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'Beijing-Dhaka ties will be substantially damaged if Bangladesh joins Quad'

Location/URL, Language, Forum Type 。。。。 You need to be in the right place, in the right language, in the right forum. The Chinese themselves discuss things internally that are very different from yours. We talk more about education, housing prices, working hours, high pay for stars in the movie industry, etc. Americans might talk about tuition loans for college education, admissions lines by race, etc. We Chinese talk about education as something different again.
Bold part: And our brats in this Forum love to talk about the black complexion of an American airforce General when we ourselves are black. One of our blacks fingerpoints him as Black and one other thanks him for this derogatory term as if he is not another fatty black from Bangladesh.

Well, this is our level of education.
Bold part: And our brats in this Forum love to talk about the black complexion of an American airforce General when we ourselves are black. One of our blacks fingerpoints him as Black and one other thanks him for this derogatory term as if he is not another fatty black from Bangladesh.

Well, this is our level of education.

Eh I'm yellowish light skin while my mom is more close to being white and my dad is brownish lol , but wait who was talking about the the guy being black lol ?
Bold part: And our brats in this Forum love to talk about the black complexion of an American airforce General when we ourselves are black. One of our blacks fingerpoints him as Black and one other thanks him for this derogatory term as if he is not another fatty black from Bangladesh.

Well, this is our level of education.
We are not black, tamils are black.
Eh I'm yellowish light skin while my mom is more close to being white and my dad is brownish lol , but wait who was talking about the the guy being black lol ?
Don't please talk about your personal and parental look. Throughout the world, we are known as black/ colored and poor people. Does it matter if alone you are a great-looking very very very white Scandinavian-looking or a great rich man? On average, we are black and poor.

The thing is, no one should not fingerprint others saying he is black. And our one Black brat who claims he lives in some poor Russian satellite country finger pointed at an American General as nigger. Do you guys think this is good? We must see our faces in the mirrors and not in the face pictures which are washed white for self-satisfaction.

I thought it very stupid and protested it. Visit another thread that deals with our airforce Chief visiting America.
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There are multiple posts on how QUAD is a toothless and an ineffective alliance. There are quite a few who theories that China isn’t bothered by QUAD due to various factors.

If QUAD was really so ineffective why would China threaten a country against joining it? That too Bangladesh? A nation that has been smart in maintaining a fair degree of independent foreign policy?

It shows that QUAD is actually playing in the minds of Chinese government that claims otherwise.

While China puts a facade of not being concerned by its existence but in fact it might be a little/quite a lot worried about increase of it’s influence.
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There are multiple posts on how QUAD is a toothless and ineffective alliance. There are quite a few who propose that China isn’t bothered by QUAD due to various factors.

If QUAD was really so ineffective why would China threaten a country against joining it? That too Bangladesh? A nation that has been smart in maintaining a fair degree of independent foreign policy?

It shows that QUAD is playing in the minds of China that claims otherwise.

While China puts a facade of not being concerned by its existence but in fact it might be a little/quite a lot worried about increase of it’s influence.
Bold part: I am not talking about the Pacific or East China Sea that is surrounding China like a bow with the US forces in Guam, Japan, and South Korea, and Japanese and Korean forces in the NE.

I am talking about India a part of QUAD that America wants it to press China from the south. But, this part of QUAD is really invalid unless BD joins it as an associate member that will guarantee the QUAD forces to move through BD land to Indian NE.

So, in essence, BD's location itself and its unwillingness to join QUAD nullifies QUAD in the middle-south of China.

In Ladakh, the situation is different. But, the QUAD also becomes invalid there unless Pakistan joins it. Pakistan not only nullifies QUAD (tread IA) operation there, it can pose great danger to IA troops facing Chinese Ladakh. PA troops can inhibit IA troop, logistics, and provisions from being sent to Ladakh.

So, essentially, if QUAD not supported by BD and Pakistan, the IA becomes a sitting duck at least in the southeast and southwest of China. In such a situation, in a real-time war, China does not have to worry about its south, and it can concentrate its forces along its Pacific belt to repulse the QUAD forces.

Pakistan is already there to work for China. So, no wonder that China is emphasizing BD not to join QUAD in any capacity.
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So, essentially, if QUAD not supported by BD and Pakistan, it and the IA becomes a sitting duck at least in the south of China. In such a situation, in a real-time war, China does not have to worry about its south, and it can concentrate its forces along its Pacific belt to repulse the QUAD forces.
Doesn’t appear so to me.

If south was so unimportant to China then why is putting more resources in this region?
There have been reports of Airbases being extended, rocket divisions being deployed and exercises being conducted by PLA. That to me is allocating resources. No one would do that if it was not required.

As far as NE India is considered, India has already factored-in its deployment with BD in mind. It knows that it has to route its forces on its own land. It also needs to be remembered that Indian forces are stationed in that part in adequate numbers. Presuming that India would always route its forces to NE after a conflict has started is a juvenile thought. Reinforcements and resupply has also been also factored in. BD was always there to start with and all Indian strategies have been worked out keeping that in mind.

Certain quarters theories that BD would turn against India during a conflict. Haven’t really understood why would that happen.

Certain areas of Ladakh does have China in a better position but tactical advantages or otherwise exist for both the countries on such a long border.

Even if BD is not actively involved, it would always remain a neutral payer in any future conflict. Few infrastructure projects from China wouldn’t really make it completely go under Chinese fold. India would still remain its biggest neighbour and it has no reason to take any side least of that against India.

An important factors that would play is IOR where Indian Navy can do what China can do at certain locations on the land borders.

Discounting Indian role in QUAD appears an incorrect assessment to me.
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As far as NE India is considered, India has already factored-in its deployment with BD in mind. It knows that it has to route its forces on its own land. It also needs to be remembered that Indian forces are stationed in that part in adequate numbers. Presuming that India would always route its forces to NE after a conflict has started is a juvenile thought. Reinforcements and resupply has also been also factored in. BD was always there to start with and all Indian strategies have been worked out keeping that in mind.
Stop talking like a juvenile yourself. It is very natural that China would take all the steps necessary to uphold its positions in the Himalayan north. But, without getting routes through BD for its supplies, the IA troops will become weaker and weaker in two weeks.

Does it make India strong in its NE if BD does not allow its land, water, and sky to replenish the NE with new troops, continuous supply of logistics and provisions? Do you really think IA troops can withstand that for more than two weeks there?

Meanwhile, while IA troops are stalled by BD non-cooperation, PLA will be supplying everything by parachute landing as it did in the 1962 war.

You are a small child living on wishful thinking. QUAD or no QUAD, India's days are numbered all because of its short-sighted self-important policy towards its small neighbors.
It is very natural that China would take all the steps necessary to uphold its positions in the Himalayan north.
And India wouldn’t?

But, without getting routes through BD for its supplies, the IA troops will become weaker and weaker in two weeks.
Are you aware that QUAD or no QUAD India had always made its plans to use its own territory to access NE since India and BD don’t have an agreement to allow Indian troops through its territory? Your presumption that India has not worked it out inspite of being aware doesn’t sound like a sound analysis to me.

Meanwhile, while IA troops are stalled by BD non-cooperation,
Non cooperation? Was there a cooperation to start with?

You are a small child living on wishful thinking.
Do you get agitated as soon as someone disagrees with you? I analysed the situation as per my perspective which differs from yours.

PLA will be supplying everything by parachute landing as it did in the 1962 war.

Did PLA use the Air Force in 1962 the way you are quoting? Even if it used the Air Force in 1962, do you think IAF wouldn’t do the same?

It’s a wishful thinking of the adversaries that non availability of BD land and air routes haven’t been factored into Indian plans.

If you disagree with my assessment then I am ok with that.

Childish are those who think that it is their view which is full and final. You can now decide who is the child here.
India's days are numbered all because of its short-sighted self-important policy towards its small neighbors.
Have been hearing this since I have started to understand these matters. Some people giving it a spin by quoting BD as a factor does sound too far fetched to me.

I don’t see anything of this sort. Those who day dream can continue to dream.
Bold part: I am not talking about the Pacific or East China Sea that is surrounding China like a bow with the US forces in Guam, Japan, and South Korea, and Japanese and Korean forces in the NE.

I am talking about India a part of QUAD that America wants it to press China from the south. But, this part of QUAD is really invalid unless BD joins it as an associate member that will guarantee the QUAD forces to move through BD land to Indian NE.

So, in essence, BD's location itself and its unwillingness to join QUAD nullifies QUAD in the middle-south of China.

In Ladakh, the situation is different. But, the QUAD also becomes invalid there unless Pakistan joins it. Pakistan not only nullifies QUAD (tread IA) operation there, it can pose great danger to IA troops facing Chinese Ladakh. PA troops can inhibit IA troop, logistics, and provisions from being sent to Ladakh.

So, essentially, if QUAD not supported by BD and Pakistan, it and the IA becomes a sitting duck at least in the south of China. In such a situation, in a real-time war, China does not have to worry about its south, and it can concentrate its forces along its Pacific belt to repulse the QUAD forces.

Pakistan is already there to work for China. So, no wonder that China is emphasizing BD not to join QUAD in any capacity.
Which is why the Indian's are lobbying hard for BD to join in quad.
Doesn’t appear so to me.

If south was so unimportant to China then why is putting more resources in this region?
There have been reports of Airbases being extended, rocket divisions being deployed and exercises being conducted by PLA. That to me is allocating resources. No one would do that if it was not required.
Not unimportant, but not necessary ,in fact , The Xinjiang Military district has always been the worst equipped military district and has always used the worst weapons. Now, with the provocation of India in recent years , it has finally been given the opportunity to upgrade its weaponry . The level of equipment modernization has increased dramatically in the past two years .

China's defense policy is still primarily defensive, and China is primarily targeting the United States for military development .

China does not want war, it just wants to develop single-mindedly. India and the US are trying to interrupt China's development process in various ways. In recent years, India, the United States has been trying to provoke disputes with China, the purpose is obvious, is to take advantage of the current U.S. strength is still stronger than China, through war to interrupt the development of China .

Upgraded military equipment in the Xinjiang Military District could better deter India's military adventurous tactics .

Personally, I think India , the US, and the West have 5 years to contain China now, and after 2027, there won't be any chance to contain China . Trying to stop China through war would also have to be done by 2027 .
China does not want war, it just wants to develop single-mindedly. India and the US are trying to interrupt China's development process in various ways. In recent years, India, the United States has been trying to provoke disputes with China, the purpose is obvious, is to take advantage of the current U.S. strength is still stronger than China, through war to interrupt the development of China .
The view this side is contrary to what you said. It is assumed that China has made massive investments on infrastructure in the border areas with India. Is it for defensive purposes? I don’t think so.
When India tried to develop the same on its own side China started claiming offensive posturing by India.

When China builds a road right upto the border then it is for development and when India does the same it is called an offensive action?

In recent years, India, the United States has been trying to provoke disputes with China, the purpose is obvious, is to take advantage of the current U.S. strength is still stronger than China, through war to interrupt the development of China .

India too is keen to focus on development. Provided it is allowed to do so.
India and US got together due to offensive posturing of China. Had China not started the Doklam and Galwan crisis probably India wouldn’t have gone on to join QUAD and massive weapons program. A little soul searching for China might help here.

Personally, I think India , the US, and the West have 5 years to contain China now,
India has no interest whatsoever in containing or fighting anyone. If someone comes calling then there is hardly any choice left as it happened recently with China.

As far as a conflict goes I don’t see it happening. It is no win and loose loose for everyone.
Which is why the Indian's are lobbying hard for BD to join in quad.
Could you please quote a reference for such lobbying? Or is it your view?
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Are you aware that QUAD or no QUAD India had always made its plans to use its own territory to access NE since India and BD don’t have an agreement to allow Indian troops through its territory? Your presumption that India has not worked it out inspite of being aware doesn’t sound like a sound analysis to me.
Please tell me how India is going to make that happen without the express support to its war venture? By Siliguri Corridore? Even small cargo traffics find it difficult to pass this narrow and zigzag corridor.

And, the PLA troops are just waiting 100 km above with ROSE PETALS that will destroy your corridor. Please see in the map how the Chinese land corner protruding between Sikkim and Bhutan. PLA airforce will overwhelm your convoy with ROSE PETALS.

So, tell me how can you connect with your NE without our express permission? And Pakistan will give you more trouble. It will just advance to some important posts in Kashmir Valley to choke your supply routes to Ladakh.

You may say many things to counter my points but the Indian govt must give due consideration to these points instead of indulging in over dreaming.

Do not please depend upon America. It will certainly come but only to sell its little older versions of weapons that they would otherwise destroy in the Texas deserts. India would be a good market.

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