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Beautiful Post : Kashmir - SarthakGanguly's Logical Comment

@Star Wars I have not seen @scorpionx Dada branding anyone as communal or. Modi bhakts.... He is as neutral as anyone can be..He often refuted many new historical "findings" from some people here which got him the tag pesudo secular and I can vouch about the abuses and insults he mentioned..these guys didn't even spared my mother..

P.S.: i feel like a V.I.P when u guys discuss about me...

P.S.S:: @arp2041 is a closet secularists....do not believe him..

Hainnnn @scorpionx is your Dada i.e Grand Father ? :o:
there should be referendum in Balochistan first and also in Tibet.

First you Indians need to learn about Baluchistan, I invite you to come to Queta and offer your govt's support for that referendum, you must go to a open public place with lots of baluch people and make that offer. Now I am willing to do the same in Kashmir. then we will meet somewhere, guess who will not make out alive?
Whatever. :)
Ooops! you gave up so easily this time?? :haha:
Sorry to say there is nothing like 'Pakistani' Kashmir or 'Indian' Kashmir .... there is 'Kashmir' & only 'Kashmir', additionally I would like to remind to Indian members that Pakistan is a party on equal grounds in the dispute of Kashmir & this not only accepted and recognized by International community, but by the Indian Government as well.
so be it!

But what is it that Pakistan wants in Kashmir now??
Kasmir has already been divided into two.Why cant Pakistan take its share of Kashmir and live peacefully and in return stop meddling with affairs of Indian side of Kashmir?? why cant be the line of control be turned into international border??
So far as granting Indians who've invested in Kashmir the right to vote is concerned - Sure...give it to them (after they've been vetted) along with the Kashmir Punidts.....likewise give the Kashmiris of the rest of Pakistan the same right by that same twisted logic !
Armstrong said:
But Kashmir is an Internationally recognized dispute where the right of self-determination was promised to them by Mr.Nehru himself before any of the dozens of UN Resolutions and dozens of Solutions on the issue came about -
They should be given the right of self determination and those who want to join the Pakistani side of Kashmir should be allowed to cross the border and likewise in Azad Kashmir.
Isn't lord manvan also from Kerala?
I have seen him use many south Indian languages...cant say which place he belongs to.
They should be given the right of self determination and those who want to join the Pakistani side of Kashmir should be allowed to cross the border and likewise in Azad Kashmir.

And the Land stays with you; how nice ! :)

Such a messed up definition of the Right of Self-Determination if there ever was ! :disagree:

Maybe the British should've said - Yup you can opt out of British India by 'opting out' of British India ! :crazy:

Aaap loggg sincere hiii nahin hain tou ageiii kiyaa baaat karniii haiii ?

P.S I'm eating Stuffed Chicken Breast with Black Pepper Sauce ! :D

Can you please go & bake me a Potato with a Cheese & Onion paste lathered over it ! :ashamed:
And the Land stays with you; how nice ! :)
You've an almost equal share,dont you?
And i thought all this hullabaloo was for the Kashmiris and not the "land".
I hope someday Kashmiris understand why Pakistan has been so mellifluous towards 'em all this while...someday.

Armstrong said:
Aaap loggg sincere hiii nahin hain tou ageiii kiyaa baaat karniii haiii ?

P.S I'm eating Stuffed Chicken Breast with Black Pepper Sauce ! :D

Can you please go & bake me a Potato with a Cheese & Onion paste lathered over it ! :ashamed:
Bol liya?? :coffee:
Nair from Kerala, is what he has stated.
And you believe him??
"Good morning"!!
And you believe him??
"Good morning"!!
Any specific reason to disbelieve him on that point?

Right now he is trying to bate me into a battle on an ISRO thread (in his latest avatar).
Any specific reason to disbelieve him on that point?

Right now he is trying to bate me into a battle on an ISRO thread (in his latest avatar).
Thanks to members like you who've not just fed the troll but also made him fat,rich and happy..
You've an almost equal share,dont you?
And i thought all this hullabaloo was for the Kashmiris and not the "land".
I hope someday Kashmiris understand why Pakistan has been so mellifluous towards 'em all this while...someday.

Occupying someone's house & then asking them to leave when they demand their rights seems like the just thing - What impeccable logic ! :tup:

And when someone speaks up on their behalf they must have their eyes set on their prime real estate - Innit ? :disagree:

Pakistanis have even said on numerous occasions that even if the Kashmiris choose to be free from both Pakistan & India - We've got no objection over it....there goes our real-estate hunger !

I wonder if the same argument can be applied to you ? It was never about the Indians....it was always about the Land hence why we kicked the British out - You wouldn't buy that nonsense in that case...would you ?

But when it suits you people, the utter imbecility of the arguments presented is astounding !
Occupying someone's house...
Kashmir is only occupied by Kashmiris. "Occupy" as in residing there. Of course there are non Kashmiri security forces present too.

But all in all, Kashmiris have the same rights as any other Indian, and then some more.
Kashmir is only occupied by Kashmiris. "Occupy" as in residing there. Of course there are non Kashmiri security forces present too.

But all in all, Kashmiris have the same rights as any other Indian, and then some more.

Yes...yes very profound ! :coffee:
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