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Beautiful pictures of Iran

Dr Fehmida Mirza looks very pretty in Hijaab Masha'Allah

i wish and hope she start wearing hijaab more often
I always thought the idiot General Zia made a huge mistake by allying Pakistan with the Saudis and alienating the Iranians and the Turks.

Pakistan should not take sides and steer a middle course and be friends with the Iranians, Turks and the Arabs.

At least the Iranians and Turks are smart enough to develop their own indigenous capabilities and develop things themselves, unlike the Arab governments who spend all their money buying foreign-made toys.
They claim anywhere but fail to realize that they are closer then anyone to lose even what they got...
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It's the Dizin Ski resort on the Alborz mountain ranges just north of Tehran. This is from a ski guide:

Because of its altitude, Dizin ski resort has more snow and the ski season lasts for longer than at many European ski resorts. The air is also drier than at a lot of European resorts, making for some excellent powder.

Here is a picture taken at the Dizin ski resort of the Damavand Mountain, the tallest Mountain in the Middle east. You can see the Caspian sea behind it.
iran is ausum i also visited there but in qesham sheraz and bander abbas
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