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Beautiful pictures of Iran

iran is a great country to have as a pakistani neighbour

some photos of iranian people




Uff Hammy! :lol::D Have you made peace with Iranians? Good Good!! Nice pictures... :D

well, arguement with iranians doesnt mean we should forget our neighbours, iran is the only country which gets far less attention than other neighbours though we share a huge boundary with them, except tajikistan which is very close to pakistan and can be termed as a neighbouring country!!. like many other countries iran is one important country in the world. it also has a lot of potential in the present world. we as neighbours have many thing in common too. being our neighbours, its essential to learn about them.

if time permits ill post some other pics too

Iran is beautiful, the problem is, the leader you have chosen!!!!

You can be a great country in the world if your leader just keeps his mouth shut or reforms to westerns ways, which his young population is already doing so.

My prediction, When someone is so oppressed, it tends to find it's way to freedom....


Iran pre-1979
Some of these pictures are all pre-revolution Iran. I doubt you would see anything like this today in Iran.

So can an IRANIAN please answer the following question:
"I am not a profoundly religous person, but my family is muslim and I was raised as one..and I give charity to the mosque, I am open minded with non muslim friends, but I keep my muslim identity alive. Ive noticed in NJ there are a lot of Iranians or "persians" as they call themselves, and they don't care about Islam. They don't fast, pray, go to mosque, etc. I am not saying I am one to judge, to each his own, but I never met a single Iranian in Los Angeles who identifies with Islam in the slightest bit. Can anyone explain why??"

I copied and pasted this question because it is exactly what my case is and exactly what I had been wondering earlier. Almost every Iranian I have met is not even the slightest bit religious nor does he or she heartily identify themselves as Muslim. I also remember a situation where an Iranian American and an Arab American once got in a fight. I assumed that it had been about some accident but later I came to know that the Iranian was actually racist or something against the Arab. I looked online for some information about why an Iranian Muslim would go around hating on another Muslim. And I was absolutely SHOCKED by the pro-Zoroastrianism and pro-Persia articles I read written by Iranians. I also came to know that I guess [some?] Iranians hated Arabs and did not want anything to do with them. A tiny amount even went as far as blaming Islam for their countries troubles.

So could an Iranian PLEASE answer this post. And set me straight for what these issues really are why they have come to be?
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Yeah the traffic is a problem, it has been neglected for too long however they are really investing a lot of resources improving this. It is heavily regulated now, although it will take a while for it to feed through, and they are improving public transport routes and building Metro systems in every major city. Hopefully it will improve in the future.

Balashahr is great but it is too expensive, in some places it is more expensive per square feet than the most expensive place in America lol.

I visited Iran about 10 years ago and i was there for couple of months, the traffic that time was horrible, hope it is getting better after a decade. I love iranian films, old and new ones. comedy, family, relationships, action etc. they are fantastic. i used to watch some of the dramas online but i dont have access to that site anymore, they want you to pay for it. have you watched Hazrate Yousuf, Mardane unjeles(something like that), Baghe Muzafar? they are super dramas, especially Baghe Muzafar. Mehran Mudiri is a superb actor.

And yes, i shouldnt forget the legendry Samad Agha(Parviz Sayad). lol
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