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BD to Purchase Submarines

No wonder many bangladeshi members here hates Indians...:hitwall:

Seriously if you can't post any thing good dont post at all.... You'll look more sober.

Why do i have a feeling that good Indian posters percentage reduced from 20% to 15%...

Sir, ur getting me wrong here.

im not against Bangladesh getting submarines.
Threat is China. Not Bangladesh.
so whats the strategical reason/importance of acquiring this sub for BN ?? any potent adversary ??

We have area of 40000 notical mile area of interest in bay of bengal . we need modern monitoring platform as well as submarine and warship to deter any aggration from any country .we are not hostile to any country but we can not let our exclusive economic zone unprotected .
well rather than attacking, we follow defensive policies therefore obviously there's some need of modern equipments. When our neighboring countries are getting stronger and stronger why shouldn we consider those as threats.
so whats the strategical reason/importance of acquiring this sub for BN ?? any potent adversary ??
With the comments i just read .... i'd say India....

BD should make its navy fast.... Unless BD also want to live like Palestine who is at mercy of Israel to get anything from sea.
what to do with sub.....fishing???? :cheesy::cheesy:

Whether we will buy sub-marine or not it is yet to decide. But the way the Indian making "mushkora" with us it is really painful. Yes, we are buying it for fishing purpose but at times it might be used against those who occassionaly comes and catch our fish in our exclusive zones.:victory::victory::victory:
We have area of 40000 notical mile area of interest in bay of bengal . we need modern monitoring platform as well as submarine and warship to deter any aggration from any country .we are not hostile to any country but we can not let our exclusive economic zone unprotected .

why would you need submarines to potect the interest area ?? if its only about protecting the exclusive economic zone, that too when you dont have any adversaries (as you have said)..then why subs ?? acquiring subs have a completely different strategic reasons...especially being surrounded by Indian land on all sides and sharing the same water region as India, it projects a very different and unfriendly image towards India.
There is no question of allowing Bangladesh to get a sub.

India will use all her influence in preventing it and if Bangladesh still manages to get hold of one then its gonna be a WAR.

You are surrounded by India on 3 sides then its quite obvious this sub is meant to be against us which cannot be allowed.

A sub is too strategic an asset to be allowed to fall in Bangladesh's hands.

Do not dream... your so called war will lead to the break up of NE India as those region does not want to remain part of India.... Just look what happened in south sudan.. NE India and kashmir will follow the suit... both USA and china will be happy to see a new state on NE india... Jana mana gana and vandey mataram singing will not stop that if you talk about these sort of rubbish word of war... Do not forget fate of NE india depends to a great extend on bd...
If Bangladesh wants it and can afford it, then it's none of anyones business....period.
With the comments i just read .... i'd say India....

If thats the case, then I agree with markus, that India has all the rights to making sure that, BN never poses a threat to Indian interest. so similarly as BD wants to keep it safe so it can do anything for its safety, then so can India.

BD should make its navy fast.... Unless BD also want to live like Palestine who is at mercy of Israel to get anything from sea.

If india had to do it, then they would have done it long before....but I gues, you never undertsand it. the fact that you compare India -Bd with israel/palestine issue tells me enough about your knowledge on the topic.
why would you need submarines to potect the interest area ?? if its only about protecting the exclusive economic zone, that too when you dont have any adversaries (as you have said)..then why subs ?? acquiring subs have a completely different strategic reasons...especially being surrounded by Indian land on all sides and sharing the same water region as India, it projects a very different and unfriendly image towards India.

india already occupied Bangladeshi island and encroached Bangladesh EEZ. India is clear and present danger to Bangladesh and our neighbors. India not only has a fleet of submarine but also armada to impose blockade. Bangladesh has to be duely prepared for indian threat. Indian thinking about Bangladesh puchase of submarine and of defence are indian mental problem and we should give only rats a** about that.
why would you need submarines to potect the interest area ?? if its only about protecting the exclusive economic zone, that too when you dont have any adversaries (as you have said)..then why subs ?? acquiring subs have a completely different strategic reasons...especially being surrounded by Indian land on all sides and sharing the same water region as India, it projects a very different and unfriendly image towards India.

Who says that we don't have any adversaries ???
I can see a big a giant monstar in front of us !!!!! Which is always keeping an eye on us like a video camera.
india already occupied Bangladeshi island and encroached Bangladesh EEZ. India is clear and present danger to Bangladesh and our neighbors. India not only has a fleet of submarine but also armada to impose blockade. Bangladesh has to be duely prepared for indian threat. Indian thinking about Bangladesh puchase of submarine and for defence is indian mental problem and we should give rats a** about that.

ahh ! here you are..so basically this is for India is this what you are saying ?? well, then India has all the right as I said earlier to make sure that BN never arises as a threat to India.and for that IN has all the righ to do anything.
Why u guys r worrying about Bangla Subs..
It's their right...
Let them buy...
12 P8i are on order..
GOI may increase to another 12 to patrol on the bangla side...
By the way in which year BN is expected to receive first of it's sub out of the total order. Which year is most probable?
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