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Yes thats where I got it from.

But I typed in on Google "why do iranians hate pakistanis"

and you found only 1 obscure reply on some yahoo answer forum and that too directed towards Indians :rofl::rofl:

google have all kind of stuff... if you google for something specific, ofcourse you will find something somewhere... :lol::lol:

Now I can google "why pakistanis hate iranians" and after some search I can find one or two posts on that too :D:D
and you found only 1 obscure reply on some yahoo answer forum and that too directed towards Indians :rofl::rofl:

google have all kind of stuff... if you google for something specific, ofcourse you will find something somewhere... :lol::lol:

Now I can google "why pakistanis hate iranians" and after some search I can find one or two posts on that too :D:D

No there are other places I've seen resentment toward Pakistanis from Iranians and Arabs and Afghans. In chat rooms and other forums thats why I did a google search. I just used that quote as an example
Jinxed Girl:

How is U.S.A. towards Pakistanis and Muslims?

The one girl towards the end of this video with her American friend looks Pakistani.

Here is a video I found:

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No there are other places I've seen resentment toward Pakistanis from Iranians and Arabs and Afghans. In chat rooms and other forums thats why I did a google search. I just used that quote as an example

Don't worry... in U.S.A middle easterners have become the most despised group .... no one wants to be associated with them in U.S.A especially with Arabs, Persians and Afghans.. ;)
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KeenGuy don't worry about that. ;) If any discrimination comes our way, we can handle it.

I've lived my whole life here and no one has ever been racist or discriminatory in practical life. Your video must have taken place in the Bible-belt of the United States where all the Red necks live.

Diversity holds us together.

Why do Iranians hate Pakistanis?

This one Iranian girl said online

In fact I think Iranians respect Indians more than most countries (we look to ancient history a lot) like we respect China. The same cannot be said for Pakistan, as Pakistanis are the targets of great resentment, especially when they try to claim Iranian heritage by saying they resemble us. That makes us REALLY ANGRY. But we're cool with Indians.

Same for Afghans and some or most Arabs :confused::confused: :eek:

I think that gril does not know anything about Iran public mind. Pakistan is one of Iran good friend since PK independence, specially after 1979 Iran support PK on Kashmir issues which effected Indian and Iran relation and we payed cost for that, also Iran supported PK nuclear bomb test in public policy.
only after Parviz Mosharraf speech against Iran nuclear program and Rigi terrorist used PK land against Iran some voices asking for balance relation with PK even it is not public issues only in Universities and Parlement.
I think that gril does not know anything about Iran public mind. Pakistan is one of Iran good friend since PK independence, specially after 1979 Iran support PK on Kashmir issues which effected Indian and Iran relation and we payed cost for that, also Iran supported PK nuclear bomb test in public policy.
only after Parviz Mosharraf speech against Iran nuclear program and Rigi terrorist used PK land against Iran some voices asking for balance relation with PK even it is not public issues only in Universities and Parlement.

Excluding politics.

What about Iranian people's sentiment towards Pakistani people?
I will be very honest with you guys. We Iranians are like Americans. Mostly self righteous people and we think we're gods gift to humanity lol This has made us become very ignorant of our surrounding countries. We only really care about Europe, that's it!
Ask a random Iranian (less than 30 years old) about Pakistan and I WILL GUARANTEE YOU that they won't know ANYTHING about Pakistan. We know more about maldives than Pakistan. Actually I will write down what an Iranian will think about first when he/she hears the names of the neighboring countries.

Pakistan: (o-0)
India: Indian movies
Afghanistan: Taliban, afghani construction workers
Tajikistan: They're persians, the country belongs to us
Turkeminstan, Azerbaijan, bahrain etc... :they're not real countries, they belong to us

there, that's the extent of a random Iranian's knowledge about the region! You can't really hate or love somebody when you're so ignorant!

As for why we hate arabs, well, lets just say we've been fighting and chopping heads for more than 3-4 thousand years lol
I think that gril does not know anything about Iran public mind. Pakistan is one of Iran good friend since PK independence, specially after 1979 Iran support PK on Kashmir issues which effected Indian and Iran relation and we payed cost for that, also Iran supported PK nuclear bomb test in public policy.
only after Parviz Mosharraf speech against Iran nuclear program and Rigi terrorist used PK land against Iran some voices asking for balance relation with PK even it is not public issues only in Universities and Parlement.

woooh man
you live in China?
never knew Iranians lived in China
No there are other places I've seen resentment toward Pakistanis from Iranians and Arabs and Afghans. In chat rooms and other forums thats why I did a google search. I just used that quote as an example

listen, internet isn't real life.
As I said, Iranians are ignorant people but we're not racist. In real life we're friendly with everyone but anybody can come on the internet and write some bull ****.
that puzzles me. if iranian people have such liberal view than why did Iran have an Islamic revolution. I ought to read more about Iran. do you know a good Iranian forum.

well the revolution wasn't an "Islamic" revolution in the beginning, it was just a revolution. In Iran sometimes people call it the people's revolution and it was just that. The fascist, the communist, the religious, the atheist etc... all decided the shah must go and khomaini was the leader of the people. The most active groups however were communist groups and they were one of the biggest reasons why the revolution took place. The reason why Iran is like this today is the 8 year war with Iraq. EVERYTHING CHANGED DURING AND AFTER THE WAR!!! I haven't watched the movie "Persepolis" but I think it explains the whole thing pretty good.
listen, internet isn't real life.
As I said, Iranians are ignorant people but we're not racist. In real life we're friendly with everyone but anybody can come on the internet and write some bull ****.

Hey Nimroo,

I recognized you... ;)

Welcome to Pakistani forum.. :D

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