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Beautiful pictures of Iran

Lately i saw pictures of Baku and now Iran, for once i am really impressed the way some Muslims countries look not to mention Malaysia, the good part is all those people who seek living in a better or a clean environment can relocate to these states instead of going to Europe or states like usa who want to scan through peoples trousers as well :sick: . and above all they wont be targeted for being muslims or subject to any racism :cheers:
Lately i saw pictures of Baku and now Iran, for once i am really impressed the way some Muslims countries look not to mention Malaysia, the good part is all those people who seek living in a better or a clean environment can relocate to these states instead of going to Europe or states like usa who want to scan through peoples trousers as well :sick: . and above all they wont be targeted for being muslims or subject to any racism :cheers:

go to Istanbul next. All I can say is "WOW"

truly magical city
Truthseeker is good member.....He posted some pics which are of Iran. I dont see that as trolling. Shah of IRan.... However rejected by iranian people but still he ruled Iran and is part of Iranian History. And some other pics. I dont see anything Anti Iran or troll.

And again....Truthseeker is very good member....Think a little before calling him troll.
Thank you webmaster, but i am afraid these people haven't learnt and continue to go off topic.

Abi, Sir,
Where have you told us what the "topic" of this thread is? You didn't say at the outset. You, yourself have made numerous "political" remarks. After Webmasters intervention, I thought the "topic" was "Iran in Pictures", but not political pictures. Isn't that correct?
Hot damn, do you guys love going off topic. Put in an extra amount of effort to keep the non-sense off this forum. I especially liked the photos.

TS, let the guy show off his country a bit. I know you guys call it the axis of evil, but to each their own. Learn to keep something light as light and don't dump in the 2 tons of agenda along.

Abi n all, Iran may be Islamic today, but when you start a thread called just "Iran" you're inviting a general discussion on Iran. You need to specify what your purpose is with the thread. Moreover. I read EACH and every post on this thread. You are entertaining every offtopic comment for the first 10 posts and after that you're reporting posts. That doesn't work. You just report the post and move on.

The moderation work on this thread has to be some sort of record.

Please stick to nice, lovey dovey pictures here - only. You have the rest of the Defence.pk to grill the Iranians on politics, oh and the Iranians have every right to grill you guys too.
TS, let the guy show off his country a bit.

Please stick to nice, lovey dovey pictures here - only.

Thanks for the guidance AA! Lovey dovey it is!


Sepandarmazgan - Iranian Love day


Sepandārmazgān or Esfandegan (in Persian: سپندارمذگان)[1] is the celebration day of love and earth in ancient Iranian culture. This day is dedicated to Spenta Armaiti, Spandārmad in Middle Persian, the Middle Iranian language/ethnolect of Southwestern Iran that during Sassanid times (224-654 CE) became a prestige dialect and so came to be spoken in other regions as well.

It is celebrated the 29th of Bahman in Iranian calendar. Modern folklore dates the celebration to ancient times and Zoroastrian tradition.[citation needed] Sepandarmazgan is the celebration day of Love, Friendship and Earth in ancient Persian culture.


According to Iranian tradition, the day of Sepandarmazgan was held in the Great Persian Empire in the 20th century BC. That is the national title of the Earth and the Earth is the symbol of love & modesty. Persians have a rich culture with many great feasts based on natural occasions that have been mixed up with happiness and Joy. In the feast of Sepandarmazgan, the Earth was worshiped and women venerated. On this day, women and girls sat on the throne and men and boys had to obey them and bring them presents and gifts. In this way, men were reminded to acclaim and respect women. Sepandarmaz is another name for mainyu (earth) meaning Holy, Humble and Passionate. Sepandarmaz is also Earth Guardian Angel. It is the symbol of humbleness. It means modest toward the entire creation. These are the qualities attributed to Earth that spreads beneath our feet, thus the symbol of modesty and love. As human beings, there are creatures that we find unpleasant and repulsive, but Earth is not like us. She embraces all creatures the same and loves them the same; like a mother who loves all children alike, even when they are ugly. In ancient Persian culture, mother is symbolized by Sepandarmaz or earth.

In ancient Iran each day of the month had a name, and all months had 30 days. For example, the first day was called Ahuramazda, the second day Bahman, which is the first attribute of God, the third day was called Ordibehesht meaning truth and purity which again are attributes of God. The fourth day is called Shahrivar, meaning ideal kingship that belongs to God who rules the whole universe. The cryptic meaning of this word is that in the same way that God rules over the heavenly bodies, we should rule our bodies with good thoughts, words and deeds. This brings us to the fifth day Sepandarmaz. Another rule here was that whenever the name of a day coincided with that of the month, a feast was held. So the feast of Sepandarmazgan is held on the sepandarmaz day of the month of Esfand (originally Spand or Espand). Similarly, the 16th day of any month is called Mehr and the feast of Mehrgan is held on the 16th day of the month of Mehr which was one of the most important feasts of the past. The day of Aban in the month of Aban is the day of another feast called Abangan, and was used as an occasion to appreciate and worship water and the day of Azar in the month of Azar, called Azargan was the feast of appreciation of fire and so forth.

Date of celebration
The original date for this ceremony was 5th of Esfand, which corresponds to 17th February in the Gregorian calendar. The popular revised date of 29th Bahman, or 23th February, is due to the disorganized calendering during the past 20 years.

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