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Beautiful pictures of Iran

churches of Iran

Vank Cathedral, Isfahan

The interior of the Vank Cathedral in Isfahan, Iran. The Vank Cathedral was established by the Armenian community which is still present in modern-day Isfahan. The church was built in the mid 1600s and the interior is covered with fine paintings and tiled work depicting events from the life of Jesus as well as the torture inflicted upon Armenian martyrs at the hands of the Ottomans.
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pilgrims camping outside the church
Cathedral and Masjid look gorgeous......and very well preserved.

any pictures of the tombs of Hazrat Hafiz and Saadi?

coming right up :)
I wish I could put up the pictures I took 2 years ago in Shiraz. Unfortunately I burned my hard drive and I don't know where the back ups are :cry:
Tomb of Saadi, another great poet from Shiraz
"The world honors Saadi today by gracing the entrance to the Hall of Nations in New York with this call for breaking all barriers: "
Human beings are members of a whole,
In creation of one essence and soul.
If one member is afflicted with pain,
Other members uneasy will remain.
If you have no sympathy for human pain,
The name of human you cannot retain.




I remember this like it was yesterday. I used to make my dad crazy begging for coins to throw in there lol
Now time for some pics from Kish Island
Prepare to be shocked
yes this Iran not Lebanon or Bahrain


it's all good my Iranian blood brother.

Your input in this thread is appreciated by all of us. You have a nice country, Mashallah.

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