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Beautiful pictures of Iran

beautiful pictures of iran but it should have been in the multimedia forum.
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Thank you for the kind words brother. You should go, people will welcome you with open arms.

I have visited Mash-had, Imam Raza, such a calm and lovely city. I have also been to Tehran, briefly in Rusht - a beautifully green city. I loved Bala Shahr and its people. Visiting Saadi and Hafiz is my dreams, they are one of the all time shining stars of persian letriture along with Mulanai Balkh, Faridudin Attar, Bedil, Daqiqi Balkhi and many others.
Yes its developed but the city shown below is tehran.Have u seen Islamabad?And how long have u been in england since last visit?
Dont want to be mean but i dont think world fears iran.They just want to destroy iran coz they dont want a second nuclear armed country.

I have been to islamabad a beautiful and great city. I have heard karachi is even better?
Thank you for the kind words brother. You should go, people will welcome you with open arms.

با کمال احترام به همه برادران ایرانی که از هر جای ایران باشند, میشود که یک سوالی بپرسم؟ شما خودتان فارس هستید؟
Wow I wasn't expecting Tehran to be so developed.And better than any South Asian City.

Damn Those Western Media they make you think like Iranians are living in stone age.
Amazing to see IRAN , persian nation be so well developed even with all the sanctions -

Amazing architecture, and even subway system. Beautiful landscape , and mountains and variations in weather

Truely a great nation and also a peace loving nation.

It's truly something that the "you know" don't want the world to see so anytime Iran is about to do something great they spread their propaganda against Iranian peoples will and ambition

But I hope that iranian nation and its people stay strong as they are almost free of the tyrant and opressive sanctions


Again I am am totally shocked at the great development done in Iran and its so clean and nice ...:yahoo: superb administration perhaps our own interior ministers and city officials can learn from plannig and engineering by Iranians
I would like to correct my fellow countrymen on the literacy rate they mentioned, the figure they mentioned is from 2007. Iran has the most successful literacy program. The current literacy rate is:

Total adult literacy rate (%): 89.1
Female adult literacy rate (%): 87.7
Male adult literacy rate (%): 90.5

The expected values in 2015 are:
Total adult literacy rate (%): 92.1
Female adult literacy rate (%): 91.7
Male adult literacy rate (%): 92.5
با کمال احترام به همه برادران ایرانی که از هر جای ایران باشند, میشود که یک سوالی بپرسم؟ شما خودتان فارس هستید؟

Bale, man farsi hastam.
Wow I wasn't expecting Tehran to be so developed.And better than any South Asian City.

Damn Those Western Media they make you think like Iranians are living in stone age.

That wasn't just Tehran, i showed the pictures of over 10 cities. All of Iran's major cities are this developed.
I like Iran but northwestern part of it are historical South Azerbaijan, wich should be returned.

Well Iranians don't want north Azerbaijan to be returned. You guys have been part of the Soviet union and Russia for too long. Iranian Azeris call Azeris from the Republic of Azerbiajan "azeri-e farangy" which means foreign azeri. You guys have a "sovietized" culture and are considered as "foreign" by our Azeri brothers in Iran.
WoW! :blink: :blink:

Lovely pictures bruv! One day i will definately visit Iran......these pics are just soooo great...:tup:
Whoa, Iran is astonishingly beautiful!!!!!!!! MashaAllah!

Its really well developed even under sanctions!!!
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