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'Beijing-Dhaka ties will be substantially damaged if Bangladesh joins Quad'

Even small cargo traffics find it difficult to pass this narrow and zigzag corridor.
How do you know that they find it difficult? It is being used for the last 70+ years and working fine till now. Yes, it is not the best route but it is what it is and being used as I said earlier.
And, the PLA troops are just waiting 100 km above with ROSE PETALS that will destroy your corridor. Please see in the map how the Chinese land corner protruding between Sikkim and Bhutan. PLA airforce will overwhelm your convoy with ROSE PETALS.
I understand that all the tactics of war in your book have been read only by the Chinese. I don’t have an answer to such an assessment.
So, tell me how can you connect with your NE without our express permission?
You created a situation and an answer that is unlikely to happen.

While Chinese are attacking and blocking the chicken neck, Indian forces wouldn’t be twiddling their thumbs. While India has choke points, China too has exposed routes on a flat Tibetan plateau. I am sure that the Indian forces must have worked out some kind of strategy and are not waiting for a thread on PDF to work out their strategy.
You may say many things to counter my points but the Indian govt must give due consideration to these points instead of indulging in over dreaming.
Actually it is PDF where people dreamt of a situation where BD would go hostile on India and that would result in a crushing defeat for India. No one is dreaming here. The routes through BD were never and would never be available. Why would India start dreaming on something that hasn’t happened in the last 70+ years? Dreaming and planning based on an imaginary route.

It will certainly come but only to sell its little older versions of weapons that they would otherwise destroy in the Texas deserts. India would be a good market.

Till now India has bought top of the line equipment from the US. C-17, Apache, P8I, Chinook are one of the best in their class across the world. US apparently pressurised India to buy something from them rather than go for S400. India refused because it wanted the best stuff for its money. Political decisions do influence such purchases at times but it doesn’t seem to have happened with US till now. US rebadged F-16 as F-21 and tried the same trick. Hasn’t worked till now.

Do not please depend upon America.
Yes you have a good point there. US has proven to be extremely cut and dry when it comes to its own benefit.

India doesn’t rely on US blindly. India has made better relations with US but has maintained good relations with Russia too. That’s how India has evaded sanctions even after buying S400 but a NATO ally like Turkey couldn’t. Today’s India is pragmatic towards the geo-politics and plays the game that is to its benefit. Those who presume that the Indian policy makers are dumb have probably not got the drift of the Indian moves in the last decade and a half.

There are no permanent enemies and friends in geo-politics. This goes for everyone. India was forced to tilt towards US due to undue offensive posturing by China. That doesn’t mean that India has become a vassal state of the US. It is likely to maintain a fair degree of manoeuvring space if things change in the future.
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The view this side is contrary to what you said. It is assumed that China has made massive investments on infrastructure in the border areas with India. Is it for defensive purposes? I don’t think so.
When India tried to develop the same on its own side China started claiming offensive posturing by India.

When China builds a road right upto the border then it is for development and when India does the same it is called an offensive action?

India too is keen to focus on development. Provided it is allowed to do so.
India and US got together due to offensive posturing of China. Had China not started the Doklam and Galwan crisis probably India wouldn’t have gone on to join QUAD and massive weapons program. A little soul searching for China might help here.

India has no interest whatsoever in containing or fighting anyone. If someone comes calling then there is hardly any choice left as it happened recently with China.

As far as a conflict goes I don’t see it happening. It is no win and loose loose for everyone.

Could you please quote a reference for such lobbying? Or is it your view?
1,Large-scale construction at the border is a Natural thing . All of China's borders are being built on a large scale . China is also not saying that India's border construction is offensive. It's India that keeps saying border construction is offensive , just like your first sentence !
2,Both Donglang and Garhwan were military conflicts caused by India crossing the border, which also ended with India's retreat.
3,If China provok conflict , it would not be a conflict, but would be a war .

4,India has big interest in containing or fighting china/Pak . Unfortunately, you are too weak to do it .

5,Those who say that China provoked the conflict in Donglang and Garhwan are the sign of stupidity. China can't go and cause trouble when it is being suppressed by the world's leader(USA/west). If China wants to suppress India, just wait a few years until China becomes is the world's number one . Who would think China is stupid or impatient ? If I were an Indian, I would also find ways to interrupt China's development in the meantime and stop China from becoming number one, by whatever method, which is normal thinking.

Please forgive me for being blunt and rude. Indians can deceive themselves, but don't come to deceive others.
iF india =100 ,china =20 ,USA=130 ,The U.S. is pressing India ,India will overtake the U.S. in 10 years ,
In this case,Will India provoke a conflict with China ? 100 hit 20 , just a conflict ? India's wisdom can't wait 10 years?
How do you know that they find it difficult? It is being used for the last 70+ years and working fine till now. Yes, it is not the best route but it is what it is and being used as I said earlier.
Who can make you understand war matters? Now is peacetime but when the war starts the situation changes abruptly and the enemy takes every opportunity to blunt the enemy strength. BD is already a weak point for IA troops.

No doubt, China will find BD geography very convenient for its war against India. So, be very careful.
No doubt, China will find BD geography very convenient for its war against India. So, be very careful.
If BD wants to join China against India then there should be a solid reason for that. I don’t see any.
Militarily BD has no threat currently unless it creates one by joining China against India.

Be careful and don’t fall for Chinese money. Remain an independent thinking country which is on the path to good economic growth.

BD is already a weak point for IA troops.
BD military is a threat to IA? I can’t think in what way? Equipment , strength or some other aspect? Or is it that geographically the location of BD is critical to India if exploited by an adversary? Please clarify.

Militarily we all know the strength of BD. But having less military strength is not a crime. Why should a country build a defence force when it doesn’t have any threat? There are enough examples across the world with a robust economy and almost non existent military force. It is not a show off item. Not required to have if not required. Period.

Again it comes back to same point where a lot of people try and spin a story of India being a threat. There is no solution to imagination running wild. Converting a Border Force guarded border into a militarised border would be loved by many who want to sell expensive toys to BD.

I hope BD learns from Pakistan and see what being a security state can do to the economy of a country.

More than India, it is BD that needs to be careful in choosing friends and foes.
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Be careful and don’t fall for Chinese money. Remain an independent thinking country which is on the path to good economic growth
For the first time we are going be independent thinking country by not paying attention to Indian advice. Thank you.
If BD wants to join China against India then there should be a solid reason for that. I don’t see any.
Militarily BD has no threat currently unless it creates one by joining China against India.

Be careful and don’t fall for Chinese money. Remain an independent thinking country which is on the path to good economic growth.
A militarily weak India without strong geopolitical clout in the region is good for Bangladesh. However, in my personal opinion, it would be better for BD not to share any future border with China.

BD will not certainly join any China block but will remain neutral. That will make BD dear to China because it will be like cutting one Indian wing. To fly, India would need access to BD land and water.

China provides loans as it provides to other countries. However, BD and China can maintain an understanding as if like a military alliance. This is already happening. BD is the 2nd largest buyer of Chinese war machines.
For the first time we are going be independent thinking country by not paying attention to Indian advice. Thank you.
Yes But I don't think that India will find a independent BD acceptable.

I hate to say it but sooner or later Indian's will find a way to rein BD back even if that means removing Sheikh Hasina from power.

Sheikh Hasina wrongly gets bad press but I believe she has done as much as possible to get BD out of Indian sphere of influence. To get out of India sphere of Influence BD needs economic and military development. Today BD has much better economy and military than 12 years ago. All this has been achieved due to her excellent leadership.

So sooner or later Indians will find a way to replace her and put in a better candidate that suits them. Let us not forget why India invested in BD's birth in 1971. Lets face it, Awami league is full of such candidates.

Sheikh Hasina wrongly gets labelled as Indian vassal. If anything she has been holding back Indian designs all by herself.

However BAL has significant number of traitors, and it is these traitors who will bring her down to help India achieve their designs with regards to BD
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BD will not certainly join any China block but will remain neutral. That will make BD dear to China because it will be like cutting one Indian wing. To fly, India would need access to BD land and water.
BD has been always neutral militarily. How is that a handicap to India? How is that cutting an Indian wing?
It is again going down to an imaginary wing. A wing that never existed.

Neutrality of BD has no issues for India. India needing BDs land and water against China is also not understood. Why would India make military plans though BD waters and land? Allowing Indian forces through its territory is taking Indian side which India doesn’t expect of BD.

A militarily weak India
Do you think that India is militarily weak vis a vis BD? Moreover, does it matter?
I don’t think so. There is no military angle between both the countries unlike what yarn is being spun by spin masters on on PDF.

For the first time we are going be independent thinking country by not paying attention to Indian advice. Thank you.
You are most welcome. I hope that BD doesn’t take advice from me or anyone else and charter it’s own path.
However, in my personal opinion, it would be better for BD not to share any future border with China.
How is this sharing of border feasible?
Yes But I don't think that India will find a independent BD acceptable.
Who cares about India other than few sycophants?
I hate to say it but sooner or later Indian's will find a way to rein BD back even if that means removing Sheikh Hasina from power.
China is global power now ,not USA. So yes if China actively work for India, then maybe India can do that,otherwise not.
Sheikh Hasina wrongly gets bad press but I believe she has done as much as possible to get BD out of Indian sphere of influence. To get out of India sphere of Influence BD needs economic and military development. Today BD has much better economy and military than 12 years ago. All this has been achieved due to her excellent leadership.
Yes right. Also her pro China stance helped her a lot.
But as a prime minister she openly can't admit that.

However his father sheikh Mujibur Rahman was also anti India contrary to popular belief.

He ( Mujib ) avoided India always , and made strong ties with OIC. However that time his party was full if Indian stooges ( the procedure started from Pakistan period ) , and they used to do crime ( as now RAW assets inside Hasina regime is doing) and bad things ,and naturally all blame was on Mujib.

I believe that's the reason he established BAKSAL ,but was murdered brutally just after 6 months.

Hasina did the same BAKSAL now, but very slowly and wisely .

Besides armed forces are now very strong, so it's not easy for raw to make a plot to harm hasina ,since DGFI is very powerful.

So now this one party system is doing well.

But in the end, you can't say anything perfectly as it's a war and here Indian side can win too.

But I hope it won't happen I wish pro Bangladeshi will win and pro Indian traitors will be a annihilated.
However BAL has significant number of traitors, and it is these traitors who will bring her down to help India achieve their designs with regards to BD
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China is global power now ,not USA. So yes if China actively work for India, then maybe India can do that,otherwise not.

the Chinese are not a global power yet. What you say is true only after 2035.

USA still is the global power. and a very strong power too.

This is why India is trying to bring in Uncle Sam in BD India relationship. This is why all this quad talk about BD and USA / west is offering so much goodies to BD...

With Uncle Sam in India's corner . The game is hedged in Indian favor .
If BD wants to join China against India then there should be a solid reason for that. I don’t see any.
Militarily BD has no threat currently unless it creates one by joining China against India.
Wake up ,China does not need to be anti-India, India is not strong enough to need China to do so .

Be careful and don’t fall for Chinese money. Remain an independent thinking country which is on the path to good economic growth.
Disgusting Indians, as always . Smearing China while trying to keep BD independent. While making up fake news and disinformation, one side tells people to stay awake ,Are Indians mentally disordered ?
BD , Be careful and don’t fall for Indian word . :sarcastic:
Militarily we all know the strength of BD. But having less military strength is not a crime. Why should a country build a defence force when it doesn’t have any threat?

Again it comes back to same point where a lot of people try and spin a story of India being a threat. There is no solution to imagination running wild. Converting a Border Force guarded border into a militarised border would be loved by many who want to sell expensive toys to BD.

I hope BD learns from Pakistan and see what being a security state can do to the economy of a country.

More than India, it is BD that needs to be careful in choosing friends and foes.
no threat ?Let's see how India treats its neighbors !!!
Looking at these Indian dams, you can clearly see the facts and see where the water has gone. The water can no longer harm Bangladesh.


India also Robbery Pakistan in the same way.

In order to Robbery Nepal, India even changed its border. Yellow line

While India is looting its neighbor's water resources, India is vilifying China for blocking dams to intercept water resources.



Similarly ,India provoked a military conflict to interrupt China's development, and slandered China for starting the conflict 。
Now, you Indians say that Bangladesh is not under any threat ,

Both the West and India like to describe the bad things they do as the doings of others.
the Chinese are not a global power yet. What you say is true only after 2035.
Indeed they are,just people don't know yet. Also China don't want artificial showmanship like west. I can give you a bengali article and you can use Google translate to read it , although you can get the proper taste and theme with translator. But if still interest I will give you the link.

However as per your previous post ,here is a one of massive raw attempt to save their asset journalist Rozina Islam who was caught red handed when stealing secrete informations.

these are two bengali songs that will boil blood of people.

Unfortunately you won't understand it's meaning.

Remember, showbiz , media , and muktizuddho mancho and a huge numbers of intellectuals are actually raw assets.
With Uncle Sam in India's corner . The game is hedged in Indian favor .
No , as I said I have links of analysis if one great political analyst, I can provide if you want. But it's bengali, you have to use translator.

Uncle sam is just a set sun now, and a paper tiger who is fast losing it's capabilities.

Ps: Before her many journalists were harassed by govt, yet no action from such people.

So why now they are even singing for Rozina? Because she is raw asset. So yes indeed it's war buddy .

@Bilal9 bhai asen gaan shuni. Bolen to onno sangbadik der belay emon gaan keno gaoa holo na? Shahidul alom ki dosh korsilo? Ba onno ra? Tokhon ei rokto gorom kora gaan koi silo? Ar corruption ki ei deshe aj notun hoy? Tahole eto unmadona keno ,just ki Indiar sartho rokkha hoyni bolei? Asol bapar holo, Rozina vaccine er important information churi korte gesilo , ete se sofol hole amra ar vaccine e petam na!

@Jobless Jack, look at this cc tv footage ,you will learn how war is like nowadays.

even this raw mole apologise in a point, so if she isn't guilty why she apologised? You don't understand bengali, but surely you understand body language!
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Wake up ,China does not need to be anti-India,
Sorry bro. Time to wake up call for you.

China can threaten a small country like Bangladesh against joining QUaD and it is not a threat to India?

Your lies and propaganda wouldn’t work here. Please sell them somewhere else.

Are Indians mentally disordered ?
Nope. Chinese are.
Similarly ,India provoked a military conflict to interrupt China's development, and slandered China for starting the conflict 。
Actually it was China that slandered India.
Now, you Indians say that Bangladesh is not under any threat
Yes. It is under threat from China.

Did you read the heading of the thread? I guess not.
It is about China issuing threats to Bangladesh.

I hope they know that right now with hardly any influence China is threatening Bangladesh. If they allow Chinese to make an entry in BD then what would China do?

I think that you are a CCP agent who is selling party line here.

Tchchch. Wouldn’t work.
Indeed they are,just people don't know yet. Also China don't want artificial showmanship like west. I can give you a bengali article and you can use Google translate to read it , although you can get the proper taste and theme with translator. But if still interest I will give you the link.

However as per your previous post ,here is a one of massive raw attempt to save their asset journalist Rozina Islam who was caught red handed when stealing secrete informations.

these are two bengali songs that will boil blood of people.

Unfortunately you won't understand it's meaning.

Remember, showbiz , media , and muktizuddho mancho and a huge numbers of intellectuals are actually raw assets.

No , as I said I have links of analysis if one great political analyst, I can provide if you want. But it's bengali, you have to use translator.

Uncle sam is just a set sun now, and a paper tiger who is fast losing it's capabilities.

Ps: Before her many journalists were harassed by govt, yet no action from such people.

So why now they are even singing for Rozina? Because she is raw asset. So yes indeed it's war buddy .

@Bilal9 bhai asen gaan shuni. Bolen to onno sangbadik der belay emon gaan keno gaoa holo na? Shahidul alom ki dosh korsilo? Ba onno ra? Tokhon ei rokto gorom kora gaan koi silo? Ar corruption ki ei deshe aj notun hoy? Tahole eto unmadona keno ,just ki Indiar sarthe rokkha hoyni bolei? Asol bapar to se vaccine er important information churi korte gesilo , ete se sofol hole amra ar vaccine e petam na!

@Jobless Jack, look at this cc tv footage ,you will learn how war is like nowadays.

even this raw mole apologise in a point, so if she isn't guilty why she apologised? You don't understand bengali, but surely you understand body language!
This proves my point. Conspiracy is being hatched to remove sheikh Hasina and replace her with someone who will listen to Indian wishes. Battle for BD is beginning. Sheikh Hasina will find it difficult to win in 2024 if what you say is true, that means for awami league to retain power, they will have to replace sheikh Hasina with someone who India likes.

Clearly Sheikh Hasina is no longer India's favorite .
This proves my point. Conspiracy is being hatched to remove sheikh Hasina and replace her with someone who will listen to Indian wishes. Battle for BD is beginning. Sheikh Hasina will find it difficult to win in 2024 if what you say is true, that means for awami league to retain power, they will have to replace sheikh Hasina with someone who India likes.

Clearly Sheikh Hasina is no longer India's favorite .
But I believe our deep state is giving Hasina back up.

Also I hope China is with us. So the monster India will lose inshallah. So its better , we hope for the best and prepare for the worst.

Now only Allah knows the future.

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