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Beijing is testing strategic waters in India’s backyard

Yes due to the Soviets and the Brits being busy in the European theater they could not contribute in the war in the Pacific theater.

Though I am surprised to see a Chinese claim credit for the surrender.Hell even Netherlands and new Zealand signed on the treaty of surrender!!

And even in that, the Chinese who did some fighting were the people of Taiwan...the commie troops of Mao did squat against Japan.

Another Brahmin Buffoon who knows little-to-none about Chinese history, commenting about Chinese history. Heck, you guys even know little about YOUR own history. :undecided: Better leave unknown topics to those familiar with them. :lol:
Another Brahmin Buffoon who knows little-to-none about Chinese history, commenting about Chinese history. Heck, you guys even know little about YOUR own history. :undecided: Better leave unknown topics to those familiar with them. :lol:

Yes China beat Japan in WW2 and Japan surrendered due the great Chinese red army:rofl: You learnt that in a "reeducation" camp?

I got a first rate education from a first rate school in the USA.And I am not a brahmin far from it,I am what you call an "untouchable".
Next time when you want to tell me your fancy human rights record, please remind yourself the truth that India illegally detained 2 Chinese POW for 40 years after we released all 3000+ Indian POW.

That reminds me of little pun.

A:Hay you know that gangster, the big fat one?
B:Yaa I do.. what about him?
A:He abused me yesterday, called me "mthr fuker"
B: Ohhh thats bad.. He abused you of mother.. and he is so powerful.. what did you do then?
A: Dont you think I spared him for doing that, I did tit for tat!
B: Oh really.. you called him "mthr fuker" back?
A: Well not really, I snatched his match box and ran away! See!

Keeping 2 chinese soldier for 40 years was nothing more than snatching match-box for what China did with India. :rofl::rofl::rofl:
China did nothing to defeat the Japanese. The USA and other allied forces did tje job. This surrender doesn't mean that China gets any credit.

If China did not defeat Japan, why Japan surrendered to China? Don't you feel you have a serious IQ challenge?

Japan Surrenders
Featured Document: Japanese Surrender Document

On September 2, 1945, the Japanese representatives signed the official Instrument of Surrender, prepared by the War Department and approved by President Truman. It set out in eight short paragraphs the complete capitulation of Japan. The opening words, "We, acting by command of and in behalf of the Emperor of Japan," signified the importance attached to the Emperor's role by the Americans who drafted the document. The short second paragraph went straight to the heart of the matter: "We hereby proclaim the unconditional surrender to the Allied Powers of the Japanese Imperial General Headquarters and of all Japanese armed forces and all armed forces under Japanese control wherever situated."

That morning, on the deck of the U.S.S. Missouri in Tokyo Bay, the Japanese envoys Foreign Minister Mamoru Shigemitsu and Gen. Yoshijiro Umezu signed their names on the Instrument of Surrender. The time was recorded as 4 minutes past 9 o'clock. Afterward, Gen. Douglas MacArthur, Commander in the Southwest Pacific and Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers, also signed. He accepted the Japanese surrender "for the United States, Republic of China, United Kingdom, and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, and in the interests of the other United Nations at war with Japan." (read this out, your hatred-blinded a few!)

On September 6, Col. Bernard Thielen brought the surrender document and a second imperial rescript back to Washington, DC. The following day, Thielen presented the documents to President Truman in a formal White House ceremony. The documents were then exhibited at the National Archives after a dignified ceremony led by General Wainwright. Finally, on October 1, 1945, they were formally received (accessioned) into the holdings of the National Archives.

Gpit, instead of speaking out against trolls from your own country, you are attacking Indians. Typical nationalist behaviour.

I always ignore trolls, including this one, regardless of their IQ, nationality or ethnic background.
China did win the war against Japan! Japan had anticapted to captured all China by 2years. The war lasted 8years and Japan could only conquered coastal China. Japanese troop casulties are high and all their resources are wasted on the war with China.

US did the final assaults on the Japanese mainland and won the war. In this battle, China and US are waging war on Japan. Without the resources drained on China, it will be more challenging for US to win Japan.

Credit should go to US for ending the war fast.
there were no aggreement signed between maldives n INDIA ... on antony visits maldives./..... so how can anyone say ,maldives is in indian security net..
China did win the war against Japan! Japan had anticapted to captured all China by 2years. The war lasted 8years and Japan could only conquered coastal China. Japanese troop casulties are high and all their resources are wasted on the war with China.

US did the final assaults on the Japanese mainland and won the war. In this battle, China and US are waging war on Japan. Without the resources drained on China, it will be more challenging for US to win Japan.

Credit should go to US for ending the war fast.

Didn't US and INDIA(India under British in exchange for independence) at the time work towards maintianing China from falling under the Hands of the Jap's. Much need supplies were bought into China through India. The US also dispatched the tigers an air wing to help protect China's skies.

Indian troops also fought to keep Burma from Jap hands as this was where a lot of the supplies needed For the Chinese army went though. The only other option was to fly over the Himalayas which was very unfeasible.

China's defense was a team effort. China at the time was engaged in a civil war between the communists and democrats. Japan attacked during this confusion. given that one fact and China's lack of unity at the time. China could not have lasted 8 years alone. The US supplies coming into china though India and the fact of the main jap army navy and air force was engaging the US in the Pacific. All worked towards Japan's surrender. China held back the Jap's sure they made jap use its resources but it was getting much more resources from the US. It was our overwhelming force and cooperation That helped defeat Imperial Japan.

Funny how we all got along so well back then.

Today its all about who wants to kill who.
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