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Beautiful pictures of Iran

I always thought the idiot General Zia made a huge mistake by allying Pakistan with the Saudis and alienating the Iranians and the Turks.

Pakistan should not take sides and steer a middle course and be friends with the Iranians, Turks and the Arabs.

At least the Iranians and Turks are smart enough to develop their own indigenous capabilities and develop things themselves, unlike the Arab governments who spend all their money buying foreign-made toys.

Heard of D-8 countries???
The Conference of the Birds - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Conference of the Birds (Persian: منطق الطیر, Mantiq at-Tayr, 1177) is a book of poems in Persian by Farid ud-Din Attar of approximately 4500 lines. The poem uses a journey by a group of 30 birds, led by a hoopoe as an allegory of a Sufi sheikh or master leading his pupils to enlightenment.

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