matsushima, an economics professor at Ryukoku University.

The members plan to conduct research on Scots who seek independence from Britain as well as on the possible effects on the local economy if all U.S. bases are withdrawn.

Matsushima decided to form the group after he heard about a meeting of prefectural governors in 2010. At the meeting, Okinawa Governor Hirokazu Nakaima demanded that central and local governments significantly reduce Okinawa's burden of hosting U.S. military bases, but almost no governors supported him.

“To achieve a breakthrough on the bases issue, discussions on the option of independence are necessary,” said Matsushima.

The argument for Okinawa's independence stems from the “anti-reversion theory,” which was propounded around 1970 when Okinawa was still under U.S. administration. The theory stated that it is an illusion to believe Okinawans can live a peaceful life under Japanese sovereignty.

But the idea failed to gain widespread support from islanders at the time.

“Expectations for the return to Japanese sovereignty were so great that the anti-reversion theory was largely ignored,” said Akira Arakawa, 81, who advocated the theory.

Arakawa said he pins his hopes on the new group formed by Matsushima and his colleagues.

“Okinawans have continued to be betrayed by Japan after they were returned to Japanese administration, and some support the idea of independence,” Arakawa said.

Kantoku Teruya, 67, a Lower House member from the Okinawa No. 2 district, mentioned the new study group on his blog.

The entry in April comes under the sensational heading, “Okinawa finally becoming independent from Yamato." Okinawans refer to the Japanese mainland as Yamato.

“It is sad to discuss independence, but we should have enough backbone to discuss it (to call attention to Okinawa's problems),” Teruya, of the Social Democratic Party, said in an interview. “The call for independence represents an objection filed against the nation of not treating its people the way it should.”

According to Teruya, some people on the mainland sympathetic with Okinawans regarding the U.S. bases issue have told him that the tiny island prefecture should break away from Japan.

But Teruya said he has a key question for such people.

"I want to ask whether they are prepared to take on the U.S. bases (abandoned by Okinawa) on the Japanese mainland," he said.

Okinawans form group to study independence from Japan - AJW by The Asahi Shimbun
This matter related to China and Japan only, he he.:D

Then China should support the secession of the Ainu Republic of Hokkaido in addition to Okinawa.

In the Soviets had invaded Japan, there would have been an Ainu SSR annexed to the Soviet Union like the other Sviet Republics.
Then China should support the secession of the Ainu Republic of Hokkaido in addition to Okinawa.

In the Soviets had invaded Japan, there would have been an Ainu SSR annexed to the Soviet Union like the other Sviet Republics.

as I said above, the Okinawa matter related to China and Japan (in fact it Okinawa is USA army controlled until it in formality, handed to Japan) not concerned to USSR, she doesn't existed nowadays. so USA can support Japan to set back independence to Manchuria first. It's counter action Japan can answer China.
Wow this why many people hate you stinkers love to make trouble everywhere
as I said above, the Okinawa matter related to China and Japan (in fact it Okinawa is USA army controlled until it in formality, handed to Japan) not concerned to USSR, she doesn't existed nowadays. so USA can support Japan to set back independence to Manchuria first. It's counter action Japan can answer China.

The only "Manchurian independence movement" is a couple of websites on the internet LOL. What would America "support", by offering higher speed internet and more gigabytes?

"Manchuria" is not the native Manchu name for the region. It never existed as an independent state, first the Jurchens (Manchus) recognize the Ming Emperors as their lords and sovereign, then Nurhaci, who previously was a vasaal to the Ming, declared his own dynasty and rebellion to overthrow the Ming and establish the Jin dynasty (renamed Qing) over China, as if he were a rebel from any other part of China. The Qing Manchu called Manchuria "three northeast provinces", not Manchuria. Manchuria is a western name.

Edit correction: I typed "northwest" by accident, and I corrected it to "northeast"

The puppet state "Manchukuo" during Japan's occupation was majority Han, not Manchu and Japan did nothing to change the demographics or promote Manchu culture. Emperor Puyi could only speak Mandarin and did not know Manchu, even the Prime Ministers of Manchukuo, Zheng Xiaoxu and Zhang Jinghui were both Han and the puppet Manchukuo army was majority Han. Puyi gave all his speeches in Mandarin and not Manchu. Even the name itself "Manchukuo" (Manzhouguo) was the Mandarin name. It wasn't named Manju Gurun, which would be the Manchu name of the state.
The only "Manchurian independence movement" is a couple of websites on the internet LOL. What would America "support", by offering higher speed internet and more gigabytes?

"Manchuria" is not the native Manchu name for the region. It never existed as an independent state, first the Jurchens (Manchus) recognize the Ming Emperors as their lords and sovereign, then Nurhaci, who previously was a vasaal to the Ming, declared his own dynasty and rebellion to overthrow the Ming and establish the Jin dynasty (renamed Qing) over China, as if he were a rebel from any other part of China. The Qing Manchu called Manchuria "three northwest provinces", not Manchuria. Manchuria is a western name.

The puppet state "Manchukuo" during Japan's occupation was majority Han, not Manchu and Japan did nothing to change the demographics or promote Manchu culture. Emperor Puyi could only speak Mandarin and did not know Manchu, even the Prime Ministers of Manchukuo, Zheng Xiaoxu and Zhang Jinghui were both Han and the puppet Manchukuo army was majority Han. Puyi gave all his speeches in Mandarin and not Manchu.

The history of Manchuria and Okinawa should be different, but both is controlled today by China and Japan. If China reconsider about independence of Okinawa, Japan can do the same to Manchuria.
Idiot Global Time can think twice before posting stupidity article.
The only "Manchurian independence movement" is a couple of websites on the internet LOL.

I'm surprised even that exists to the public eye given the police state nature of China and its internet.

Any movement brought to the public eye would obviously be quashed quickly and ruthlessly.
The history of Manchuria and Okinawa should be different, but both is controlled today by China and Japan. If China reconsider about independence of Okinawa, Japan can do the same to Manchuria.
Idiot Global Time can think twice before posting stupidity article.

The foolishness of your remark, as in many of your mostly foolish remarks due to your ill-education, is that it is Japan that is defeated by Allies, of which China is a member.

Do you read me?

You better stop showing off your stupidity in front of the whole world: you've put the shame on the people of Vietnamese.
The foolishness of your remark, as in many of your mostly foolish remarks due to your ill-education, is that it is Japan that is defeated by Allies, of which China is a member.

Do you read me?

You better stop showing off your stupidity in front of the whole world: you've put the shame on the people of Vietnamese.

he, he, Japan was defeated by Soviet and USA, china KMT was follower, no more.
This idiot thread created by you, if china back independence for Okinawa now, Japan can back independence for Manchuria in the same manner, why not ? :omghaha:
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