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BD to Purchase Submarines

@ Dear Mod

I do not want you to justify for what you have done, at least to any Indian. You have done the right job. But I think Sami6108 was provoked by Indian trollers. You may lessen his ban duration.

One Indian troller was saying Indian PM will come to BD and will give us everything like electricity-power, soft loan, industries in such way that we are begging to them. I did not get the scope to reply to him, otherwise I had to ban too. Thanks God.
Is it so hard for members to understand that a progressing country needs improved arsenals for its security. When burma's developing nuclear warheads why should we be the sitting ducks? India may not be a threat but you never know what's gonna happen 20-30 yrs later. Does singapore need military power? I don't think so but still they have superb defense clusters.
And also u should know by improving arsenal,u will also get enemies..

Just look at Iran,N.korea..
Obviously we won't buy nukes to fight but rather to give the message
"Don't mess with us."

Who is fool enough to mess with you? It will be a huge burden. What is the defence budget of bangladesh. how many submarines are you buying?
@ Mod

I do not want you to justify for what you have done, at least to any Indian. You have done the right job. But I think Sami6108 was provoked by Indian trollers. You may lessen his ban duration.

One Indian troller was saying Indian PM will come to BD and will give us everything like electricity-power, soft loan, industries in such way that we are begging to them. I did not get the scope to reply to him, otherwise I had to ban too. Thanks God.

you are going off-topic here. if you got any problem, PM to mods plz!!!:angel:
Agreed. My question is who will give the money? bangladesh has a very small economy. this will make the people more poor.

i was also thinking the same
they are not economically in this position
and if we compare the need to economic situation ratio
they shouldn't go for it
Well people are missing the very basic point here. The subs will take 8-10 yrs to join the naval fleet(lets say 2 yrs to order and 4yrs for production and 2yrs training).

By that time it wouldn be a big deal. Also our defence budget is really small compared to the gdp. And people aren't really interested in wars anymore.

---------- Post added at 03:29 AM ---------- Previous post was at 03:28 AM ----------

Who will sell u nukes...?
can we get it from a mall...?

sorry I've edited the post:P

I meant subs not nukes
Lets assume BD buys 6 scorpenes...
How many years will it take to complete the production of those 6 subs..
Guys any idea...?
I think BD should collect ready made or old sub. If we order then it will take time. I think BD ordered for sub during the last Turkey PM's visit.

I am saying it again, I far I can remember I heard BD will collect or buy old sub from Pakistan. Does any one heard like this ever?
I think BD should collect ready made or old sub. If we order then it will take time. I think BD ordered for sub during the last Turkey PM's visit.

I am saying it again, I far I can remember I heard BD will collect or buy old sub from Pakistan. Does any one heard like this ever?
There is nothing called a s ready made sub marines..

And i wish u don't go for a Old used submarines..
They will be Outdated by the time it enters service...
There is nothing called a s ready made sub marines..

And i wish u don't go for a Old used submarines..
They will be Outdated by the time it enters service...

No we will not go for outdated sub if those can not meet our interests at all.
No we will not go for outdated sub if those can not meet our interests at all.
Then u may go for scorpene..
It will be a good one by the time it enter service..
But man it's costly..
18,000 crores for just 6..
Why does BD needs subs?, Bangladeshi Navy should currently focus on building its surface fleet, and IMO the purchase of subs will raise eyebrows in the Bangladeshi neighborhood.

The question should not have been asked by a Pakistani. It is our birth right to procure all kinds of weaponeries including 4 units of subs. We need to protect our land and sea areas from intrusion by an enemy with a poison heart, but masked with sweet smiles. This country which we regard as our eternal enemy is still occupying our South Talpatty.

Submarines are needed to protect also the sea-routes in the BoB which is also used by our friendly country China. These routes will be used hundred more times frequently by China once our deep sea-port is built in Cox's Bazaar.
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There is no question of allowing Bangladesh to get a sub.

India will use all her influence in preventing it and if Bangladesh still manages to get hold of one then its gonna be a WAR.

You are surrounded by India on 3 sides then its quite obvious this sub is meant to be against us which cannot be allowed.

A sub is too strategic an asset to be allowed to fall in Bangladesh's hands.

A war by India! A thief can steal when every one is sleeping. This is what India is doing in our border. Stealing fish and paddy. A war by India? I have never heard of it. Indians are basically BENIYA. People are also quite educated. Beniya and educated people do not like warfare. Our people are different. They are broad minded, but they are also warlike people.

So, don't say of adventurism. Read history. We all together will just destroy what is called India. It is with or without submarines.
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