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Why do Iranians hate Pakistanis?

This one Iranian girl said online

In fact I think Iranians respect Indians more than most countries (we look to ancient history a lot) like we respect China. The same cannot be said for Pakistan, as Pakistanis are the targets of great resentment, especially when they try to claim Iranian heritage by saying they resemble us. That makes us REALLY ANGRY. But we're cool with Indians.

Same for Afghans and some or most Arabs :confused::confused: :eek:
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Wow. The Shah looks like a pretty cool guy, he chills and doesn't afraid of anything.
Why do Iranians hate Pakistanis?

This one Iranian girl said online

In fact I think Iranians respect Indians more than most countries (we look to ancient history a lot) like we respect China. The same cannot be said for Pakistan, as Pakistanis are the targets of great resentment, especially when they try to claim Iranian heritage by saying they resemble us. That makes us REALLY ANGRY. But we're cool with Indians.

Same for Afghans and some or most Arabs :confused::confused: :eek:

well obviously I can only speak for Iranians and I think our reason for "not respecting" pakistanis is different. Arabs I think hate Pakistanis b/c they think they're poor etc... Afghans hate Pakistan b/c of the taliban and also b/c they view the pashtun areas as their own.
Iranians have a negative image of Pakistanis b/c of how religious you are. They view Pakistanis as extremist muslims!
The girl you quoted is correct when she says "we look to ancient history a lot." Unlike almost ALL other muslim countries the vast majority of Iranians love ancient cultures and they see Pakistan as an arab wannabe Islamic state with no real history or culture. It's also true that we respect India A LOT. Everybody in Iran likes India but ask them smtg about India and they will look @ you like an idiot, same thing about Pakistan. It's mostly ignorance and generalization.

I hope you weren't offended by what I'm saying; I'm trying to simplify and generalize the attitude of the entire country.
P.S. remeber that although Iran is an Islamic Republic and a theocracy, the people are different from the govt. Almost all ppl that visit IRan will tell you that Iranians are the most secular and Western people in the middle east and certainly much more western than AFG and Pakistan. So although the people are muslim, they don't want to be associated w/ Arabs, Afghans, Pakistanis etc...
that puzzles me. if iranian people have such liberal view than why did Iran have an Islamic revolution. I ought to read more about Iran. do you know a good Iranian forum.

well obviously I can only speak for Iranians and I think our reason for "not respecting" pakistanis is different. Arabs I think hate Pakistanis b/c they think they're poor etc... Afghans hate Pakistan b/c of the taliban and also b/c they view the pashtun areas as their own.
Iranians have a negative image of Pakistanis b/c of how religious you are. They view Pakistanis as extremist muslims!
The girl you quoted is correct when she says "we look to ancient history a lot." Unlike almost ALL other muslim countries the vast majority of Iranians love ancient cultures and they see Pakistan as an arab wannabe Islamic state with no real history or culture. It's also true that we respect India A LOT. Everybody in Iran likes India but ask them smtg about India and they will look @ you like an idiot, same thing about Pakistan. It's mostly ignorance and generalization.

I hope you weren't offended by what I'm saying; I'm trying to simplify and generalize the attitude of the entire country.
P.S. remeber that although Iran is an Islamic Republic and a theocracy, the people are different from the govt. Almost all ppl that visit IRan will tell you that Iranians are the most secular and Western people in the middle east and certainly much more western than AFG and Pakistan. So although the people are muslim, they don't want to be associated w/ Arabs, Afghans, Pakistanis etc...
that puzzles me. if iranian people have such liberal view than why did Iran have an Islamic revolution. I ought to read more about Iran. do you know a good Iranian forum.

The Rural and urban Iran are two different world , Many are very religious in Rural Iran and Support the conservative ideology.
What the hell?

"especially when they try to claim Iranian heritage by saying they resemble us."

When the hell has anyone ever said that? Iranians gotta stop talking to little kids.
A harmless question for Iranian - just trying to understand Iran better -

Does Iran have Paksitan style blasphemy laws?
Why do Iranians hate Pakistanis?

This one Iranian girl said online

In fact I think Iranians respect Indians more than most countries (we look to ancient history a lot) like we respect China. The same cannot be said for Pakistan, as Pakistanis are the targets of great resentment, especially when they try to claim Iranian heritage by saying they resemble us. That makes us REALLY ANGRY. But we're cool with Indians.

Same for Afghans and some or most Arabs :confused::confused: :eek:


I googled your post to see where you got it from.. and it is from answers.yahoo.com... right?

Here is the link..

Do iranians have some kind of dislike for indian people? - Yahoo! Answers

The original question was about

"Do iranians have some kind of dislike for indian people?";)
Why do Iranians hate Pakistanis?

This one Iranian girl said online

In fact I think Iranians respect Indians more than most countries (we look to ancient history a lot) like we respect China. The same cannot be said for Pakistan, as Pakistanis are the targets of great resentment, especially when they try to claim Iranian heritage by saying they resemble us. That makes us REALLY ANGRY. But we're cool with Indians.

Same for Afghans and some or most Arabs :confused::confused: :eek:

Of all its neighbors... some Iranians hate Arabs and Afghans more than Pakistanis... just because of sheer ignorance... There is a whole group on facebook "AFGHANS are NOT Persians!!! Not even close!!!"

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That doesn't mean anything... Afghans are Iranic people and are twin brothers of Iranians.. if some Iranians deny that, either they are denying history or they are ignorant..
well obviously I can only speak for Iranians and I think our reason for "not respecting" pakistanis is different. Arabs I think hate Pakistanis b/c they think they're poor etc... Afghans hate Pakistan b/c of the taliban and also b/c they view the pashtun areas as their own.
Iranians have a negative image of Pakistanis b/c of how religious you are. They view Pakistanis as extremist muslims!
The girl you quoted is correct when she says "we look to ancient history a lot." Unlike almost ALL other muslim countries the vast majority of Iranians love ancient cultures and they see Pakistan as an arab wannabe Islamic state with no real history or culture. It's also true that we respect India A LOT. Everybody in Iran likes India but ask them smtg about India and they will look @ you like an idiot, same thing about Pakistan. It's mostly ignorance and generalization.

I hope you weren't offended by what I'm saying; I'm trying to simplify and generalize the attitude of the entire country.
P.S. remeber that although Iran is an Islamic Republic and a theocracy, the people are different from the govt. Almost all ppl that visit IRan will tell you that Iranians are the most secular and Western people in the middle east and certainly much more western than AFG and Pakistan. So although the people are muslim, they don't want to be associated w/ Arabs, Afghans, Pakistanis etc...

Why is there hate between Arabs and Iranians? Is it mainly because of the Shia and Sunni sect?

For example Iranians in UAE are mistreated:
Lawmakers protest UAE's mistreatment of Iranians - Irna

I also read somewhere that Pakistanis, Iranians, Indonesians get mistreated during the Hajj in KSA?
Some Iranians think they are better than all their neighbors, whether they are Pakistanis, Arabs, Afghans, Turks etc... That kind of attitude has isolated them from most of their neighbors... they have to make peace with their neighbors if they want to survive. There was a long article in some Turkish Magazine about why Turks don't like Iranians...
well obviously I can only speak for Iranians and I think our reason for "not respecting" pakistanis is different. Arabs I think hate Pakistanis b/c they think they're poor etc... Afghans hate Pakistan b/c of the taliban and also b/c they view the pashtun areas as their own.
Iranians have a negative image of Pakistanis b/c of how religious you are. They view Pakistanis as extremist muslims!
The girl you quoted is correct when she says "we look to ancient history a lot." Unlike almost ALL other muslim countries the vast majority of Iranians love ancient cultures and they see Pakistan as an arab wannabe Islamic state with no real history or culture. It's also true that we respect India A LOT. Everybody in Iran likes India but ask them smtg about India and they will look @ you like an idiot, same thing about Pakistan. It's mostly ignorance and generalization.

I hope you weren't offended by what I'm saying; I'm trying to simplify and generalize the attitude of the entire country.
P.S. remeber that although Iran is an Islamic Republic and a theocracy, the people are different from the govt. Almost all ppl that visit IRan will tell you that Iranians are the most secular and Western people in the middle east and certainly much more western than AFG and Pakistan. So although the people are muslim, they don't want to be associated w/ Arabs, Afghans, Pakistanis etc...

Thank you. 9 posts in this forum and you have no idea how much you have helped me understand what Iran's attitude is toward Pakistan.

Let your people know we are not all religious fanatics! :angel:
But... seems as though they are moving away from Islam... which is something even us Liberal Pakistani's must frown upon. :confused:
Why is there hate between Arabs and Iranians? Is it mainly because of the Shia and Sunni sect?

For example Iranians in UAE are mistreated:
Lawmakers protest UAE's mistreatment of Iranians - Irna

I also read somewhere that Pakistanis, Iranians, Indonesians get mistreated during the Hajj in KSA?

The hate between Arabs and Iranians is historical..

Iranians don't like the fact that Arabs conquered them and converted them to Islam. Some Arabs even tried to change the name of Persian Gulf to Arabian Gulf :lol::lol: and Iranians came with this ...

Arabian Gulf


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