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Beautiful pictures of Iran

Pakistan and Iran are apart of the D-8, also known as Developing-8, is an arrangement for development cooperation among the following countries: Bangladesh, Egypt, Indonesia, Iran, Malaysia, Nigeria, Pakistan and Turkey.

The objectives of D-8 Organization for Economic Cooperation are to improve member states’ position in the global economy, diversify and create new opportunities in trade relations, enhance participation in decision-making at international level, and improve standards of living.

Sorry India only Muslim countries allowed. :lol:
In 1947 Iran was the first country to recognize the newly independent state of Pakistan
golshifte farahani is gorgeous! I've had a crush on her for ages lol
Claudia is the ugliest girl on earth w/out her makeup! she looks like a bird.
jinxed_girl you seem to know a thing or two about Iran no? Do you watch Iranian movies?
btw I can't post links so you guys can google this. IMO one of the hottest Iranian actresses is Golshifteh Farahani

Yeah I know alot about Iran lol! ;) yeah I watch Iranian movies and know about great directors of Iran like Mohsin Makhmaldaf, Tahmineh Milani and others

Iranian films have won lots of International awards.. I wish Pakistani film industry models itself on Iranian Film Industry.
a side effect of the revolution has been an advance in our film industry but unfortunately the real effects of the revolution have been mostly negative. I'm sure you disagree Abi but I don't want to have a debate so don't create a fuss over this, k?
a side effect of the revolution has been an advance in our film industry but unfortunately the real effects of the revolution have been mostly negative. I'm sure you disagree Abi but I don't want to have a debate so don't create a fuss over this, k?

Ok lol! your film industry is great... They showed an Iranian movie at our workplace too to celebrate the diversity of World Cultures... I think the name of the movie was "Children of Heaven" or something like that.
Ok lol! your film industry is great... They showed an Iranian movie at our workplace too to celebrate the diversity of World Cultures... I think the name of the movie was "Children of Heaven" or something like that.

yeah that's a nice movie but my all time favorites are color of paradise and turtles can fly. The latter is actually filmed in Iraqi Kurdistan and it's a really sad film. They're both real tearjerkers.
yeah that's a nice movie but my all time favorites are color of paradise and turtles can fly. The latter is actually filmed in Iraqi Kurdistan and it's a really sad film. They're both real tearjerkers.

Children of Heaven is not my favorite Iranian movie, it was just shown at our workplace.

I will surely watch the movies recommended by you. One of the Iranian movie Kandahar (2001) also made the list of All time 100 Great Films selected by Times Magazine..

Kandahar (2001) - ALL-TIME 100 Movies - TIME
Thank you truth seeker for the pics
I'm Iranian and hopefully I can add some pics when I have time

btw I've been visiting this forum for ages but only joined when I saw this guy Abi making posts. The guy seems to be a hardcore mullah lover so I thought it wouldn't hurt to join and show how Iran truly is.
viva freedom
Javid Iran :usflag::pakistan:

btw happy norooz everyone (persian new year)

Guys when will you all wake up and realize that Iran is pretty diverse. No one is more right than the other, some are "mullah-lovers" some are "Shah-lovers" some are neither and some are something totally different. The quicker you realize it the better.
Everyone has his or her own image of Iran and it's tearing you apart.
Guys when will you all wake up and realize that Iran is pretty diverse. No one is more right than the other, some are "mullah-lovers" some are "Shah-lovers" some are neither and some are something totally different. The quicker you realize it the better.
Everyone has his or her own image of Iran and it's tearing you apart.

actually you're wrong
Only an extreme minority is in favor of these criminals!
Most religious Iranians actually hate this regime b/c of its fascist behavior. They also hate it b/c it has made most of the youth of Iran anti Islam. In Iran you can go in the street and badmouth every single prophet from top to bottom and nobody will give a damn but do that in Turkey which is a secular democracy and you will get your *** kicked. The majority of Iranians want a democratic and free society and more importantly they're willing to give this regime a chance but the mofos are too stupid to realize it. Iranians don't really want another revolution but they want freedom. If this regime was smart it would stop trying to turn us into Arabs and allow us to live in peace! This would actually be beneficial for them too but...

@ jinxed_girl
I saw that movie a long time ago and I remember Afghans were pretty pissed about it (the ones living in the west). They were saying that we Iranians are trying to make money out of their misery lol

And definitely watch the color of paradise! I think that's considered one of the best Iranian movies ever!
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